Would This Happen To A White Student In Her Classroom ?

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This assault hap­pened yes­ter­day October 26th to a stu­dent in her Columbia South Carolina class room …
Reports indi­cate the girl was asked to leave the class after using her cell­phone she did not, upon which Administrators were called and she still sat in her seat.
That is when they brought in the Thug and this was the result. Judge for your­selves whether you would allow this to hap­pen to your child.
This hap­pened in a class­room involv­ing a female stu­dent . This was not a ter­ror­ist about to blow up some­thing . If a girl can­not be safe in her own class­room from the thug­gish assault of the State where can she be safe.
Does any­one see where we are as a peo­ple in what is clear­ly a police state gone awry?

Just two days ago the FBI direc­tor James Comey had the nerve to blame peo­ple who video­tape cops abus­ing oth­er cit­i­zens for the rise in some cat­e­gories of crime in the country.
To begin with he cit­ed absolute­ly no data which sup­ports his argu­ments but that did not stop him from mak­ing the ridicu­lous and uncon­firmed state­ment anyway.
What makes Comey’s com­ments more omi­nous and dis­turb­ing is the fact that the FBI is count­ed on at the fed­er­al lev­el to inves­ti­gate inci­dents of police abuse of cit­i­zens. The ques­tion now is what is the qual­i­ty of the Investigations being done by the FBI in cas­es where police com­mit crimes against citizens?

Personally I always won­dered about the basis for Black peo­ple’s faith in the FBI to be impar­tial or thor­ough in light of the Agency’s his­to­ry in deal­ing with the community.
The FBI has con­sis­tent­ly had an adver­sar­i­al rela­tion­ship with the African-American com­mu­ni­ty despite rhetoric to the contrary.
Just recent­ly in Ferguson Missouri as African-American peo­ple were in the streets demon­stra­tion sys­tem­at­ic Police abuse White Anti-African-American mer­ce­nar­ies were walk­ing around heav­i­ly armed the FBI was there spy­ing on the demonstrators.


James Comey, direc­tor of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) admit­ted to the House Judiciary Committee (HJC) that his agency spied on the Ferguson protests with aer­i­al craft because of the requests from local law enforce­ment. Comey clar­i­fied his rev­e­la­tion by stat­ing that the FBI does not “fly planes around America look­ing down to see if some­body might be doing some­thing wrong”; how­ev­er that is exact­ly what the FBI did at Ferguson. And because of this, the FBI did not obtain war­rants before engag­ing because of a loop­hole in the process that rests on the notion that “planes do not cap­ture or record the con­tents of any com­mu­ni­ca­tions on the ground.” Comey added: “The law is pret­ty clear that you don’t need a war­rant for that kind of conversation.”

Oath Keepers
Oath Keepers

The planes used by the FBI appar­ent­ly were tasked with watch­ing spe­cif­ic sus­pects who were alleged­ly thought to be involved in crim­i­nal activ­i­ty and under inves­ti­ga­tion for ter­ror­ism and espi­onage when the Ferguson police depart­ment asked the FBI to assist them in “devel­op­ing situation[s]” such as riots. Comey vehe­ment­ly stat­ed that the planes were not con­duct­ing sur­veil­lance, and yet the FBI sent air­craft to Ferguson in August of 2014 to watch over the protests against police because of the shoot­ing of Michael Brown. And then the FBI helped out again in Baltimore dur­ing the Freddie Gray protests. The direc­tor of the FBI explained that his agency will be deployed “if there is tremen­dous tur­bu­lence in a com­mu­ni­ty, it’s use­ful to every­body — civil­ians and law enforce­ment — to have a view of what’s going on. Where are the fires in this com­mu­ni­ty? Where are peo­ple gath­er­ing? Where do peo­ple need help? And some­times the best view of that is above rather than try­ing to look from a car in the street.” Director Admits FBI Spies on African Americans & Muslims From the Sky

Whenever Police abuse cit­i­zens we hear the con­stant drum­beat about what hap­pened before which pre­cip­i­tat­ed the incident?
Let me explain some­thing on that issue, police do not have a right to mete out pun­ish­ment , it is the duty of a court of law to make that determination.
There is a com­mon mis­con­cep­tion which is prac­tised by police and their apol­o­gists in the main street Media when­ev­er inci­dents like these occur . Which is to cre­ate a smoke screen, cre­ate a nar­ra­tive that some­thing else may have occurred which we are not aware of.
This sideshow is intend­ed to deflect atten­tion away from what we saw with our eyes so we may wan­der off into the weeds of hypotheticals.
That is where they want the dis­cus­sion to be cen­tered, away from what we saw with our eyes, delv­ing instead in “maybes and what ifs”.
What we saw in that clip is inde­fen­si­ble regard­less of what may or may not have tran­spired pre­vi­ous­ly. It does not require an inves­ti­ga­tion he should be fired forthwith.

The main stream media will of course engage in a process of char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion on the stu­dent, and char­ac­ter san­i­ta­tion of the cop.Any attempt to dis­cuss what this female stu­dent may have done pri­or to the assault on her with­in the con­text of the cops actions is a grave dis­ser­vice to what he did and must be seen as a clear attempt to jus­ti­fy his thug­gish bru­tal behavior.
In this medi­um we speak to the dis­re­spect too many cops have when they are deal­ing with peo­ple of col­or and black peo­ple in general.
They sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly refer to grown black men as “bud or guy” while refer­ring to white men as ” sir”.
Many cops are a mere hair trig­ger from using force when they deal with peo­ple of col­or. In many cas­es they active­ly esca­late sim­ple things so they can law­ful­ly assault Black cit­i­zens . Whatever they do or say pri­or to using force is mere­ly a “cov­er your ass” in the event of scrutiny.
The FBI of course will Investigate and this guy will be found to have act­ed law­ful­ly and the police state’s assault will continue.
This is the state which hate and fear built.

2 thoughts on “Would This Happen To A White Student In Her Classroom ?

  1. Your blog is being attacked by per­sons unknown because I have been try­ing to post my com­ments high­light­ing some stuff about the incep­tion of “FBI” as an anti-black peo­ple’s agency.

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