
I won­der what would hap­pen if every Jamaican Cop who pro­vide secu­ri­ty for the Prime Minister and her cab­i­net mem­bers and every mem­ber of par­lia­ment would seri­ous­ly fall ill? I won­der what would hap­pen if every mem­ber of the Island Special Constabulary who pro­vide secu­ri­ty to the Country’s Judges were to sud­den­ly fall seri­ous­ly ill. I won­der what would hap­pen if every cop sent to replace their sick col­leagues , sud­den­ly come down with the same ill­ness? I won­der what would hap­pen if every nyamy, nyamy, lick­ie , lick­ie Jamaican cop under­stood that he/​she has his/​her des­tiny in their own hands?


Jamaica’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller.

It is abun­dant­ly clear both to observers in Jamaica and the International com­mu­ni­ty, that Jamaica is not seri­ous about crime, cor­rup­tion, and the rule of law. It is clear that the Governing Administration is slow­ly and sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly dis­man­tling the rule of law in Jamaica. Yet the coun­try’s Prime Minister is on a flight almost week­ly to coun­tries over­seas as far as east Asia, exhort­ing any and every­one to come invest in Jamaica. What seem to elude the Learned [sic] Prime Minister is the fact that every coun­try she vis­its have strong safe­guards pro­tect­ing the rule of law. Even as she treks around the globe and accept every mean­ing­less patron­iz­ing bull-shit of an award and is cyn­i­cal­ly and con­ve­nient­ly allowed to grace cer­tain mag­a­zine cov­ers , peo­ple are run­ning away from Jamaica.

I Know it is an effort in futil­i­ty expect­ing her to under­stand what the con­se­quences for the coun­try going for­ward will be, but when will this far left lib­er­al mad­ness end? Court sides with INDECOM strike down Police appeal.http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​l​a​t​e​s​t​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​.​p​h​p​?​i​d​=​4​9​217.

Between the crim­i­nal lov­ing lib­er­al courts which nev­er saw a crim­i­nal they don’t want to set free, the politi­cians and the crim­i­nal rights lob­by of Caroly Gomes, the coun­try is roy­al­ly screwed. The few hon­est Jamaicans still liv­ing on the Island would be well served canoe­ing out of there and hope to sur­vive the 90 miles to Cuba. The Castro’s do not tol­er­ate that kind of non­sense in Cuba. For 28 of the last four decades the People’s National Party has sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly dis­man­tled the rule of law and Jamaica’s moral com­pass to the point the Island of 2.8 mil­lion is the laugh­ing-stock of the carribean.

Murders abound, the pop­u­la­tion is desen­si­tized to the slaugh­ter. Citizens cow­er in fear hop­ing , wish­ing, that the next time a gun barks they wont be added to the sta­tis­tics. This hap­pens while the Administration strength­ens the hand of killers by shack­ling the police under the guise of account­abil­i­ty. The truth is this Administration does not want account­abil­i­ty or trans­paren­cy. If they were to cre­ate a pro­fes­sion­al police force most of the law mak­ers would be found to be seri­ous law breakers.

Those won­der­ing whats up with INDECOM ? Stop won­der­ing , Those won­der­ing whats hap­pen­ing with these lib­er­al ver­dicts com­ing from the courts , don’t waste your time. This Party in pow­er has oper­a­tives plant­ed in every sec­tor of nation­al life. They are cult-like in their zealotry to the cause of chang­ing Jamaica from the way we knew and loved it . They know full-well what they want to accom­plish. They under­stand that those opposed to their ways have left, or are con­tin­u­ing to leave. This includes their own Senator who bolt­ed for Canada with his fam­i­ly . Those unable to leave are of no con­cern to them.

Have you ever won­dered how they man­aged to win so many elec­tions? Most well think­ing Jamaicans are liv­ing in oth­er coun­tries, includ­ing oth­er Islands in the car­ribean. Laughable , yes, oth­er Islanders would once do any­thing to be allowed to live in Jamaica. Now they do not want us in their coun­tries. This is what the PNP cul­ture has done to Jamaica.