Woman Shot In Liguanea…(video)

According to eye­wit­ness­es a woman who had exit­ed the Sovereign Supermarket in Liguanea St. Andrew was wait­ing in her SUV for secu­ri­ty to lift the bar­ri­er so that she could exit the com­plex, sud­den­ly stepped out of her vehi­cle cov­ered in blood took a few steps then collapsed.

The ini­tial report­ing indi­cates that the woman was hit after a man fired his weapon at a wind­screen wiper and missed. There are alle­ga­tions that the gun­man may be a mem­ber of the secu­ri­ty forces.
More to come …

The police have con­firmed that the shoot­er is a mem­ber of the JCF. They have also con­firmed that the Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI) and INDECOM are investigating.