Ye Loon

You sim­ply can­not make this up.

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Kanye West, with his bizarre White House meet­ing Thursday with Donald Trump, gave fresh proof that the line between celebri­ty and politi­cian is tru­ly no longer a thing.

West, sit­ting across from the Trump at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, went into a near­ly 10-minute speech, wear­ing Yeezy boots and his famous “Make America Great Again” hat.

Here are some of the wildest com­ments West made dur­ing his soliloquy:

1. “This is our pres­i­dent, he has to be the fresh­est, the fly­est, the fly­est planes, the best fac­to­ries and we have to make our core be in power.”

2. Trump “might not have expect­ed to have a crazy moth­er­fuck­er like Kanye West sup­port­ing him.”

3. West said he would poten­tial­ly run for pres­i­dent “only after 2024.”

4. “I love this guy.” [Followed up with a hug.]

5. “The prob­lem is ille­gal guns, ille­gal guns is the prob­lem. Not legal guns. We have the right to bear arms.”

6. “Let’s stop wor­ry­ing about the future, all we have is today. … Trump is on his hero’s jour­ney right now.”

7. “There was some­thing about when I put this hat on it made me feel like Superman. You made a Superman, that’s my favorite super­hero, you made a Superman cape for me.”

8. “One of the moves I love that lib­er­als try to do ― a lib­er­al would try to con­trol a black per­son with the con­cept of racism because they know we are a very proud, emo­tion­al people.”

9. Talking about the Constitution’s 13th Amendment, which for­bids slav­ery: “Why would you keep some­thing around that’s a trap door? If you’re build­ing a floor, the Constitution is the base of our indus­try, of our coun­try, of our com­pa­ny. Would you build a trap door that if you mess up and acci­den­tal­ly some­thing hap­pens, you fall and you end up next to the Unabomber? You got to remove all that trap door out of the relationship.”

10. “I think the way the uni­verse works is per­fect. We don’t have 13 floors, do we?”

11. “Time is a myth.”

12. “You are tast­ing a fine wine. It has com­plex notes to it.”

13. “My dad and my mom sep­a­rat­ed, so there was not a lot of male ener­gy in my home, and also I’m mar­ried to a fam­i­ly where, you know, there’s not a lot of male ener­gy. It’s beau­ti­ful though.”

14. “I love Hillary. I love every­one, but the cam­paign ‘I’m with her’ just didn’t make me feel — as a guy.”

Trump said at one point that West “can speak for me any time he wants. He’s a smart cook­ie. He gets it.”

When West was fin­ished speak­ing, Trump told the reporters around them: “I tell you what ― that was pret­ty impres­sive. That was quite something.”

West respond­ed: “It was from the soul. I just chan­neled it.”

Another wild thing that hap­pened is that the entire world learned that West’s iPhone pass­word is 000000. He typed it into his phone in front of live TV cameras.

White House press sec­re­tary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced the meet­ing ear­li­er this week, say­ing that “West is com­ing to the White House to have lunch with President Trump and he will also meet with Jared Kushner. Topics of dis­cus­sions will include man­u­fac­tur­ing resur­gence in America, prison reform, how to pre­vent gang vio­lence, and what can be done to reduce vio­lence in Chicago.” 

Last month, West appeared on “Saturday Night Live” wear­ing the red MAGA hat and pro­mot­ing Trump. After the show end­ed, he treat­ed the stu­dio audi­ence to a pro-Trump, anti-Democrat rant that was booed and lat­er slammed by cast mem­ber Pete Davidson as“one of the worse things I’ve ever seen work­ing here.”

West, hus­band of real­i­ty TV star Kim Kardashian, has been extreme­ly vocal about his enthu­si­asm for the pres­i­dent, fre­quent­ly post­ing about Trump on social media.


Jenna Amatulli