Why The Outrage That Trump Did Not Repudiate Racist Turd? Trump Started It..

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

Left wing Media is up in arms today because an inbred igno­ra­mus asked Donald Trump at an event in new Hampshire.
“We have a prob­lem in this coun­try, it’s called Muslims. We know our cur­rent pres­i­dent is one, “You know he’s not even American, birth cer­tifi­cate man , “But any­way, we have train­ing camps grow­ing where they want to kill us. That’s my ques­tion. When can we get rid of them?”
Despite the inces­sant drum­beat about Trump not fol­low­ing John McCain’s lead in denounc­ing racist igno­rance there is some­thing which is lost in all of the noise.
Of course Trump did not denounce it , he start­ed it but despite the praise for John McCain he missed a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to be a great American himself.
When con­front­ed by a racist igno­rant woman at a Minnesota event who said “I can’t trust Obama. I have read about him and he’s not, he’s not uh — he’s an Arab.
McCain respond­ed “No, ma’am. He’s a decent fam­i­ly man [and] cit­i­zen that I just hap­pen to have dis­agree­ments with on fun­da­men­tal issues and that’s what this cam­paign’s all about. He’s not [an Arab].”
Even though many saw that moment as a mag­nan­i­mous McCain moment, John McCain missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to be big. If McCain believed as we are told that America was built by peo­ple who fled reli­gious per­se­cu­tion how could he not tell her that there is noth­ing in the American Constitution which pre­cludes Muslims or any oth­er Religious prac­ti­tion­er from run­ning for President.
In fact the only two require­ments is that the can­di­date reach­es the age of 35 years of age and was born in the United States.
Even on born in the United States stip­u­la­tion there are nuances, McCain him­self the son of a Navy Admiral was born in the Panama Canal zone. Ted Cruz anoth­er left wing loon was born in Canada. Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican pres­i­den­tial can­di­date, was actu­al­ly born in Canada. But because his moth­er was a U.S. cit­i­zen, he is con­sid­ered a nat­ur­al-born cit­i­zen as well, and is there­fore eli­gi­ble to run for pres­i­dent. Cruz was born in 1970 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His fam­i­ly lat­er moved to Texas, when he was 4.
Even if Obama was born out­side the United States which he was­n’t why would his American cit­i­zen moth­er not qual­i­fy for the same rights as a Ted Cruz?
The igno­rant Right nev­er miss­es an oppor­tu­ni­ty to tie itself into knots as they try to add legit­i­ma­cy to the illegitimate.

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Ever since Barack Obama took to the nation­al polit­i­cal stage the cel­lar-dwellers of the Republican Right have attacked his Blackness and his very right to com­pete for the Presidency of the United States. Unfortunately even some Democrats har­bor some of the same resent­ments when he seri­ous­ly chal­lenged Hillary Clinton and it appeared she would be beat­en for the demo­c­ra­t­ic Nomination in 2008.
Hillary Clinton is now crit­i­ciz­ing Donald trump for not repu­di­at­ing the cave dweller who asked the ques­tion as John McCain did in 08 ‚iron­i­cal­ly when under pres­sure dur­ing the pri­maries in 08 the very same Hillary said “he is a chris­t­ian,.….….…. as far as I know”!!!
Again in March of 2008 in answer to a 60 min­utes ques­tion­er Steve Kroft, “You don’t believe that Senator Obama’s a Muslim?” Kroft asked.
Clinton answered “Of course not. I mean, that’s, you know, there is no basis for that. You know, I take him on the basis of what he says. And, you know, there isn’t any rea­son to doubt that,” .
Hillary Clinton had a chance there and then to stamp out that hatred direct­ed at anoth­er Democrat she did­n’t, she allowed polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy to dic­tate her response and as such she has no author­i­ty to denounce Donald Trump.
Donald Trump will nev­er be the President of these United States let’s get that straight. The major­i­ty of Americans are decent evolved peo­ple who have long got­ten over racist ten­den­cies. Of course that major­i­ty is bol­stered by the coali­tion Barack Obama pieced togeth­er in 2008 .
That coali­tion includ­ed African-Americans-Hispanics, young peo­ple, Union work­ers, women. Jews, Asians and others.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Barack Obama is a suc­cess­ful two-term pres­i­dent whether they like it or not. The nasty xeno­pho­bic racism which was unearthed and unleashed on the American elec­toral process was intro­duced By Sarah Palin , Donald trump and oth­ers in the birther move­ment. Let’s thank Senator John McCain for that as well.
Since then President Obama has made pub­lic his long form birth cer­tifi­cate which silenced all of the crit­ics and doubters with the excep­tion of the intel­lec­tu­al turds like Palin Trump and the imbe­cile who posed the ques­tion to Trump.
Barack Obama was forced to show his papers. It was the same as dur­ing slav­ery when free black men were forced to show their free­dom papers to slave-catch­ers who would some­times destroy those papers and vio­lent­ly arrest them and return them to bondage.
Donald trump Sarah Palin and the igno­rant Right are mod­ern day slave catch­ers whose rel­e­vance is tied to pan­der­ing to the moron­ic and un-edu­cat­ed with­out whom they are noth­ing. As it was back in slav­ery , slave catch­ers were unim­por­tant whites with no pow­er their only sense of author­i­ty came from abus­ing blacks.

Of course Trump has a lot of mon­ey but his nar­cis­sis­tic cam­paign of “me” reveals a rather inse­cure shell of a man who needs to be told that he is loved, that he mat­ter. Putting down the achieve­ments of oth­ers, he believes enhances his own statute. His inco­her­ent dis­joint­ed sen­tences usu­al­ly end with the ques­tion “right”? An indi­ca­tion that he con­stant­ly needs to be validated.
As such I believe it is a waste of time to talk about Donald Trump at length. We have seen his kind before just ask pres­i­dent Rudolph Giuliani .……

Rudolph Giuliani
Rudolph Giuliani