You Killers Will Be Caught, Make No Mistake About It

Listen to audio com­men­tary above.

The cronies of the for­mer mur­der­ous mon­ster Ryan Peterkin oth­er­wise called Ratty should be on notice that no mat­ter where they hide, no mat­ter how long they are sup­port­ed by their crim­i­nal lov­ing rel­a­tives and friends, the long arm of the law will even­tu­al­ly reach them.

There should be no mis­take that there haven’t been police offi­cers who are will­ing to go the extra mile, take that extra risk, to ensure that our coun­try is not over­run by these demons.
These offi­cers, over the decades, have risked life and limb to do their jobs while arm­chair pun­dits and prog­nos­ti­ca­tors offer up opin­ions on sub­jects they have no idea about.
Our coun­try is not going to be made safe by sol­diers on the ground it is not going to be ren­dered safe by some sil­ly per­cep­tion that sol­diers are hon­est and police are cor­rupt and incompetent.

Ryan Peterkin o/​/​c Ratty
Note the semi-auto­mat­ic weapon in his right hand

Real offi­cers who served knows what is what, make no mis­take the police are not incom­pe­tent, they are not scared, they are shack­led and afraid to go after these mur­der­ers because of Government poli­cies which aid criminals.
I call on the gov­ern­ment to allow the police to go after these demon­ic killers with no holes barred. The future of our coun­try is teth­ered to the demise of these scum. They have made con­scious deci­sions to slaugh­ter inno­cent peo­ple and take what they want with­out consequence.
There should be no sup­port, for these kinds of indi­vid­u­als, tac­it or oth­er­wise from any tax­pay­er agency, civic group, or any­one else.
Those who offer com­fort, sup­port, and suc­cor to them must and will be exposed for what they are. Be it under­stood, that as far as is human­ly pos­si­ble we will do our part to expose and flush out those who are offer­ing sup­port to these creatures.

His oth­er weapons

I call on police offi­cers who may be think­ing of break­ing our nation’s laws, stop it. If you find that you can­not live on the salary they pay you, step aside and find some­thing else which will sus­tain your lifestyle.
I call on the gov­ern­ment to rein in its mon­grel ken­nel, yes the one you call INDECOM, we want our nation’s laws respect­ed and observed, we do not want tax­pay­er resources to go to fund­ing any agency which per­se­cutes and hin­ders our officers.

A curved mag­a­zine usu­al­ly of the type used in the AK-47 Rifle all recov­ered by the police

We are call­ing on the Government to offer lead­er­ship, we are call­ing on the oppo­si­tion par­ty, stop look­ing to score cheap polit­i­cal mileage under the guise of look­ing after the poor.
We will have no coun­try if the actions of these mur­der­ers are not halt­ed and halt­ed immediately.
The great­est right a per­son has is the right to life. I remind both the admin­is­tra­tion and the oppo­si­tion if you are inter­est­ed in fight­ing for the human rights of the ordi­nary Jamaican how about you look to ensure their right to life?

There are those who talk about tak­ing in these demons with­out fir­ing any shots, and so I call on Terrence Williams, and Hamish Campbell to join the police when they go out to appre­hend these killers.
Do a ride along, please you don’t need any weapons, these guys will not harm you. I per­son­al­ly sup­port your desire to see few­er police killings and as a con­se­quence, I sup­port your right to help in appre­hend­ing them.
In fact, I sup­port the right of all peo­ple who want few­er police shoot­ings, go on the ride alongs and beg them to surrender.
Hopefully, we can solve some oth­er prob­lems by your doing so.

We are tired of the excus­es and the sec­ond-guess­ing by the pun­dits, who ben­e­fit from the efforts of the police but have no decen­cy and char­ac­ter to offer sup­port and give thanks.
Jamaica is a very small coun­try giv­en enough time it will reach your door don’t you wor­ry. In the mean­time, we salute the offi­cers who removed this men­ace from the streets, and with­out a doubt saved numer­ous lives in the process.
Thank you.….….….……