Members of the Poughkeepsie Common Council sit and stare, as irate small business owners complain about what the newly installed Pay stations are doing to their businesses. From the expressions on their faces it would seem they are hearing about the loss of business and the general problems associated with the discriminatory roll-out for the first time. The Mayor is conveniently never in office but the City’s Administrator Milo Bunyi places the blame squarely at the feet of the Common Council.
Mister Bunyi insists the decision not to place the Pay stations the full length of Main street was the Council’s . Bunyi told me he wanted the Stations placed in other heavily used areas, which he claims would enable the City to increase the length of time from $0 .25c for 10 minutes to $0.25c per 15 minutes.
Presently Pay stations start above the circle at the western end of Main Street by the

Hudson River and ends at the intersection of Main and White Streets. There is no rational explanation why the stations have been installed in this selective manner. I raised that very issue with Mister Bunyi. Bunyi agreed with me that it gave an unfair advantage to Businesses from White street ‚east along Main, to the city limits

Out of options, I turned to ShaRon McClinton 6th Ward Council member in whose Ward the Stations end. She told me she is unhappy with the implementation of the Pay stations. She insists Milo Bunyi is being less than forthcoming regarding whose decision it was to do the selective implementation. Council woman McClinton vowed to keep fighting, she also promised to get back to me . I am still awaiting her call.
Incidentally too many residents of Ms, McClinton’s Ward seem not to know the difference between the streets in their community and a garbage receptacle.City Hall seemingly responds to her Ward by the appearance of the garage strewn streets.
In the meantime we have a City with some residents enjoying an unfair advantage over others, because of the Politics coming out of City Hall.
It appears that it will require a Class-Action Law suit to get the City to do the right thing.
It is time for the Mayor to emerge from hiding and fix this problem. Our tax dollars are just as important as the people not having to contend with pay for park.