You Call Them Whistleblowers I Call Them “patriots”.

One of the many tragedies of the Trump pres­i­den­cy has been the fear with­in the main­stream media to appear fair and bal­anced in the face of Trump’s inces­sant bar­rage of attacks.
Don’t be fooled Donald Trump assumed the pres­i­den­cy know­ing he was ille­git­i­mate, he knew he had to dis­cred­it the peo­ple who would do the inves­tiga­tive work and those who would report on those inves­ti­ga­tions and that is exact­ly what he did.
Shell-shocked at being con­stant­ly berat­ed for being left-lean­ing the media went out of its way to give cre­dence and oxy­gen to Donald Trump’s cam­paign of lies .…. all in an effort to ward off the charge of being biased.
Where the media gets it wrong, is the mis­guid­ed belief that report­ing the truth should be counter-bal­anced with an equal dose of Donald Trump’s inces­sant lies ad dis­tor­tions.
Fortunately, not all in the media are blind sheep. In a rare dis­play of courage MSNBC’s after­noon anchor and for­mer Bush 43rd aide, Nicole Wallace, fact-checked Donald Trump in real-time by cut­ting away from a live broad­cast by Trump, and informed view­ers that Trump was lying.
That is the kind of courage and char­ac­ter that is lack­ing among jour­nal­ists in the main­stream media.
If Donald Trump and his sup­port­ers are unhap­py with the report­ing of his lies and dis­tor­tions, He and his min­ions have the option of sim­ply telling the truth and desist­ing from the insid­i­ous cor­rupt prac­tices in which they are engaged. 

The unprece­dent­ed broad­sides against spe­cif­ic tar­gets with­in the FBI and the CIA, by Trump and his acolytes in the Republican Party, have been spec­tac­u­lar to watch.
Never in my life, have I seen a chief exec­u­tive and a polit­i­cal par­ty act with this degree of con­tempt for the norms and laws as they den­i­grate the struc­tures which have worked to make America the pow­er­ful nation it is.
Even more appalling, is the hypocrisy of the Republicans in both hous­es of the con­gress and their sup­port­ers who tra­di­tion­al­ly wrapped them­selves in the American Flag and tout­ed their fake Patriotism bona fides.
Specific tar­gets, like James Comey, Peter Strozk, John Brennan, Lisa Page and a host of oth­er top-tiered career pro­fes­sion­als have been attacked using the pow­er of the pres­i­den­cy and removed in a sus­tained cam­paign to hol­low out the intel­li­gence agen­cies, leav­ing the low­er rung career peo­ple ter­ri­fied to speak out, and of course plac­ing peo­ple at the top in main jus­tice and else­where, who have total feal­ty to him per­son­al­ly, not to the nation.
In the end, I believe that the Republic will with­stand this onslaught, not because of the par­ti­sans, but by the career patri­ots who love this coun­try and are will­ing to lay it all on the line for the good of their coun­try.
Some call them whistle­blow­ers, I sim­ply call them patriots.