Why Cops Sometimes Conceal Their Identity !

People who decide to be Police Officers has to be a spe­cial breed, after all in places like Jamaica it can­not be because of the mon­ey. Police offi­cers risk their lives every day in order to keep the rest of us safe. In some coun­tries and locales the risk are some­what greater than others.

Police in Mexico some­times wear masks:

Yet a police offi­cer nev­er knows what is going to hap­pen when he/​she ini­ti­ates a sim­ple traf­fic stop . As such a police offi­cer must always be on guard to pro­tect his/​her life. Something hard­ly any­one else has to do at work in a giv­en day. Many argue that police offi­cers make the choice will­ing­ly so they should­n’t speak of the risks. The infer­ence being that free-will dimin­ish­es or reduces the legit­i­ma­cy of the argu­ment con­cern­ing the risks.

Police in the United States some­time wear masks:

Over the last few years one of the charge lev­eled against cer­tain units with­in the Jamaica Constabulary Force is that offi­cers wear masks on cer­tain operations.

The argu­ments put forth by con­cerned par­ties is that police offi­cers are more like­ly to abuse cit­i­zens rights if they know they can­not be iden­ti­fied. This is a legit­i­mate con­cern that should be addressed.

Police offi­cers should be giv­en all the tools they need so they may effec­tive­ly do what we ask them to do, which is to pro­tect us. At the top of that list and of utmost impor­tance is officer-safety.What that means is that the offi­cer’s secu­ri­ty is para­mount, his life must first be secured.

Cops in Egypt wear­ing masks:

On the oth­er hand the rights of cit­i­zens must be pro­tect­ed. Police offi­cers can­not have carte-blanche to abuse cit­i­zens. In the process of strik­ing the bal­ance between account­abil­i­ty and offi­cer-safe­ty, we are forced to rely on the integri­ty of those we empow­er and arm, to do the right thing by us, the peo­ple they are sworn to pro­tect and serve.

Cops in Haiti wear masks:

So the dis­cus­sion comes down, not to whether cops may wear masks on cer­tain occa­sions, but to the qual­i­ty of the peo­ple whom we empow­er to be police offi­cers. Many who posi­tion them­selves as com­men­ta­tors of every­thing police does, has zero knowl­edge of the dynam­ics or what it takes to be a cop in Jamaica. Frankly some sim­ply do not care. Many in posi­tions to shape leg­is­la­tion argues that not enough police offi­cers are get­ting shot.

Some in the Media gave peo­ple advice to stone police sta­tions years ago, oth­ers encour­age them to fight police offi­cers. politi­cians dis­trib­ute guns to kill peo­ple , cops included.

There are a few rea­sons why cops some­times wear face-masks on cer­tain oper­a­tions, chief among them are.

♦ They are work­ing undercover.

♦To keep their iden­ti­ties secret.

♦ Protecting them­selves and their fam­i­lies from reprisals.

♦ As a safe­ty precaution.

If an Officer wears a mask because that offi­cer wants to con­ceal wrong-doing on his/​her part, that offi­cer has already crossed the line, he is a criminal .

In Jamaica the need for offi­cers to be care­ful can­not be over-empha­sized, Jamaican crim­i­nals like to kill cops.

Noted Jamaican Doctor Garth Rattray was adamant in his col­umn in the dai­ly glean­er when he stated .

Quote:A patient of mine who is a mem­ber of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) was main­tain­ing a police pres­ence, parked in a marked police vehi­cle, close to an inter­sec­tion with a very major thor­ough­fare in St Andrew. As he observed the traf­fic and the gen­er­al sur­round­ings, a young man emerged from a neigh­bour­ing depressed com­mu­ni­ty. He walked right up to the dri­ver’s side win­dow and calm­ly announced, “One a unnu kill one a wi so wi a go kill back one a unnu.” The mes­sen­ger then dis­ap­peared back into the bow­els of his hon­ey­combed com­mu­ni­ty.http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​3​0​5​2​0​/​c​l​e​i​s​u​r​e​/​c​l​e​i​s​u​r​e​3​.​h​tml

This is what Jamaican police offi­cers have to deal with, in a small coun­try that is rough­ly 4411 square miles. Everyone knows some­one who knows some­one who knows where some­one lives. It is no won­der then that Police offi­cers are being killed in the own homes. (See blog-posts on this site deal­ing with this issue.)

Many peo­ple believe police offi­cers have firearms to take home. Guess again , many offi­cers are forced to hand over the weapons they use on the job and are left to the mer­cy of Jamaican crim­i­nals by the hier­ar­chy of the police force, some offi­cers have acquired pri­vate weapons, not all, those with­out are left to fend for themselves.

Why are Jamaican cops pre­clud­ed from wear­ing masks when they are much more like­ly to be killed than their inter­na­tion­al counterparts?

When the Police Commissioner acqui­esces to the dic­tates of Reactionary forces which are hell-bent on mak­ing Jamaican a crim­i­nal Utopia, police offi­cers die.

There is an bunch of Elitist in Jamaica who are spear-head­ing this assault on the safe­ty of police offi­cers, they are strate­gi­cal­ly posi­tioned to do innu­mer­able dam­age to the the rule of law and the lives of ordi­nary Jamaican cops, they are suc­ceed­ing in this endeav­or with the tac­it acqui­es­cence of the Police high-com­mand who are large­ly polit­i­cal lap-dogs.

Heading that list is.

♦Carolyn Gomes heads the group which calls itself Jamaicans for jus­tice or (JFJ).

Craolyn Gomes
Carolyn Gomes

♦Earl Witter mediocre crim­i­nal lawyer now giv­en the job cre­at­ed obvi­ous­ly for him , Public Defender.

Earl Witter
Earl Witter

♦Terrence Williams Commissioner , pow­er hun­gry wannabe-cop ‚appoint­ed to the new agency INDECOM.

Terrence Williams
Terrence Williams

♦Horace Levy self pro­mot­er and head of the so-called Peace Management Unit.

Horace Levy
Horace Levy

These are all posi­tions which which are at odds with law-enforce­ment in the small Caribbean Island of Jamaica, these are not the only ones but they are among the pri­ma­ry ones who grand-stand at the expense of the Jamaican police.The tragedy is that when they do, police offi­cers die.

Witter and Gomes vehe­ment­ly asserts ‚that in order for the num­ber of civil­ians killed to be more believ­able more cops would have to be killed. That kind of atro­cious state­ment could not come from the mouth of any per­son who want­ed to retain any degree of pub­lic sup­port in any developing/​ed coun­try except Jamaica. Carolyn Gomes received the Order of Jamaica. The oth­ers are lin­ing up for their awards from the crim­i­nal­ly com­plic­it Government(government not con­fined to party).

Jamaica has one of the high­est mur­der rates in the world, many argue that crime is a direct result of pover­ty and lack of oppor­tu­ni­ties. Yet there are coun­tries which have sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er stan­dard of liv­ing where crime is sub­stan­tial­ly low­er than Jamaica.

You ask what is it that dif­fer­en­ti­ates Jamaica from those coun­tries? The sim­ple answer is “vil­lage lawyers”, most of us present our­selves as an author­i­ty and have an opin­ion on everything.

We are impressed by stuff like, col­or, mon­ey, big hous­es, cars and Degrees, so it mat­ters not that a per­son who is a Pediatrician knows noth­ing about law-enforce­ment. That per­son­’s opin­ion is val­ued aver that of the real pros. But it goes even deep­er than that.

The poli­cies being fol­lowed are cost­ing the lives of cops, no one speaks for the cops who are being slaugh­tered, the forces head­ed by the char­la­tans above, are silent when cops are killed. Many peo­ple are now ask­ing the ques­tion why?

We don’t need croc­o­dile tears from them, what we have seen so far tells us what side they are on. The ques­tion is , has the Jamaican peo­ple real­ized who their ene­mies are . I real­ly don’t care for a lot of cops in the JCF , nev­er did, in fact some of them deserve to be treat­ed like sec­ond-class cit­i­zens in the job they ded­i­cate their lives to. Many of them deserve to have that pow­er-hun­gry ego-mani­a­cal ‚nar­cis­sis­tic shit-head Terrence Williams give speech­es to oth­er shit-heads about what police are sup­posed to do and what they aren’t sup­posed to wear. The top-tier or the police depart­ment, with the excep­tion of a few, are sim­ply polit­i­cal hacks who sim­ply do as they are told.

What I care about is the future of Jamaica, left up to Williams and oth­ers the police would be back in short pants walk­ing the beat. Guys like Williams are a new breed of rad­i­cals who believe they have the answers, but are only about self aggran­dize­ment and climb­ing on the backs of oth­ers to get to where they want to get to.

The Police high com­mand is sim­ply use­less and pathetic.

2 thoughts on “Why Cops Sometimes Conceal Their Identity !

  1. I won­der who will begin to do some­thing for us as Police, we have fam­i­ly too who are look­ing out and depend­ing on us! For Christ sake lead­ers do something.

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