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Here’s how the British news­pa­per the dai­ly mail char­ac­ter­ized Hamish Campbell’s employ­ment in Jamaica.
After 40 peo­ple were killed in October last year, Mr Campbell¿s watch­dog held a press con­fer­ence to express con­cerns about the wave of shoot­ings, which only mer­it­ed three para­graphs in a lead­ing local newspaper

Read more: http://​www​.dai​ly​mail​.co​.uk/​n​e​w​s​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​-​2​5​4​4​2​5​0​/​C​a​r​i​b​b​e​a​n​-​i​s​l​a​n​d​-​g​u​n​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​k​i​l​l​-​o​n​e​-​c​i​v​i​l​i​a​n​-​E​V​E​R​Y​-​d​a​y​-​C​a​l​l​s​-​i​n​q​u​i​r​y​-​c​l​a​i​m​s​-​a​l​l​e​g​e​d​-​d​e​a​t​h​-​s​q​u​a​d​s​-​J​a​m​a​ica.

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