Worshiping the worst among us. - mikebeckles.

Worshiping The Worst Among Us.

Rigen, Natty Morgan, Sandokan, Copper,Feather Mop, Jim Brown, Dudus. What is the com­mon thread which ties these peo­ple together?


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These names are just a few of the more rec­og­niz­able in the annals of infamy in the Island nation. These mis­cre­ants should have been shunned, not so. In many com­mu­ni­ties in our coun­try we see larg­er than life murals depict­ing ser­i­al mur­ders and rapists under the ban­ner “Don“who have caused immea­sur­able harm, yet they occu­py place of pride in these com­mu­ni­ties. To their cred­it the Police have recent­ly moved to remove some of these murals, and cor­rect­ly so.On the issue of Policing the reverse is true, author­i­ty fig­ures are ridiculed and dis­missed chil­dren are taught to con­front cops, peo­ple do so to prove their street credentials.

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In fact if you want to be some­one in Jamaica make sure that you have an acri­mo­nious rela­tion­ship with cops,or demo­nize cops. Ask Barbara Gloudon, Ronald Thwaites, and oth­ers who built a career in talk radio on the back of cops. So why do we won­der why there is so much crime in Jamaica? Let me be clear, we Jamaicans are a free­dom lov­ing peo­ple, the last thing we want is some­one telling us what to do and what not to do. That is part of the rea­son one may argue that we are so opposed to police actions in our lives. However we have not demon­strat­ed the nec­es­sary restraint and sense of respon­si­bil­i­ty in doing our part to avoid bring­ing a law enforce­ment into our lives.