You Simply Cannot Have It Both Ways On Crime.….


Montego Bay’s Mayor Glendon Harris alleges that robot taxis owned by police per­son­nel are pro­mot­ing ram­pant law­less­ness down­town busi­ness dis­trict of the Second City. Harris made the alle­ga­tions last week at a Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MBCCI) stake­hold­ers meet­ing in Montego Bay. Harris hit out against mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) who he accused of turn­ing a blind eye to traf­fic vio­la­tions, among myr­i­ad oth­er offences com­mit­ted in the city’s busi­ness cen­ter, accord­ing to the Jamaica Observer.
Mayor Harris went on quote : “If you go to the inter­sec­tion of Creek Street, St James Street, and this come in like a cho­rus now, you will find no less than 13 white plate cars… so I can say run­ning ‘robot’, from there to Clock and Mount Salem and we can’t get the police to deal with them,” Harris said.“My under­stand­ing is that these cars, by and large, are owned by police offi­cers. It is said that they are owned by police offi­cers. It needs the police to stamp on that once and for all,” he added.

Montego Bay's Mayor Glendon Harris
Montego Bay’s Mayor Glendon Harris

Hmm ..
This is a cry I seem to hear these days, peo­ple com­plain­ing that the Police are turn­ing a blind eye to offences being com­mit­ted in their very presence.
What I also recall is that many of these same peo­ple were front and cen­ter in con­dem­na­tion of Police offi­cers who took their jobs seri­ous­ly and aggres­sive­ly went after all offences. To the best of my rec­ol­lec­tion then the nar­ra­tive was that the police are pres­sur­ing poor peo­ple., Many active­ly instruct­ed offend­ers to phys­i­cal­ly assault police offi­cers. Not sat­is­fied they passed a law which crim­i­nal­ized police for doing their jobs. So lets get this straight you can­not have it both ways, these police offi­cers take action based on what they see. Since it is impos­si­ble to see for oth­ers, maybe these young offi­cers sim­ply haven’t seen these offence.

I remem­ber a time when young Police offi­cers walked those beats and made sure peo­ple had the right to live in peace. I

Glendon Harris being sworn in as Mayor of Montego Bay. Notice that the Jamaican flag which is being depicted behind the City's new chief Executive has no green in in it....
Glendon Harris being sworn in as Mayor of Montego Bay.
Notice that the Jamaican flag which is being depict­ed behind the City’s new chief Executive has no green in it.…

know a lit­tle about that I was one of those offi­cers. Jamaicans did not want that they com­plained about the police harass­ing poor peo­ple who are just try­ing to make a living.
In Kingston as well on King street. Orange street. Heywood street. North Parade. South Parade.East Parade. West Parade the prob­lem posed by mini-bus­es posed a seri­ous safe­ty prob­lem. Back then as young offi­cers we took a no non­sense approach to their deci­sion not to obey the traf­fic laws. The fact that the courts only fined offend­ers a mar­gin­al feel made enforce­ment a non issue as a deterrent .
In Montego Bay. Negril. and Ochio Rios the same was true, The Chamber of Commerce aligned itself with those who crave anar­chy and accused the police of apply­ing too much pres­sure to those who harass and intim­i­date Visitors to our Island. Again the claim was that the Police are pres­sur­ing poor peo­ple who only want to make a liv­ing. Well the con­se­quence of that is that Tourists were repelled and repulsed by being harangued so the all inclu­sive pack­ages became the choice of vis­i­tors. In addi­tion the seri­ous­ness of our crime sit­u­a­tion result­ed in a US State Department warn­ing to Americans wish­ing to trav­el to Jamaica.
That did not work out so well for the poor peo­ple who only want­ed to make a liv­ing now did it?

Harris con­tin­ued: “If peo­ple are allowed to do any­thing that they want to do, then that is why we end up with the mur­der rate as it is. You have to stop the small things. You are at a traf­fic light in Montego Bay; stop, and vehi­cle just pass you and the police are there, police vehi­cle is there and some­body just broke the stop light and gone and noth­ing is done.
This makes me laugh real­ly they still do not get it I am con­vinced. The Police are doing the bare min­i­mum and they still do not get it.  “Enforcement must be the order of the day in order for us to get back some law and order and civil­i­ty inside this city and inside this coun­try.” Said Harris.
You think?
Since we are on the lit­tle sub­ject of fix­ing small prob­lems I would just like to point out to the good­ly Mayor one tiny lit­tle trans­gres­sion he over­looked . This blun­der which defines the Mayor and his abil­i­ty to lead . That is the issue of the des­e­cra­tion of the Jamaican flag by polit­i­cal hacks who thought it was expe­di­ent or fun­ny to remove the green from the Jamaican flag when the Mayor was being installed as chief exec­u­tive of the city of Montego Bay.
Mister Mayor you could have demand­ed that the mon­stros­i­ty be tak­en down(in the event your argu­ment is you did not know it would be there as is). You could have decid­ed to be sworn in at anoth­er time, or in anoth­er venue. You did not.
When you point fin­gers and make grandiose state­ments be care­ful how you do that par­tic­u­lar­ly when you live in a glass house.
Go tell that to your Government Mayor Harris. tell that to the bunch of know it all’s who are shap­ing pub­lic pol­i­cy with­out an degree of ratio­nale at all . Tell that to the Elites who occu­py ivory tow­ers and relieve their con­sciences by pre­tend­ing to care about what hap­pens down-town while they would not be caught dead down there.
Tell that to those who dri­ve around in deeply tint­ed vehi­cles with the win­dows wound all the way up so they do not have to deal with win­dow-wip­ing squeegee-guys, or the beg­gars at the traf­fic lights.
They then go back to their gat­ed com­mu­ni­ties and man­sions on the hill and pon­tif­i­cate about how much they care for the poor.

Godfrey Dyer, the for­mer pres­i­dent of the MBCCI. chimed in ..

The peo­ple who you put there must serve. I have seen it also, things hap­pen­ing and a police­man walk­ing by and he does­n’t see it. They are not per­form­ing. They need super­vi­sion. It does­n’t make sense you send half a dozen police­man down town and you don’t have super­vi­sors check­ing on them to see what they are doing. They are just left there for the num­ber of hours that they are left there. They are not per­form­ing they should be a lot more effective,”

News flash, Supervisors can­not force younger offi­cers to make arrests. Though more mid­dle man­age­ment of younger offi­cers may be in order, no one can force any­one to make arrests​.You can­not force offi­cers to make arrest or be tough on offend­ers sim­ply because it suits your pur­pose now. The shit is now hit­ting the fan and it’s now about panicking.
Said Dyer: “The peo­ple who you put there must serve…Ah that supe­ri­or bull­shit , who did Dyer put out there? The real­i­ty is these shit-heads real­ly believe police offi­cers are their lit­tle bitch­es out there to serve their fidu­cia­ry and oth­er inter­ests. They do not care about the inter­est of the offi­cers who are out there stand­ing between them­selves and the anar­chists. You get police to crack down by sup­port­ing them and pay­ing them , you don’t get to demand anything.
Where was the cham­ber of com­merce when the police were fight­ing their wage battles?
Where were the cham­ber of com­merce when the Police were fight­ing an ill-advised and ill-con­fig­ured (inde­com) Act which empow­ers crim­i­nals more than it removes bad cops?

These sup­posed lead­ers need a healthy dose of intro­spec­tion , you can­not have it both ways, get your lazy judg­men­tal ass­es behind the Police , sup­port them and watch crime go away.
Then of course there are the courts where the lib­er­al judges sim­ply dis­pose of cas­es as they see fit , this place is fast becom­ing a failed state.
Too many know it all in this lit­tle Island.
Happy Independence day JAMAICA