Wishy-washy Jeff Flake Still Does Not Get It After Leaving The Senate..

President Jimmy Carter

In response to President’ Carter’s in your face state­ment, that Donald Trump is an ille­git­i­mate President by virtue of Russian inter­fer­ence in the 2016 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions, for­mer Arizona US Senator Jeff Flake had this to say.
This is an awful thing for one American President to say about anoth­er.”
We need to stop try­ing to dis­qual­i­fy each oth­er,” Flake wrote. “I could not sup­port President Trump large­ly because of his awful embrace of birtherism. President Carter call­ing President Trump ille­git­i­mate is not right either. We should be bet­ter than this.”

Speaking at the Carter cent in Virginia, for­mer President Carter said the fol­low­ing about the Trump Presidency.
I think the inter­fer­ence … if ful­ly inves­ti­gat­ed would show that Trump actu­al­ly didn’t win the elec­tion in 2016.” 
“A full inves­ti­ga­tion “would show that Trump didn’t actu­al­ly win the elec­tion in 2016….He was put into office because the Russians inter­fered.” Does that mean he’s an ille­git­i­mate pres­i­dent? “Based on what I said, which I can’t retract.

Jeff Flake, (the human pret­zel), pre­tend­ed to be dis­tressed with Donald Trump’s inhu­mane poli­cies, before vot­ing to imple­ment them dur­ing his tenure in the US Senate.
Flake is now a fel­low at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics.
Flake’s Senate career was rem­i­nis­cent of his last name. Inconsistent, flaky and wishy-washy. He left the Senate, hav­ing done him­self no favors by bad-mouthing Trump’s poli­cies, then vot­ing for them in the end.
Jeff Flake made ene­mies on both sides of the polit­i­cal divide by being a wishy-washy fence strad­dling Toadie.

As was to be expect­ed from Jeff Flake, he was tak­en aback by the sever­i­ty of the back­lash after his sil­ly Carter rebuke.
Flake has­tened to say he was not defend­ing Donald trump but was defend­ing the Presidency.
“We need to have respect for the process,” Flake told The Arizona Republic on Saturday. “I have a ton of respect for President Carter. I think he’s ten times the man in terms of being a good per­son than Donald Trump will ever be. But we need to stop try­ing to dis­qual­i­fy each oth­er in elec­tions and use the bal­lot box instead.”
The irony in Jeff Flakes response was vin­tage Jeff Flake weak-kneed strad­dling.
How could Flake argue that he is defend­ing the Presidency if he is unwill­ing to see that the best way to do so is to stand up with patri­ots like President Carter and speak the truth instead of hid­ing behind a veil of lies and pre­ten­tious BS?

Jeff Flake

In the world’s [“Oldest Democracy”], the can­di­date who received three mil­lion plus more votes than her oppo­nent, end­ed up los­ing that elec­tion.
Because that irra­tional­i­ty is an anom­aly in west­ern democ­ra­cies, it begs a clos­er look.
We should nev­er be dis­tract­ed from the fact that the US has built-in safe­guards, which are intend­ed to ensure the con­tin­u­a­tion of white rule regard­less of the dwin­dling num­ber of whites in soci­ety or the num­ber of whites ver­sus peo­ple of col­or in the coun­try.
North Dakota’s pop­u­la­tion was 760,077 on July 1, 2018. Republican
South Dakota is esti­mat­ed at 858,469. Republican.
Wyoming’s pop­u­la­tion in 2019 is esti­mat­ed at 572,381. Republican.
As of 2019, the esti­mat­ed pop­u­la­tion of Montana is 1.07 mil­lion. Largely Republican.
As of 2019, the pop­u­la­tion of Iowa is 3.17 mil­lion. Republican.
West Virginia’s pop­u­la­tion is esti­mat­ed at 1.79 mil­lion. Generally Republican.
The pop­u­la­tion of Nebraska in 2019 is now 1.94 mil­lion. Republican.
The 2019 esti­mate for Idaho’s pop­u­la­tion is 1.79 mil­lion. Republican.
Oklahoma has an esti­mat­ed pop­u­la­tion in 2019 of 3.95 mil­lion. Republican.

California’s pop­u­la­tion in 2019 is 39.75 mil­lion. DEMOCRAT.
Even though there are a cou­ple of states in the New England region with low pop­u­la­tions, the vast major­i­ty of the rur­al states which are Republican mono­liths all have two Republican Senators the same as California with rough­ly (40,000,000.00) peo­ple or New York anoth­er blue state with rough­ly (20,000,000.00 res­i­dents.
This means that rur­al, most­ly white homogo­nous states with small pop­u­la­tions get a dis­pro­por­tion­ate rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the US Senate, there­by can­cel­ing out the will of states with large diverse pop­u­la­tions which gets the same two US Senators. 

President Carter is a thinker who under­stands that it would be a near impos­si­bil­i­ty that much of a plu­ral­i­ty in the pop­u­lar vote across the coun­try would be nar­rowed down to Minnesota, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Trump won those states by less than two per­cent­age points accord­ing to the Washington Post.
Pennsylvania and Michigan had not vot­ed for a Republican pres­i­dent since vot­ing for George H.W. Bush in 1988. Wisconsin had not gone Republican since 1984.
How much of a stretch is it to fig­ure out that this was no win, but a clever well-tar­get­ed chang­ing of the votes just enough to toss the Presidency to Trump, with­out cre­at­ing too much of a stink which would raise eye­brows when that win is looked at in a par­al­lel prism with the raw votes.
As I opined at the time Robert Muller was appoint­ed Special Counsel to look at Russian inter­fer­ence into the American elec­tions, the arro­gance of those who tout American supe­ri­or­i­ty on all fronts would pre­vent a thor­ough inves­ti­ga­tion of the facts.
Even if a thor­ough inves­ti­ga­tion was allowed, the full and com­plete fact that a hos­tile for­eign adver­sary had installed a pup­pet in the American White House would nev­er be accept­ed, much less made avail­able to the public. 

One Twitter user shot back at Jeff Flake’s com­ments, “Jeff Flake, more upset at what a for­mer pres­i­dent says than what a cur­rent pres­i­dent does.”
There are far too much hypocrisy and arro­gance in this coun­try for them to admit that Donald Trump is the Manchurian pres­i­dent they had long feared.
He and Vladimir Putin are hav­ing a jol­ly old time laugh­ing and ham­ming it up at how they got away with it Scott free.
