Why Young Men Of Color Are Joining White-Supremacist Groups

Patriot Prayer’s leader is half-Japanese. Black and brown faces march with the Proud Boys. Is the future of hate multicultural?

PORTLAND, Oregon — Outfitted in a flak jack­et and fight­ing gloves, Enrique Tarrio was one of dozens of black, Latino, and Asian men who marched along­side white suprema­cists in Portland on Aug. 4.

Tarrio, who iden­ti­fies as Afro-Cuban, is pres­i­dent of the Miami chap­ter of the Proud Boys, who call them­selves “Western chau­vin­ists,” and “reg­u­lar­ly spout white-nation­al­ist memes and main­tain affil­i­a­tions with known extrem­ists,” accord­ing to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Last month, pri­or to the Patriot Prayer ral­ly he attend­ed in Portland, Tarrio was pic­tured with oth­er far-right activists mak­ing a hand sign that start­ed as a hoax but has become an in-joke. Last year, Tarrio said trav­eled to Charlottesville, Virginia, for the Unite the Rightral­ly that end­ed with a neo-Nazi alleged­ly killing an anti-fas­cist pro­test­er. (The Proud Boys said any mem­bers who went to the event were kicked out.)

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Patriot Prayer + Proud Boys in Vancouver night b4 Aug 4 Portland ral­ly many fear will end in vio­lence. Tusitala “Tiny” Toese and oth­ers make an appar­ent “White Power” hand ges­ture. T‑shirts read, “Pinochet Did Nothing Wrong.”

A lot of these young guys, espe­cial­ly from the soft­ware world, who are being sucked into white nation­al­ism, start out being worked up about Ayn Rand in high school.”— David Neiwert 

Tarrio and oth­er peo­ple of col­or at the far-right ral­lies claim insti­tu­tion­al racism no longer exists in America. In their view, blacks are to blame for any lin­ger­ing inequal­i­ty because they are depen­dent on wel­fare, lack strong lead­er­ship, and believe Democrats who tell them “You’re always going to be broke. You’re not going to make it in soci­ety because of insti­tu­tion­al racism,” as one mixed-race man put it.

If racism doesn’t exist, I ask Tarrio, how would he explain the dis­pro­por­tion­ate killing of young black men by police? “Hip-hop cul­ture,” he says. It “glo­ri­fies that lifestyle… of sell­ing drugs, shoot­ing up.” Because of that, “Obviously you’re going to have high­er crime rates. Obviously you’re going to have more police pres­ence and more con­fronta­tions.” (Police kill black males aged 15 to 34 at nine times the rate of the gen­er­al population.)

Elysa Sanchez, who is black and Puerto Rican, attend­ed the “Liberty or Death Rally Against Left-Wing Violence” in Seattle on Aug. 18, join­ing about 20 mili­ti­a­men open-car­ry­ing hand­guns and semi-auto­mat­ic rifles.

Sanchez says, “If black peo­ple are com­mit­ting more mur­ders, more rob­beries, more thefts, more vio­lent crime, that’s why you would see more black men hav­ing encoun­ters with the police.”

Also in Seattle, Franky Price, who said he is “black and white,”wore a T‑shirt read­ing, “It’s okay to be white.” Read more here: https://​www​.thedai​ly​beast​.com/​w​h​y​-​y​o​u​n​g​-​m​e​n​-​o​f​-​c​o​l​o​r​-​a​r​e​-​j​o​i​n​i​n​g​-​w​h​i​t​e​-​s​u​p​r​e​m​a​c​i​s​t​-​g​r​o​ups