With His No-vote, Tim Scott Cemented His Place In History As An Empty Suit, A House-slave…

History was made in the United States on Thursday, April 7th.….….yea… that num­ber ( 7) is the Biblical num­ber that rep­re­sents com­ple­tion. The full United States Senate con­firmed a Black woman to sit on the Nation’s high­est court.
It is a bit­ter­sweet moment for this writer in that though I am thrilled that final­ly a Black woman has been ele­vat­ed to the court, it is shame­ful that we have to be talk­ing about firsts of this kind in the 21st century.
The num­ber sev­en is espe­cial­ly promi­nent in Scripture, appear­ing over 700 times. From the sev­en days of Creation to the many “sev­ens” in Revelation, the num­ber sev­en con­notes such con­cepts as com­ple­tion and per­fec­tion, exon­er­a­tion, heal­ing, and the ful­fill­ment of promis­es and oaths.
Whether the April 7th full Senate con­fir­ma­tion of Ketanji Brown-Jackson is part of that Biblical com­ple­tion is up to the the­olo­gians to deci­pher; notwith­stand­ing, this writer believes the rubi­con has been crossed with her confirmation.

Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson

In a 53 to 47vote, Ketanji Brown-Jackson was con­firmed and will take her place on the court at the end of the court’s 2021 – 2022 term. Confirming supreme court jus­tices was not sup­posed to be a polit­i­cal spec­ta­cle; nei­ther was it sup­posed to be a plat­form for over­ly ambi­tious politi­cians to grand­stand and make an ass of them­selves, but over the last sev­er­al years, that is what the process has become.
Mitch McConnell’s dis­hon­esty in block­ing Merrick Garland, President Obama’s choice to replace Antonin Scalia, from enter­ing the high court may have poi­soned the process for decades to come.
Additionally, McConnell’s cor­rupt prac­tices in ram­ming through Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amey Coney-Barrett, three Trump appointees, have poi­soned the well of advice and con­sent nec­es­sary to seat good justices.

South Carolina junior US Senator Tim Scott

Ketanji Brown-Jackson was con­firmed with all (50) Democratic Senators; she would have been con­firmed with a sim­ple Democratic major­i­ty with Vice President Kamala Harris cast­ing the tie-break­ing vote if no Republican vot­ed for her. However, though vice President Kamala Harris was in the Senate cham­bers, three mem­bers of the Republicans placed pol­i­tics aside and cast their votes for the new justice.
Maine’s Susan Collins, Utah’s Mitt Romney & Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski vot­ed to ele­vate judge Brown-Jackson to Justice Brown-Jackson.
After the vote, the white men and women of the Fascist Republican par­ty hur­ried from the Senate cham­ber; Senator Mitt Romney stood his ground and clapped for an extend­ed peri­od along with Senate Democrats as the his­to­ry-mak­ing sig­nif­i­cance of the moment sank into members.

Marco Rubio and Raphael Cruz both vot­ed “no.”

Along with the white men and women who vot­ed against con­firm­ing judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson are the two Republican Hispanics, Marco Rubio of Florida and Raphael Cruz of Texas.
These men are first-gen­er­a­tion Americans of Cuban par­ents; they have tak­en a hard-line stance against immi­grants and have pushed for laws that would have kept their par­ents and them­selves back in Castro’s Cuba.
Additionally, they have aligned them­selves 100 % behind every anti-black leg­is­la­tion and have gone out of their way to present them­selves as white men.
So it was no sur­prise, at least to me, that the two would toe the par­ty line and, worse. Raphael Cruz made a mock­ery of him­self by ask­ing what he thought were tough ‘gotcha’ ques­tions of the nom­i­nee, then imme­di­ate­ly going to his Twitter feed to see if his name was trending.
It is always impor­tant to remem­ber that Raphael Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The new­ly ele­vat­ed Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson is a native-born American.

Writing over the years has taught me a lot I have become more rea­soned and more reflec­tive. In the decade-long process, I have also learned that some men(gender-neutral) were born to be mere foot­notes in history.
You know.…… Rosa Parks, relevant.….Bull O’Connor, footnote.
Martin Luther King, rel­e­vant, J Edgar Hoover, footnote.
And now Ketanji Brown-Jackson, rel­e­vant, Tim Scott, irrel­e­vant footnote.
Tim Scott is the junior US Republican Senator from South Carolina; he is one of only three African-American United States Senators in the sen­ate; the oth­ers are Corey Booker (D) New Jersey and Raphael Warnock of Georgia.
Nothing pre­vent­ed Tim Scott from choos­ing the right side of his­to­ry and cast­ing a vote to ele­vate the first Black woman to the US Supreme court; Scott chose not to.
By decid­ing to oppose Brown-Jackson, Tim Scott cement­ed his entire career as a US Senator as incon­se­quen­tial, one void of any per­son­al beliefs, mak­ing him­self a sheep and a dis­grace to his race like Clarence Thomas.
Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski had a tough fight last time she was elect­ed, she will have a thought time this go around, but she was not swayed by pol­i­tics or race.…she car­ried out her duties as was demand­ed of her by the constitution.
So did Senators Mitt Romney and Susan Collins.
In typ­i­cal fash­ion, Tim Scott cement­ed him­self as an irrel­e­vant tool, an emp­ty suit, a foot­ball to be kicked around, a shame­less house slave.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, a free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.