I was stunned beyond belief when I saw this story in the Jamaica Observer attributed to Opposition Senator Marlene Malahoo Forte a former Resident Magistrate, and now the person who occupy the Air chair of the late Wilmott Mutty Perkins.
Opposition Senator, Marlene Malahoo Forte’s suggestion that expungement of convictions under the Criminal Records (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Bill be extended to persons convicted of all forms of crimes, including murders, failed to get any support in the Senate on Friday. Speaking in the debate on the Bill, which provides for expungement of convictions for using small quantities of ganja, after between 30 months and 10 years of rehabilitation, Senator Malahoo Forte, a former Resident Magistrate, said she made the suggestion in the context that everyone can be rehabilitated. “It doesn’t matter where you have wronged, over time you can be rehabilitated. It may sound far- fetched, but it is not impossible,”.
Jamaican Politicians have a propensity to let their mouths gallop in front of their brains. This is one case where it begs the question, “did she do any home-work in preparation for her submission to the debate?
We are talking about expunging the record of convicted Criminals here. The Senate is considering a Bill, which provides for expungement of convictions for using small quantities of ganja, after between 30 months and 10 years of rehabilitation.
I think this is a good piece of legislation which shows good will to people who have offended but have managed to stay out of trouble. No one should be condemned for life because he/she was convicted for a little weed.
Forte went on to say ” “In some countries people are rehabilitated for the offence of murder. Our own Privy Council has stated that not everyone who kills and is convicted of murder should be regarded as a murderer, in the traditional sense.
This is a shocking liberal testament coming from someone who once was a Magistrate. The issue is one of the expungement of records, which has nothing to do with the rehabilitation of murderers.
This statement however illuminates what I have written about for sometime now, that Jamaica Judges are criminal loving leftists who supplant the rule of law with their own personal opinions.
How can anyone suggest that Society remove from record, the fact that someone was Convicted of Murder, irrespective of the circumstances? Have Forte calculated that she is in jeopardy of no longer be taken seriously? Assuming she ever was !
Jamaica is awash in crime and corruption, many will legitimately argue that expunging records is not the way to go at this time. I believe however that it is always the right time to be merciful.
We send murderers to prison to do time, then they are released back into society. That is forgiveness. That is having a second chance. We do not wipe the slate clean, we keep a record of their deeds to inform and educate us going forward.
Clearly Melhado Forte has shown herself to be a feather-weight who is not worthy of serious consideration.