Will Terrence Williams Of INDECOM Do His Own Job And Leave Others To Do Their’s?

I was engaged in a con­ver­sa­tion with a senior civ­il ser­vant in Jamaica recent­ly, we agreed to dis­agree on a raft of issues. We agreed on some , but we def­i­nite­ly agreed that Jamaicans always know how to do every­one else’s job, but have no clue how to do their own.

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INDECOM Terrence Williams Commissioner:

Nowhere is this more clear than the head of the neo­phyte Agency called the inde­pen­dent com­mis­sion of investigations(indecom). Generally when some­one is appoint­ed to head a body or agency, that per­son under­stand that there ought to be col­le­gial­i­ty with oth­er agen­cies. In essence always main­tain a sense of pro­fes­sion­al cour­tesy in not inter­fer­ing in any­one’s domain.

The idea is to do one’s own job and to extend a sense of pro­fes­sion­al tact, about what you say in pub­lic ‚par­tic­u­lar­ly about oth­er agen­cies. Obviously that memo has not reached the pub­lic­i­ty-hound Terrence Williams. Ever since this self-aggran­diz­ing moron was appoint­ed to head what is actu­al­ly a drain on the pock­ets of the gullible pub­lic, he has not missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to grand­stand at the expense of the Police depart­ment and the mil­i­tary. Don’t be fooled, this does not mean that this pub­lic­i­ty-hound is just a nor­mal moron, out look­ing for glo­ry. In fact the reverse is true, Williams is con­scious­ly aware of just how easy it is to achieve his goals at the expense of the Police and Military.



Just last week we com­ment­ed on a case in Jamaica where one Justice Batts ruled that police can­not arbi­trar­i­ly stop and frisk peo­ple under the road traf­fic act, since then Batts has done a kind of walk-back say­ing the issue before him was not about stop­ping and search­ing peo­ple under the road traf­fic law. That of course did not stop Batts how­ev­er from shoot­ing off at the mouth about police mat­ters, even though by his own acknowl­edge­ment it was­n’t even the mat­ter before him.

Anyway back to Williams, even though Williams has many cas­es before him that has not been resolved, he nev­er miss­es an oppor­tu­ni­ty to find a cam­era, of course this is when he is not beg­ging for more pow­er to per­se­cute police, fight­ing with the DPP and to cap it all and prob­a­bly more class­less, telling every­one who will lis­ten that his office is equal to that of a high court judge.

Williams makes it his job to give instruc­tions to the police just last week regard­ing search­es done dur­ing traf­fic stops. Having looked at the com­ments made by Batts about police use of the road traf­fic act, I saw noth­ing there which would con­tra­dict any­thing the police has done for decades. As I wrote in an ear­li­er blog, Batts com­ments were quote “the police does not have a right to arbi­trar­i­ly pull peo­ple over and search their per­sons and/​or their cars”.There is no con­flict there , Police can­not arbi­trar­i­ly do any­thing, they have to car­ry out their duties with­in the frame­work of the law. As I said then, Batts did not break any ground, he mere­ly stat­ed the obvi­ous for the ben­e­fit of the cheer­ing-sec­tion over at his old school Kingston College.

Like oth­er grand­stand­ing Jamaicans, Batts has decid­ed to make a name for him­self at the expense of the police. I applaud the com­mis­sion­er of police for con­tin­u­ing the pro­gram. It is up to offi­cers to use all the laws, archa­ic and out­dat­ed though they are, to arrest law­break­ers and let the pon­tif­i­cat­ing frauds con­tin­ue cheer­ing the Emperor who has no clothes.

The police has used the road traf­fic act, pre­di­al lar­ce­ny act, firearms act, dan­ger­ous drugs act to legit­i­mate­ly remove dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals from the streets for decades. Within that time, tens of thou­sands of firearms , hun­dreds of tons of drugs, have been con­fis­cat­ed and offend­ers pros­e­cut­ed. This is just the actu­al enforce­ment, there is no way of mea­sur­ing the innu­mer­able deter­rent-effect those stops have had on crim­i­nal activ­i­ty in our coun­try, or the amount of lives which have been saved.

I would think that the com­mis­sion­er, being the well-think­ing per­son that I know he is, will take the approach of sus­pend­ing any such activ­i­ty until he is cer­tain of its constitutionality”[Terrence Williams].

I won­der where Terrence Williams find time to inves­ti­gate, between the pho­to ops, cock­tail circuit,hanging out with crim­i­nal-sup­port­ing groups, and giv­ing inter­views. I call on Terrence Williams to pay atten­tion to what he is tasked with and leave the police to do actu­al policing.

There are too many self-serv­ing char­la­tans in Jamaica, the coun­try is going to hell, do your­self a favor, do your own damn jobs and leave oth­ers to do theirs. There is a sec­tor of the pub­lic which I like to refer to as ( neva si cum si ), they are the most pre­ten­tious sons ‑of ‑bitch­es. They have opin­ions on every­thing, they get involved in every­thing and no one knows more than they do. There is anoth­er name for them in Jamaican ver­nac­u­lar “friten fri­day”. They are the biggest imped­i­ment to progress.