You Cannot Claim To Be A Good Cop If You Do Not Stop Your Abusive Killer Comrades

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Those of you who like to pre­tend , what the world just wit­nessed is state execution.Carried out with­out a crime being com­mit­ted , a tri­al, or a ver­dict of guilt.
But it goes deep­er than that it is also state Thuggery at it’s finest. Cops who believe they are the Law. Not Law Enforcement Agents. But the law.
Stupid so-called black lead­ers talk about diver­si­ty in police depart­ments, as if that’s a panacea to the sys­temic prob­lem of police killings.
There was a female sergeant there, did she stop the mur­der? No she did noth­ing. Not only that, there were oth­er black cops there, obvi­ous­ly they were scared shit-less to inter­vene as their white killer com­rades abused and killed mis­ter Garner.

Black America is in seri­ous trou­ble.
When we talk about good cops every-time the ques­tion of mur­der­er cops comes up, we remove the shine from the ball.
We divert the nec­es­sary anger from this exis­ten­tial prob­lem.
You can­not claim to be a good cop if you stand by and watch abuse, to include mur­der hap­pen and take no action to stop it .
As a for­mer cop, for­mer col­leagues were some­times mad at me for step­ping in and pre­vent­ing abuse of cit­i­zens.
That in no way com­pro­mised theirs or my effec­tive­ness as tac­ti­cal offi­cers or as detec­tives.
If any­thing it allowed me/​us to be more effective.
Insofar as the New York inci­dents go there are enough bod­ies to show that this is a sys­temic prob­lem of cops who were indoc­tri­nat­ed under the Racial,divisive doc­trine of Rudolph Giuliani, exe­cut­ed by William Bratton and ex-con­vict Bernard Kerik.