Why Would America Reward Despicably Bad Behavior?

Obstruct, Obstruct, Obstruct, then when the guy throws up his arms and say“ok I will do my own thing, using the powers given me, “They scream, “see he doesn’t want to work with us”.

On the day President Barack Obama was being inau­gu­rat­ed in this momen­tous and his­toric occa­sion of what many peo­ple all over the world saw as America’s com­ing of age a group of Republicans to include Paul Ryan Republican Candidate for President , Jim DeMint , Tom Coburn and oth­ers were hud­dled in a despi­ca­ble Un-American con­spir­a­cy to obstruct the new pres­i­dent as a path back to polit­i­cal pow­er. Republican Senator from the State of Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader:quote The sin­gle most impor­tant thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president”.

Republican Senator from the State of South Carolina Jim DeMint :quote “If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo, it will break him,” DeMint said refer­ring to health-care.

Of course being the liars they are when con­front­ed with his own words DeMint said he was­n’t say­ing he want­ed to break Obama the man he was refer­ring to his momentum.

In absolute­ly no con­text could that be true as the pres­i­dent had no momen­tum going , repub­li­cans had thwart­ed the efforts of the White House at every turn to get health care leg­is­la­tion passed.

Mitch McConnell is now whin­ing that the pres­i­dent and his sup­port­ers are look­ing for peo­ple to blame for what he calls the pres­i­den­t’s fail­ure, nev­er mind that there are plen­ty of evi­dence to point to with­in that intran­si­gent bel­li­cose regres­sive Neanderthal excuse for a polit­i­cal party.

What the so-called Independent vot­ers in this coun­try needs to remem­ber, if there are any such vot­ers, is what tran­spired over the last four years. Monolithic and across the board Republican oppo­si­tion and obstruc­tion to the pres­i­den­t’s agen­da, many argue that the blan­ket oppo­si­tion was a strat­e­gy to get back to pow­er, that has worked and it may be true, how­ev­er there is a deep­er more sin­is­ter motive to their strategy.

That strat­e­gy is to make Obama’s pres­i­den­cy a fail­ure so much so that the coun­try would not even think of elect­ing anoth­er black man/​woman for anoth­er fifty years. Ask your­selves what is behind the hard lurch the repub­li­can par­ty took to the right, ask why the voic­es once on the fringe are now the most stri­dent voic­es with­in the par­ty, even to the extent of forc­ing out high lev­el repub­li­cans who dare to utter the word “com­pro­mise”.

They want a puri­fied par­ty, a par­ty that does not even con­sid­er work­ing with the pres­i­dent, an all white party.

DeMint dou­bled down on his Waterloo com­ment by say­ing b, quote: ““I’m not look­ing for vin­di­ca­tion but I do believe that was a call to arms ear­ly in this race. I was one of the first who was will­ing to take the pres­i­dent on direct­ly on an agen­da that I thought was out of con­trol,” DeMint said Wednesday. “So I cer­tain­ly don’t regret say­ing it.”.

Voters with a mod­icum of self-inter­est or patri­o­tism would kick these two par­ti­san hacks out of office at the next oppor­tu­ni­ty, don’t hold your breath for that to hap­pen these two are fix­tures with­in their respec­tive states where this kind of think­ing and utter­ances are accept­able, so these states will re-elect them the next time they are up for re-elec­tion and the peo­ple who elect them will have vot­ed against their own self-interest.

Jim DeMint, Mitch McConnell Paul Ryan, Michelle Bachman, Allan West, and all oth­er House and Senate office Holders who wants to undo Obama-Care, all of them, are ben­e­fi­cia­ries of the best health care, paid for by peo­ple who have none.

It is the great­est dis­play of intel­lec­tu­al dis­hon­esty that repub­li­cans talk about the fail­ures of Barack Obama even as they conspire/​d and did every­thing in their pow­er to ensure that he has/​add no accomplishment.What they are ask­ing the vot­ers in this coun­try to do is to reward them for bad behavior.

No, the American peo­ple should not reward these peo­ple who are mem­bers of the gov­ern­ment , live off Government , spend most of their lives in gov­ern­ment , yet demean and dis­par­age government.

They should not reward Paul Ryan with a pro­mo­tion for lying and being an Obstructionist.

The American vot­er must send a clear mes­sage to Republicans, that they rep­re­sent their inter­est, they the peo­ple they claim to rep­re­sent, and not Charles and David Koch, they must make it clear to them that the House of Representatives is not a place where par­ti­san and racial grudges are played out, rather they must assert , you do our busi­ness, not yours.

The American vot­er must once and for all show peo­ple in the repub­li­can par­ty that they are not fools, they must assert that they will not allow them to make America a place only for the very rich.