Would Be Assassin Allegedly Turned Up At KPH With Gunshot Wound.

Police sources revealed that this man turned up at the Kingston Public Hospital for treat­ment claim­ing that he was attacked and shot.
They believe he was one of the would-be assas­sins of Inspector Grant and her family.

This man report­ed­ly turned up at the Kingston Public Hospital with a gun­shot wound.

This we are told may very well be the oth­er would be assas­sin of the Grant family.

Police sources con­firmed that their inves­ti­ga­tions have estab­lished that he was not shot where he alleged that he was but that he has stuck to his story.

 Assault at com­mon law, Fatal shoot­ing, recov­ery of firearm and ammu­ni­tion, com­mit­ted 26.9.2017 about 3pm nag­go head vic new lus­cious hq bar, Portmore, st Catherine. Circumstances are: mem­bers of the st Catherine south spe­cial ops act­ing on infor­ma­tion that a want­ed man was in the area went there and saw a man fit­ting the descrip­tion, on approach of the police the man pulled a hand gun from his waist­band and point­ed it at the police, the police in defence of their lives fired at him and he was hit, he was rushed to the Spanish town hos­pi­tal where he was pro­nounced dead by Dr Thomas @ 3:40 pm. One .380 semi auto­mat­ic pis­tol ser­i­al num­ber 98003311 loaded with a mag­a­zine con­tain­ing 7 rds were tak­en from the deceased man. INDECOM was informed. Det Sgt Noël Bryan I/​o. Ssp Bennett,sp grey, ddi south on scene. Futher update follows.


Three (3) counts of Wounding with Intent by gun­shot and a sus­pect­ed fatal shoot­ing, com­mit­ted about 8:15pm . Victims are Insp. Allison Grant-Johnson of MPD, Ashley Rochester, 23 year old Dist. Cons. of TSD and Bianna Johnson, 17 year old stu­dent of a Kingston high school all of the above address. Information is that all 3 vic­tims (moth­er and daugh­ters of the above address) were at home when one of the daugh­ters was about to exit the rear of the house to dis­card refuse when she was pounced upon by at least 3 gun­men, she screamed out and her moth­er who was in a bed­room went to her assis­tance.…. a gun bat­tle ensued dur­ing which all 3 per­sons were shot and injured. Inspector Grant-Johnson fired and based on the descrip­tion giv­en it is believed that one of the men was fatal­ly shot, he was found some dis­tance away. The injuries of the injured who are being treat­ed at KPH are not con­sid­ered life threat­en­ing. Of note, Insp. Grant-Johnson’s hus­band, Sgt. Ainsley Johnson was involved in a fatal shoot­ing and recov­ery of a pis­tol earlier.

Its impor­tant that the nation under­stand that the cir­cle begins because a man who mur­dered was grant­ed bail by the courts , turns around and attack police offi­cers and is tak­en out.
His cronies in turn went to one of the offi­cers home where they shot and injured his daugh­ter and wife who is also a police officer.
She returned fire killing one and wound­ing anoth­er who alleged­ly turned up at the KPH claim­ing he was shot by assailants.

These men did not turn up to kill the judge who grant­ed them bail, they turned up to kill police offi­cers after their crony who was giv­en bail by a crim­i­nals lov­ing judge was killed by police.
This is where our coun­try is today, mur­der­ers grant­ed bail attempts to kill cops , is killed in the con­fronta­tion and his cronies attacks one offi­cer’s fam­i­ly with a view to assas­si­nat­ing the entire family.

The Jamaican Government at all lev­els is in the process of pro­vid­ing aid and com­fort to the ter­ror­ists who are slaugh­ter­ing and maim­ing inno­cent Jamaicans.
Turning mur­der­ers loose through the courts and through INDECOM embold­en­ing crim­i­nals to do things once unimaginable.

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