Who Would Have Thought It Would Be The Cheneys?

Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, char­ac­ter and conviction.

(Wah nu ded nu dash I weh)
What in the name of? .….what are you talk­ing about, Mike? Relax .… it’s an old Jamaican proverb, mean­ing if a thing is not dead, do not throw it out.
I should have learned that les­son grow­ing up, but I was con­front­ed on two sep­a­rate occa­sions to nev­er give up on peo­ple no mat­ter how we dis­like how they operate.
The first instance is Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney, the sole House mem­ber from Wyoming, and her stance on her oath to the US constitution.
Liz Cheney would be one of the last Republicans I would have expect­ed to stand up to Donald Trump’s elec­tion lies; if any Republican were so bold, I would have expect­ed New York Republican like .…..let me see, an upstate repub­li­can like Elise Stefanik. Yea .…why not? It would be safer to win reelec­tion in new york, right?

Elise Stefanik New York Republican, is will­ing to do any­thing for pow­er, includ­ing vio­lat­ing the oath she took to uphold the Constitution.

After all, Liz Cheney is the daugh­ter of Dick Cheney, George Bush’s for­mer Vice President, and Liz was the num­ber three in the Republican House lead­er­ship, so why would she buck the trend to stand up to a lying con-man who has the Republican par­ty and half the coun­try eat­ing out of his tiny grub­by hands? Fidelity to her oath!!!
Liz Cheney had a lot to lose; as we have seen, she has already lost a lot and will lose even more before this is over.
The Wyoming Republican Party cen­sured her; she lost her lead­er­ship job to… you guessed it, Elise Stefanik the upstate New York Congresswoman who is will­ing and ready to do any­thing to attain pow­er, basi­cal­ly any­thing lying con artist Donald Trump wants. Liz Cheney was pri­maried for her seat, the sole house seat in the entire State, and at the moment, polls show her pri­ma­ry oppo­nent lead­ing her by 22-points.
Liz Cheney took an oath, and she is stand­ing by that oath; she is not the only Republican who has done that. I lift my cap to Illinois Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger for stand­ing for what is right, but this is about Liz Cheney right now, and I am not wear­ing a hat, so there is that.
Adam Kinzinger has always sound­ed so rea­son­able that he could eas­i­ly pass for a Democrat or Independent. In fact, Kinzinger is indeed a con­ser­v­a­tive Republican, but his par­ty is so far to the right even his posi­tion appears reasonable.

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And then the above, in the Nation’s 246-year his­to­ry, no per­son has been a greater dan­ger to American Democracy than .……Let me let him tell it.
Dick Cheney, whom many on the left and in the cen­ter brand­ed a war crim­i­nal for the lies he told that led up to the Iraq inva­sion, result­ing in the death of hun­dreds of thousands.
Many argue that Dick Cheney has no stand­ing to make such an asser­tion as if every­thing they say about him can’t be true and his state­ments above true as well. After all, even a bro­ken Clock is right twice each day.
In a con­ver­sa­tion with a wise con­fi­dant today, he told me the teller’s char­ac­ter does not taint the truth.
Yes, I am sur­prised that of all of the Dynastic fam­i­lies in the United States, it is the Cheneys that are stand­ing up to defend American democ­ra­cy from a lying trai­tor who has used racism to poi­son the well so much so that even if he decides against run­ning for the pres­i­den­cy in 2024 the tox­i­c­i­ty in the stream is enough to upend democ­ra­cy as we know it.
I learned that every­one is redeemable.…..(Wah nu ded nu dash I weh).




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.