
When the Confederate/​Republican Party decid­ed to block every pro­gram Obama endorsed or rec­om­mend­ed even if it was their idea, it was planned. When Mitch McConnell and his cronies in the Senate mount­ed a record num­ber of fil­i­buster block­ing Obama’s agen­da, it was planned. Standard & Poors S&P) down­grad­ed the U.S. fed­er­al gov­ern­ment from AAA (out­stand­ing) to AA+ (excel­lent) on August 5, 2011. S&P was direct in its crit­i­cism of the gov­er­nance and pol­i­cy-mak­ing process, which took the U.S. to the brink of default as part of the 2011 U.S. debt-ceil­ing cri­sis that same week: That action by Confederate Republicans was planned. Then Democratic Mass: Senator John Kerry referred to this as the “Tea Party down­grade,” blam­ing Republican intran­si­gence regard­ing rev­enues and dis­re­gard for the con­se­quences of a default. He seem to get it. The present impasse was planned , at the last moment the only hope the Country has of not default­ing is pinned on dis­cus­sions between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his counter-part Mitch McConnell, whose sole pur­pose was to make sure Barack Obama was a one term President.


These two men do not work well togeth­er, from reports they don’t even seem to like each oth­er. Now the hope of a Nation rests with them com­ing to a deal which will be palat­able to both sides. There is just one tiny prob­lem. Whatever deal the two Senate lead­ers come up with (if they do) ‚still has to be vot­ed on and passed by the House of Representatives where the prob­lem start­ed. All of this action which Obama calls brinkman­ship could have been avoid­ed. Why would the Tea-Party con­trolled House of Representatives go through all it has in cre­at­ing the shut­down which fur­loughed hun­dreds of thou­sands of fed­er­al work­ers to capit­u­late now?

The Tea-Party and their Acolytes have already demon­strat­ed their inten­tions to force the nation to default, they are telling every­one who will lis­ten that default won’t be cat­a­stroph­ic, and may even be a good thing accord­ing to one Congressman. I am not opti­mistic that a deal will be reached by the sen­ate lead­ers, then allowed to be vot­ed on in the House. Over the last 5 years of Obama’s Presidency The Speaker of the house John Boehner has shown zero lead­er­ship in stand­ing up to the destruc­tive ele­ments with­in his cau­cus. Boehner has sub­se­quent­ly ren­dered him­self a paper tiger, who has cho­sen to sur­ren­der prin­ci­ples to remain speaker.

Obama has spent a lot of time talk­ing to peo­ple in cities and towns all across America, yet it remains unclear whether Obama has been able to con­vey the required mes­sage to the pop­u­lace. Speaking direct­ly and clear­ly is the best way to com­mu­ni­cate to peo­ple, ask Bill Clinton. Obama has yet to effec­tive­ly tell America that what is hap­pen­ing is because of his race and not his poli­cies. Even some among his base are speak­ing ill about him. When your ene­my con­fig­ures the nar­ra­tive it will not be kind to you.