Why Would A Whistle-Blower Save This Nation Of Cowards?

By Elie Mystal

We can­not guar­an­tee the safe­ty of whis­tle-blow­ers. Oh, we pass all kinds of laws with fan­cy names like the “Whistleblower Protection Act.” Our pres­i­dents sign exec­u­tive orders called “Protecting Whistleblowers with Access to Classified Information.” But when the rub­ber meets the road, when a whis­tle-blow­er wants to dish about the peo­ple in charge of enforc­ing the laws, all of our acts and procla­ma­tions are eas­i­ly ignored pieces of paper. 

Chelsea Manning lives in the Alexandria Detention Center. Edward Snowden lives in Moscow. People get to be called “whis­tle-blow­ers” only when the insti­tu­tions they’re blow­ing the whis­tle on allow it. Otherwise, they’re called “crim­i­nals” or “spies” and are sub­ject­ed to the full weight of the American jus­tice system.

That jus­tice sys­tem is cur­rent­ly run by Attorney General William Barr, and he is the most obvi­ous rea­son our cur­rent “whis­tle-blow­er” has yet to come for­ward to Congress about what­ev­er he or she would like to tell the American peo­ple about Donald Trump’s inter­ac­tions with, and promis­es to, for­eign lead­ers. What we know is that this whis­tle-blow­er, an intel­li­gence offi­cial who worked at the White House, filed a com­plaint with Michael Atkinson, the inspec­tor gen­er­al for the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty — and that Atkinson deemed the infor­ma­tion cred­i­ble enough to for­ward it to the direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence (DNI), and then to Congress. What we also know is that the Department of Justice told the DNI to ignore our whis­tle-blow­er laws and keep the infor­ma­tion hid­den from Congress.

Now, there are peo­ple in Congress, the media, and on the pres­i­den­tial cam­paign trail who hope that the whis­tle-blow­er takes the hero­ic step of risk­ing their pro­fes­sion­al career and per­son­al free­dom to come for­ward, to Congress. Senator Kamala Harris urged the whis­tle-blow­er to “go direct­ly to Congress,” say­ing that the “American peo­ple will stand with you.”

Man, if I were the whis­tle-blow­er, I’d tell all of these politi­cians and pun­dits to kiss my whole entire back­side. We “American peo­ple” are a deca­dent bour­geoisie who won’t storm con­cen­tra­tion camps to save chil­dren. Why should the whis­tle-blow­er believe that the “peo­ple” will do any­thing to “stand with” them, unless the whis­tle-blow­er has the secret recipe for chick­en sand­wich­es? Our lead­ers in Congress are feck­less cow­ards. They have failed, repeat­ed­ly, to hold President Donald Trump or A.G. Barr account­able for any of their past trans­gres­sions against the rule of law. Why should the whis­tle-blow­er believe that Congress — through the new­ly opened House Intelligence Committee inves­ti­ga­tion or oth­er means — is going to start hold­ing Trump and Barr account­able now?
Read more here; https://​www​.then​ation​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​w​h​i​s​t​l​e​b​l​o​w​e​r​-​t​r​u​m​p​-​u​k​r​a​i​ne/