Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing Who Pretend To Love Our Country, And The Harm They Are Doing.…

Radio has tra­di­tion­al­ly been the medi­um from which most of us poor­er Jamaicans received our information.
As a kid grow­ing up in rur­al Saint Catherine dur­ing the 70’s our insti­tu­tions were sacrosanct.
We did not have much in the way of choice, so those insti­tu­tions we had we believed in.
Radio was RJR and JBC, the oth­ers came lat­er. JBC was tele­vi­sion and at 12 mid­night it was a flick­er­ing sil­ver screen after the nation­al anthem. Those who still want­ed to be enter­tained had a choice of RJR or JBC radio.

Toothpaste was Colgate and Colgate was toothpaste.
The Gleaner was news­pa­per and news papers were the Daily Gleaner.
Office meant post office, where I grew up no one had a per­son­al office so the only office we knew was the lit­tle sin­gle room postal agency run by Mrs. Ford.

I say these things to high­light just how much we looked to those sim­ple insti­tu­tions and how much we were shaped by them.
Today’s young peo­ple are not con­strained by a short­age of choice. Cable tele­vi­sion and the inter­net has opened up the entire world to them mak­ing things we nev­er dreamed of par for the course for them.

Nevertheless, despite the tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments some of the sim­ple sta­ples of yes­ter­year are still rel­e­vant as they were in days gone by and accessed for infor­ma­tion much the same way they were decades ago.



Radio still con­tin­ue to be an inte­gral medi­um through which peo­ple source information.
To some degree, radio has con­tin­ued to be rel­e­vant even as print media con­tin­ue to fade in the wake of mobile phones and oth­er hand held devices.
Through the inter­ac­tive nature of talk radio and the advance­ments in the way radio pro­gram­ming is sourced through the inter­net and via satel­lite, radio con­tin­ues to be a viable and rel­e­vant medi­um through which infor­ma­tion is both dis­sem­i­nat­ed and assimilated.

Because of the con­tin­ued rel­e­vance of radio today those who have access to radio plat­forms should endeav­or to ensure that the infor­ma­tion they put out into the pub­lic air­waves is truth­ful and in the best inter­est of the country.

During the Obama Presidency, talk radio devel­oped a cult fol­low­ing of right wing con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists who want­ed to believe the worse about the nations first African-American President.
As a con­se­quence, there was no short­age of peo­ple with bad inten­tions will­ing to feed that hunger.
Obama became a com­mu­nist, a Manchurian pres­i­dent, an ille­git­i­mate Kenyan inter­lop­er and every oth­er deroga­to­ry pejo­ra­tive their per­vert­ed minds could con­jure up.

The result is that they end­ed up vot­ing into office a per­son in whom all of those pejo­ra­tives are encapsulated.
So we went from a fine Presidency which worked assid­u­ous­ly on civ­il and human rights saved the econ­o­my and main­tained peace across the globe as best it could to one which reck­less­ly posi­tions the world on the brink of nuclear annihilation.

For years talk radio has been a sta­ple for Jamaica. Jamaicans used talk radio to bring atten­tion to myr­i­ad issues affect­ing their lives.
As a kid, I used Ronald Thwaites then radio show to bring atten­tion to the bad roads in North East St Catherine. I named and shamed every polit­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tive I could until for the first time in their his­to­ry the roads lead­ing into Bonnet from Benbow was paved.
This meant that a trip from Benbow to Bonnett square which pre­vi­ous­ly took half an hour became an 8‑minute drive.

So talk radio has its val­ue but talk radio also took on a sin­is­ter dark char­ac­ter as the years progressed.
It became a place which attract­ed the most caus­tic and demean­ing char­ac­ters on both sides of the micro­phone. All unit­ed in vit­ri­olic con­dem­na­tion of the Police.
From Thwaites to Gloudon, from Perkins to Roper, and every­one in between and all the way down to Cliff Hughes, radio is now the sacred altar of anti-police vitriol.
Like the right wing in America, the anti police and the anti-Jamaican char­la­tans have used radio to poi­son the mind of the youth while wash­ing their hands and look­ing at oth­ers to fix the blood­shed they inspire.

The end result is at least two gen­er­a­tions which have absolute­ly no respect for the rule of law and a police depart­ment which has been reduced large­ly to peo­ple who can­not afford to leave.
Even so, those remain­ing are demo­ti­vat­ed, timid and afraid, result­ing in a nation now in which peo­ple are afraid to stay in their homes and equal­ly afraid to leave.

This has ben­e­fit­ted many,Thwaites is now a politi­cian, Gloudon and oth­ers have had lucra­tive careers on the blood and tears of police offi­cers and their families.
Elections are won and lost as a result and a litany of sup­posed human rights agen­cies have sprung up all pur­port­ing to be defend­ing the coun­try from the poor scape­goat­ed police.
This serves the inter­est of the polit­i­cal class as well as the crim­i­nal class, a dis­tinc­tion which is often times indistinct.

As mur­ders and oth­er seri­ous crimes con­tin­ue to increase the inter­est of the politi­cians and the crim­i­nal class are well served.
Unfortunately for decent law abid­ing Jamaicans like my fam­i­ly, no one looks out for their interest.
Today and every day, peo­ple like Cliff Hughes of nation­wide radio con­tin­ue in that vein even as police offi­cers are been gunned down in the streets in broad daylight.
These par­a­sites have attached them­selves in a vice like grip to the anti-police band­wag­on in their rapa­cious quest for relevance.
As a result, these frauds and imposters who pre­tend to care about our coun­try have revealed them­selves to be shame­less, pathet­ic lit­tle anti-police trolls.