Wrong-headed Focus On Crime Incredibly Costly For Jamaicans

This was the head­line Amnesty International post­ed on its web­site March 8th 2012 , that head­line is still there almost three years later.
Additionally the London based Human Rights Group pro­ceed­ed to say .…

Police on the scene where 48-year-old Stenneth Smith was killed in downtown Kingston
Police on the scene where 48-year-old Stenneth Smith was killed in down­town Kingston

Quote; The killing of 21 peo­ple by Jamaican police in just six days must be sub­ject to a thor­ough inquiry, Amnesty International said as it called on the author­i­ties to mount an effec­tive inves­ti­ga­tion into recent and past police oper­a­tions. Six of the killings took place dur­ing a sin­gle police oper­a­tion in Denham Town, West Kingston, on 5 March. A 13-year-old girl died after report­ed­ly being caught up in the cross-fire between police and crim­i­nal sus­pects. Forty five peo­ple have been killed by police in Jamaica so far in 2012, accord­ing to press reports. “The recent wave of police killings in Jamaica is shock­ing but unfor­tu­nate­ly not unprece­dent­ed,” said Chiara Liguori, Caribbean researcher at Amnesty International. “The prob­lem is that police con­tin­ue to enter mar­gin­al­ized inner-city com­mu­ni­ties as if every­one there was a crim­i­nal sus­pect.” The last time such lev­els of police vio­lence were record­ed was dur­ing the state of emer­gency in May 2010 in West Kingston, where 76 peo­ple were killed over two days dur­ing an oper­a­tion by secu­ri­ty forces. Almost two years on, no one has yet been held respon­si­ble for those killings, and an inves­ti­ga­tion car­ried out by the Public Defender is still to be con­clud­ed. “If human rights abus­es such as police killings go unpun­ished, it will only open the door for more abus­es to take place,” said Chiara Liguori. Jamaica also has a bad record in terms of hold­ing those respon­si­ble to account and pro­vid­ing jus­tice and repa­ra­tions to vic­tims’ fam­i­lies. Out of more than 2,220 fatal shoot­ings by police record­ed between 2000 and 2010, only two offi­cers have been convicted.

 US Embassy Donates Forensic Vehicles to indecom The emphasis is focused on hampering the police who go after criminals while the criminals have free hand to murder at will.

US Embassy Donates Forensic Vehicles to inde­com
The empha­sis is focused on ham­per­ing the police who go after crim­i­nals while the crim­i­nals have free hand to mur­der at will.

Amnesty International acknowl­edged that the cre­ation of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) in August 2010 has been a cru­cial step towards enhanc­ing inves­ti­ga­tions of abus­es by the secu­ri­ty forces. However, the orga­ni­za­tion believes author­i­ties in Jamaica must ensure INDECOM is pro­vid­ed with suf­fi­cient resources and col­lab­o­ra­tion from oth­er state agen­cies to con­duct effec­tive inves­ti­ga­tions that actu­al­ly lead to jus­tice for the vic­tims. Amnesty International’s research on police killings in Jamaica found that effec­tive inves­ti­ga­tions are ham­pered by a lack of inde­pen­dence in the bal­lis­tic and foren­sic ser­vices and by lim­it­ed resources which often con­tribute to the lack of jus­tice. “Faced with anoth­er wave of killings by the secu­ri­ty forces in West Kingston, the Jamaican author­i­ties must take deci­sive steps to fight impuni­ty,” said Chiara Liguori.“They should make all need­ed resources avail­able to ensure a prompt, inde­pen­dent and effec­tive inves­ti­ga­tion of the recent killings and appoint an inde­pen­dent com­mis­sion of inquiry to ensure that all human rights vio­la­tions com­mit­ted under the state of emer­gency do not go unpun­ished.https://​www​.amnesty​.org/​e​n​/​l​a​t​e​s​t​/​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​1​2​/​0​3​/​j​a​m​a​i​c​a​-​m​u​s​t​-​t​a​c​k​l​e​-​s​h​o​c​k​i​n​g​-​w​a​v​e​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​k​i​l​l​i​n​gs/

Darlene street police station burned in 2010
Darlene street police sta­tion burned in 2010

It’s dif­fi­cult to tell the exact num­ber of Jamaicans who have been mur­dered in Jamaica since this state­ment was first released by the watch­dog group who cer­tain­ly were not killed by the Island’s secu­ri­ty forces .
However using crime sta­tis­tics pro­vid­ed by the police it is safe to say approx­i­mate­ly 4,800 Jamaicans have been report­ed killed since then.

There is a dis­tinct slant in the way this report was writ­ten to cre­ate false perceptions.The lan­guage is inflam­ma­to­ry and sug­ges­tive. The text devoid of bal­ance or con­text in which police killings occur in Jamaica.
Even if the state­ment was to be giv­en the time of day based on what one could argue is rea­son­able cause for con­cern, the lack of objec­tiv­i­ty and the gen­er­al one-sided slant of the report makes the writer and the Publication sig­nif­i­cant­ly less wor­thy of one’s time.

Hannah Town Police station burned 2010
Hannah Town Police sta­tion burned 2010

The report which offered a sweep­ing indict­ment and not much more, was equal­ly devoid of cred­i­bil­i­ty as it relates to the facts. No men­tion was made of the envi­ron­ment in which these police killings occurred.
No men­tion was made of the num­ber of offi­cers shot and killed.
There was no men­tion of the num­ber of offi­cers shot and injured
There was no men­tion of the fact that on aver­age 1600 homi­cides occur annually.
The very same decade would have seen rough­ly 16,000 Jamaicans slaugh­tered by criminals.
What the one-sided piece of pro­pa­gan­da-nar­ra­tive was con­cerned about was the num­ber of crim­i­nals killed by police.
Police and law abid­ing Jamaicans be damned.

Police personnel at the Denham Town Police Station hold hands in prayer after their colleague, Constable Lynden Barrett, was shot and killed in West Kingston.
Police per­son­nel at the Denham Town Police Station hold hands in prayer after their col­league, Constable Lynden Barrett, was shot and killed in West Kingston.

The Website the Guardian Reports the fol­low­ing since we actu­al­ly start­ed watch­ing inci­dents of police mur­der in the United States after the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri.
Fact: In the first 24 days of 2015, police in the US fatal­ly shot more peo­ple than police did in England and Wales, com­bined, over the past 24 years.
According to data col­lect­ed by the UK advo­ca­cy group Inquest, there have been 55 fatal police shoot­ings – total – in England and Wales from 1990 to 2014.
Fact: There has been just one fatal shoot­ing by Icelandic police in the country’s 71-year his­to­ry. The city of Stockton, California – with 25,000 few­er res­i­dents than all of Iceland com­bined – had three fatal encoun­ters in the first five months of 2015.
Fact: Police in the US fatal­ly shot more peo­ple in one month this year than police in Australia offi­cial­ly report­ed dur­ing a span of 19 years.

Zambrano-Montes was killed in February by offi­cers respond­ing to reports that he was throw­ing rocks at cars. The inci­dent was caught on video, with 17 shots fired; accord­ing to police, “five or six” struck Zambrano-Montes.

In Finland, accord­ing to chief inspec­tor Jukka Salmine, police fired just six bul­lets in all of 2013.By the num­bers: US police kill more in days than oth­er coun­tries do in years.

Baltimore Police officers arrest a man following the funeral of Freddie Gray near Mowdamin Mall
Baltimore Police offi­cers arrest a man fol­low­ing the funer­al of Freddie Gray near Mondawmin Mall

Despite the fact that American crim­i­nals are some­times heav­i­ly armed, in many cas­es where police mer­ci­less­ly shoot cit­i­zens the sit­u­a­tion is as such that cops in oth­er coun­tries would have faced mur­der charges had they act­ed similarly.
In many cas­es sit­u­a­tions are esca­lat­ed by police them­selves in the United States in order to arrest or cre­ate false jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for assault­ing and killing cit­i­zens usu­al­ly Blacks or latino.
As a for­mer Jamaican Police Officer myself who dealt with dan­ger­ous and deter­mined crim­i­nals and was shot in the line of duty I have looked at video inci­dent after inci­dent and end­ed up with the same conclusion.
In many cas­es where American cops use lethal force, even when they pre­tend to be reluc­tant to use it,they even­tu­al­ly end up using it and in the end it still could have been avoid­ed, à la the killing of Khijame Powell etal.

Khijame Powell killed unnecessarily by st Louis police.Yes you may be legally justified to kill, but are you morally justified?
Khijame Powell
killed unnec­es­sar­i­ly by st Louis police.Yes you may be legal­ly jus­ti­fied to kill, but are you moral­ly justified?

In oth­er words even in sit­u­a­tions where life is not in dan­ger, the sus­pect has nowhere to go and dia­logue can be used, they even­tu­al­ly talk but end up killing sus­pects because he stepped for­ward with a knife, or as they clas­si­cal­ly say in police jar­gon “he lunged at them”.
The media gen­er­al­ly gob­ble up that lie and not only present it as fact, they defend and metas­ta­size it into believ­abil­i­ty and authenticity.
The only com­po­nent nec­es­sary to pre­vent some of these killings is time. Police offi­cials are reluc­tant to spend the nec­es­sary time to de-esca­late sit­u­a­tions because killing some­one who yells at them is so eas­i­ly and read­i­ly jus­ti­fied in America. So they rapid­ly esca­late minor sit­u­a­tions use lethal force and walk away.
No mat­ter how much one speak on police atroc­i­ty in America he would not even begin to scratch the sur­face of what real­ly goes on just below the surface.
Whether it’s cops rid­ing up and sum­mar­i­ly shoot­ing 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland Ohio then cal­lous­ly neglect­ing to ren­der first aid, or the count­less peo­ple, most­ly Black Americans who have been sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly sent to prison on trumped up charges it’s all the same.
Or worse the sys­tem­at­ic crim­i­nal col­lu­sion and lack of will which exist in Prosecutor’s office and the bla­tant refusal to pros­e­cute mur­der­er cops à la Eric Garner etal.


Eric Garner murdered in plain view of the world not even as ham indictment. It's go f**k yourselves black people
Eric Garner mur­dered in plain view of the world not even as ham indict­ment.
It’s go f**k your­selves black people

In all of this Amnesty International has been large­ly silent save and except where it is too embar­rass­ing to remain silent like when events erupt­ed in Ferguson Missouri.
Amnesty inter­na­tion­al’s pre­oc­cu­pa­tion seem large­ly to rest with small impov­er­ished nations with cor­rupt Governments who are afraid to speak out of fear because they are oth­er­wise inher­ent­ly corrupt.
So the mas­sive ille­gal killings by police in the United States and the atroc­i­ties being met­ed out to Palestinians in their home­land by occu­py­ing Israelis is sim­ply par for the course for Amnesty International.

The empha­sis in Jamaica is not about catch­ing and bring­ing crim­i­nals who mass-mur­der cit­i­zens to jus­tice, the empha­sis has shift­ed to find­ing police at fault who go after the mur­der­ous demons.
Criminals in some cas­es are stupid.
Not always, Jamaican crim­i­nals are usu­al­ly very savvy they under­stand how to ful­ly exploit weak­ness­es in the crim­i­nal Justice sys­tem and they do.
They under­stand that the hands of the police are tied because a few pre­ten­tious “uncle tom n*****s” , or as my friend calls them “boasie slaves” think crime can be wished away.
Others like the “crim­i­nal lawyers” [dual-mean­ing] who stand against any changes to the present sys­tem are reap­ing a wind­fall. They have a win-win sys­tem in place, they win when police go after the thugs, they win when the (inde­com act) goes after officers.
What’s not to like ?