Woman Calls Police On Black UPS Driver Delivering Packages Because She Felt “Nervous”

White woman who called police on UPS driver
Atlanta, GA — A video of a white woman who called the police on Nedrick Peters II, a UPS sea­son­al work­er who is Black, because he appar­ent­ly made her ner­vous while he was doing his job deliv­er­ing pack­ages in a neigh­bor­hood in Atlanta, Georgia has gone viral and sparked out­rage on social media. 

Peters shared the video of the inci­dent on his Instagram account. The woman, who has yet been iden­ti­fied, can be seen approach­ing Peters who was deliv­er­ing sev­er­al postal items at that time.

I’m going to need someone’s infor­ma­tion to check up on you, because I don’t under­stand why you’re walk­ing around this neigh­bor­hood with a bunch a pack­ages,” the woman said at the start of the video.

When Peters told the woman that she is both­er­ing him, she claimed that the man’s pres­ence made her ner­vous. She said, “I’m not both­er­ing you. I want to com­plain to UPS that you look very sus­pi­cious and mak­ing me nervous.”

The woman then con­tin­ued jus­ti­fy­ing her actions, cit­ing pre­vi­ous break-ins that recent­ly hap­pened in the area.

No, let me tell you why. My car’s already been bro­ken into twice. And guess what? It’s a real­ly big thing in this neigh­bor­hood for peo­ple to walk down the street for van­dal­ism,” the woman said.

When the woman demand­ed Peters to tell her his name, he refused. The woman went on to tell him that she would fol­low him wher­ev­er he would go through­out his route.

Like I said you look very sus­pi­cious and I’m try­ing to tell you, you need to at least be able to tell peo­ple who you work for,” the woman con­tin­ued pressing.

Upon hear­ing that, Peters turned the cam­era around to show what seems to be a com­pa­ny-issued jack­et with the offi­cial logo of UPS. He also showed his work dol­ly with sev­er­al pack­ages for delivery.

The woman then returned to her home but came back to Peters to take pic­tures of him.

A sec­ond video showed the woman say­ing she has called the police while anoth­er UPS work­er came to talk to her. It has yet been known what hap­pened after the video ended.

Since the video was post­ed, it has been viewed over 4.2 mil­lion times and shared across social media sites. Several peo­ple expressed their dis­ap­point­ment with the incident.

This man deserves a raise for keep­ing his cool. Nobody should be harassed for doing their job while black,” one wrote.

If a man was mak­ing me ner­vous I sure­ly wouldn’t con­front him alone, insult him and then tell him where I live,” anoth­er said, empha­siz­ing that the woman, despite say­ing she was ner­vous, still approached Peters.