Whoops Just Like I Said .…

It’s much eas­i­er to shoot the mes­sen­ger than give up our safe places in our heads, be dragged away from the com­fort zones we cre­at­ed in our own minds.

If You Believe The ZOSO Will Have An Impact On Murders You Deserve To Be Conned .…

So we con­tin­ue to dwell in places of unre­al­i­ty rather than assess the mes­sage and change.
Instead of heed­ing the warn­ing bea­con from the light­house and turn the ship around we con­tin­ue right into the rocks, all while telling our­selves the light is beck­on­ing us to come closer.

Bunch Of Smoke On Crime, No Fire: Cops Must Get A Clue As Well…

It is rather unfor­tu­nate that the Jamaican peo­ple have allowed them­selves to be trib­al­ized by the two polit­i­cal par­ties that they see lit­er­al­ly every­thing through the lens of the par­ty they support.
It is a new kind of con­trol on the minds of the mass­es which caus­es them to slav­ish­ly embrace lies and pro­pa­gan­da as facts at the expense of truth and reason.

Holness Has No Standing To Tell Cops Not To Kill Anyone..Zones Law Cynical Attempt To Place Blame On Police…

What the hell are you talk­ing about Mike?
Well, to begin with, there is the avalanche of feed­back I get, some print­able oth­ers not so much regard­ing my stance on the recent­ly enact­ed (ZOSO) law, ha ha ha .

Oh, why are you so negative”?
“Why can’t you wait and see if it will work”?
“Give the thing a chance kum­red .” This one real­ly cracks me up though, me a kum­red.

Two Competing Philosophies, Neither Has The Potential For A Positive Outcome

Now, why would I wait to see if a bar­rel rolling down­hill toward the sea will end up in the sea?
What are the chances that ‑that bar­rel will sud­den­ly change or defy the laws of grav­i­ty, turn around and head back up the hill?
Okay while you pon­der that prob­a­bil­i­ty I am going to move on to facts and things which can actu­al­ly happen.
You know just like I said ZOSO was not a crime pol­i­cy it was a smoke screen designed to paci­fy you?
Look there are some things this admin­is­tra­tion is doing right, the ZOSO law is not one of them.

Peter Phillips Opposition leader.

The dol­lar is kin­da sta­ble, accord­ing to some reports, there are more peo­ple employed than ever before even though I would ques­tion whether much of those jobs are not pub­lic sec­tor jobs cre­at­ed by the myr­i­ad gov­ern­ment agencies?
Big Government at work, don’t get me wrong, to a man who needs to eat a job is a job pri­vate or pub­lic sector.
Never mind that the oth­er polit­i­cal par­ty would do the same, they are the archi­tects of big dys­func­tion­al government.
They tax every­one blind­ly then give the mon­ey to loy­al­ists for jobs they nev­er show up to do or from which there is no return on investment.

Peter Bunting, no cred­i­bil­i­ty on crime.
Once said crime required divine intervention.

I lay no claim to fame for pre­dict­ing accu­rate­ly the out­comes which would emanate from the exe­cu­tion of ZOSO.
You heard it here first, spelled it out in detail and explained why ZOSO could not work.
Yup, I likened the flood­ing of cer­tain areas with police and mil­i­tary bod­ies to a lit­tle water in a tied bal­loon, squeeze one end and the water rush­es to the oth­er end of the balloon.

I said it was not a crime strat­e­gy because it was­n’t at con­cep­tion and it still isn’t on execution.
The arro­gance and indeed the igno­rance of some with­in the rul­ing labor par­ty as it relates to this fias­co is stun­ning­ly palpable.
Street crim­i­nals are cer­tain­ly not as stu­pid as their con­tem­po­raries who dou­ble as politicians.
Why would any­one expect crim­i­nals to sit and wait for cops to come arrest them and take their expen­sive auto­mat­ic weapons?

Of course, crime would increase in oth­er areas as a result of this fiasco.
I said so because I know what the hell I am talk­ing about.
Interestingly, this bit of social engi­neer­ing will fail like all of the oth­er attempts at putting the lock on the run­away crime on the Island.

The fact is that Jamaica is a good place for crim­i­nals to ply their trade. It is real­ly bad and it’s going to get even worse because word gets around real­ly fast that Jamaica is open for crim­i­nal business.
These men­tal retards who run our affairs have no idea what they are open­ing up our coun­try for.
Stay tuned and put your seat­belts on.