Why Does The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Not Apply To Israel?

Benjamin Netanyahu, April 3, 2015. (photo credit:KOBY GIDEON/GPO)
Benjamin Netanyahu, April 3, 2015. (pho­to credit:KOBY GIDEON/​GPO)

Lets begin with this quote Any deal with Iran must include a clear and unam­bigu­ous recog­ni­tion by Tehran of Israel’s right to exist”. Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu said.
What exact­ly would the world look like if America uses it mil­i­tary might to oblit­er­ate every coun­try or group of peo­ple who holler “death to America”?
Would there even be a world?
This has been the cen­tral argu­ment behind Netanyahu’s aggres­sive stance against Iran. That Iran does not rec­og­nize Israel’s right to exist.
Using that log­ic every pow­er­ful coun­try has the right to break less pow­er­ful coun­tries who dare have an oppos­ing world view.
The rea­son behind Netanyahu’s obses­sion with bring­ing Iran to it’s knees requires some scrutiny.
Israel has not adhered to any United Nation’s res­o­lu­tions, it has man­aged to thumb it’s nose at the world because of its pow­er­ful friends , The United States, England and France.
Netanyahu’s arro­gance, and his cheek­i­ness is well known, he is not afraid to open­ly defy his most pow­er­ful backer, despite President Obama’s oppo­si­tion to a war with Iran.
He is com­fort­able in the knowl­edge that there are more than enough lack­eys and shills in the con­gress bought and paid for with Jewish lob­by’s money.

Netanyahu is sin­gu­lar­ly focused on the destruc­tion of Iran not because Iran is guilty of any greater trans­gres­sion that Israel has not equaled or sur­passed. His goal is to have Iran so neutered that Israel will wield the only real pow­er in the region.
The biggest oppo­si­tion to Israel’s geo­graph­i­cal expan­sion in Palestine is hin­dered by Hamas and Hezbollah both allies and pro­teges of Iran.
Understanding the dynam­ics of this sce­nario is crit­i­cal to under­stand­ing exact­ly what exact­ly are the real burn­ing issues in that Region.
One does not have to set foot in the region to under­stand that at the heart of many con­flicts in the region is the Palestinian Israeli con­flict aid­ed and abet­ted by the United States and oth­er west­ern power.

Now lets not kid our­selves Iran is no Angel but nei­ther is Israel.
Israel is report­ed to poss­es in excess of 200 nuclear bombs.
What gives Israel the right to pos­sess Bombs Iran or any oth­er nation are not allowed to have because of the nuclear non-pro­lif­er­a­tion treaty?
No one wants a world with nuclear bombs in the hands of every nation.
However we heard the same argu­ments when the Indians and the Pakistani’s declared they had nuclear bombs.
All of that noise has now dis­s­a­peared, nei­ther Pakistan nor India has used Nuclear weapons to threat­en nor oblit­er­ate anyone.
Nuclear weapons are essen­tial­ly bar­gain­ing chips, sta­tus symbols.
Of course in the hand of bad actors they can make for real­ly bad situations.
The United States how­ev­er is the only nation to ever have used an atom­ic device.
This caused a mad rush by oth­er pow­ers, soon the Soviet Union France and England announced they were nuclear armed as well, China , India , and Pakistan and some believe North Korea was to follow.
Each pow­er despite their fear­some arse­nal are mind­ful that the use of nuclear weapons on anoth­er coun­try will elic­it a mas­sive response from the oth­er coun­try or that coun­try’s protectors.

What’s impor­tant to note is that it is clear that the only pow­ers who should have nuclear weapons are Caucasian pow­ers. France, Britain,Russia, The United States.
Of course it was not exact­ly a cel­e­bra­tion when Asia joined the pres­ti­gious club.
China, India and Pakistan was to become mem­bers of that spe­cial group.
Nevertheless Israel was allowed to have the very weapons they are fight­ing tooth and nail to keep from the hands of oth­er nations.
The bomb must be kept from the hands of non-white peo­ple at all cost.