Following on my com­ments on the upcom­ing elec­tions recent­ly, I will con­tin­ue to expand on what I see to be a despi­ca­ble cow­ardice and con­nivance in these upcom­ing nation­al elec­tions. You may be sur­prised to learn that I am refer­ring to Democrats.

It has become clear… well at least to me, that there are two dis­tinct wings in the demo­c­ra­t­ic party.The last two term demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­dent Bill Clinton has left an indeli­ble impres­sion on the par­ty. He is con­sid­ered the actu­al defac­to leader of the party.

Hillary and Bill Clinton are still incred­i­bly pop­u­lar in the par­ty, as such many who were nev­er on the Obama express, whis­per that Hillary should have got­ten the Nomination over Barack Obama. I’m not quite sure what is the for­mu­la for that determination.

George Washington report­ed­ly turned down being crowned King, telling the peo­ple that they ran away from the British King and as such America did not need a King, smart man.

However if recent com­ments by Anne Romney are any­thing to go by Quote “It’s our time , it’s Mitt’s time” such pre­sump­tu­ous arro­gance.http://​www​.nypost​.com/​p​/​n​e​w​s​/​n​a​t​i​o​n​a​l​/​o​u​t​t​a​_​m​y​_​h​o​u​s​e​_​E​1​8​W​Z​X​I​i​c​M​J​E​p​o​P​x​H​e​D​scN It seem the Romneys believe that they are enti­tled to the pres­i­den­cy.

It seem that America is head­ed the way of a type of plu­to­crat­ic Monarchy of sorts. Recent Supreme Court deci­sion cit­i­zens United has also sig­nalled with some degree of cer­tain­ty that the coun­try is indeed head­ed for , if not already a plu­toc­ra­cy.

The Clinton Wing of the Democratic par­ty is the lib­er­al equiv­a­lent of the Tea-par­ty in my esti­ma­tion. Many of them still have not got­ten over the loss Hilary Clinton suf­fered at the hands of Barack Obama.

It was democ­rats who start­ed the despi­ca­ble nas­ti­ness in Pennsylvania and Ohio dur­ing the Primaries between Hillary and Barack. It was so-called democ­rats who were show­ing up with the card-board car­i­ca­tures. After the pri­maries were over repub­li­cans sim­ply picked up where the so-called work­ing class whites in Pennsylvania and Ohio left off.

I make that argu­ment in light of the glar­ing chasm in the num­bers, as it relates to Obama and whites. I believe if these vot­ers were in Obama’s col­umn this race would have been a fore­gone conclusion.

Bill Clinton did not have to do so much when he was pres­i­dent, he had Paul Begala, James Carville, George Stephanalous and many oth­ers includ­ing some who were sim­ply in it for what they could get out of it. Hillary Clinton had the entire con­gres­sion­al black cau­cus as sur­ro­gates. The ques­tion is where is the con­gres­sion­al black cau­cus ? Why are they not out there as sur­ro­gates for this president?

This mon­th’s job num­ber of 69 thou­sand, though noth­ing to crow about is a far cry from when Obama took office and the econ­o­my was hem­or­rhag­ing 700 thou­sand jobs per month. Though not fan­tas­tic I will read­i­ly take 69 thou­sand jobs cre­at­ed as against 700 thou­sand lost.

Republicans have blocked the pres­i­dent at every turn, why would the elec­torate reward them for bad behav­ior? The jobs bill which Boehner refus­es to bring to the floor of the house would , by many esti­mates cre­ate hun­dreds of thou­sands of con­struc­tion jobs, which in turn would cre­ate a pos­i­tive cas­cad­ing snow-ball effect on the economy.

When that jobs bill is added to the over 2 tril­lion dol­lars report­ed­ly in the hands of big busi­ness­es, yet they refuse to hire work­ers , it leaves lit­tle doubt that there is a con­spir­a­cy afoot to jam Obama’s pres­i­den­cy at every turn.

Big busi­ness­es want to return to the Bush years which saw the coun­try’s econ­o­my reach the brink of ruination.Nno reg­u­la­tions, and uncon­scionable craven tax cuts for the 1% . In Mitt Romney they have A per­fect emp­ty ves­sel who stand for noth­ing and will do the exact bid­ding of the 1%. 

Grover Norquist their no tax guru they all pledged to , have stat­ed that they only need a pres­i­dent to sign the Bills that gets shov­eled to his desk. Romney is that person.

The tragedy in all of this is that the elec­torate, which many cred­it with being intel­li­gent, seem will­ing to reward obstruc­tion­ist repub­li­cans who have lift­ed not one fin­ger to end their suf­fer­ing and has made it clear that they stand with big busi­ness. They seem pre­pared to give pow­er back to them so they can get back to tax cuts for the rich, dereg­u­la­tion, Ponzi gam­bling by big banks ‚wild unreg­u­lat­ed spec­u­lat­ing by oth­er finan­cial insti­tu­tions, mas­sive destruc­tion to the envi­ron­ment by large cor­po­ra­tions, and ille­gal unfund­ed for­eign wars.

Never mind the month­ly shed­ding of 700 thou­sand jobs when the pres­i­dent took office.

Never mind almost 4 years of obstruc­tion­ist tac­tics from republicans.

Never mind that when he took office no one knew where the bot­tom would be, when would it end.

Never mind that over 4 mil­lion jobs were cre­at­ed under Obama’s watch.

Never mind the auto indus­try was saved and ful­ly solvent.

Never mind that man­u­fac­tur­ing is com­ing back to America.

Never mind that most of the top tiered lead­er­ship of Al Qaeda has been eradicated.

Never mind that the King-pin Osama Bin Laden has been neutralized.

Never mind that this pres­i­dent has passed uni­ver­sal health care , some­thing no oth­er demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­dent was able to do.

Never mind that this pres­i­dent has passed sev­er­al laws and giv­en sup­port to women and peo­ple whom have been out of the so-called main­stream before.

Never mind that this pres­i­dent repealed “don’t ask, don’t tell”.

Never mind that this pres­i­dent signed the Lilly Ledbetter act into law.

Never mind that the pres­i­dent end­ed the Iraq war

Never mind that this pres­i­dent has restored the coun­try to promi­nence and respectabil­i­ty on the world’s stage.

Never mind that this pres­i­dent in his first term has opened up the mar­ket place for green ener­gy and has allowed more leas­es for oil and nat­ur­al gas drilling, even more than his pre­de­ces­sor, a drill baby drill pres­i­dent Bush.

Never mind that on the ques­tion of immi­gra­tion this pres­i­dent has deport­ed more peo­ple out of this coun­try than any oth­er pres­i­dent. Acquiescing exact­ly to what the lunatic right wants, yet he is accused of not uphold­ing America’s laws.

There are more than ade­quate rea­sons for this pres­i­dent to run on his record and be eas­i­ly re-elect­ed. Where are the democ­rats wo are sup­posed to be out there trum­pet­ing this pres­i­den­t’s record of accomplishment?

The fact of the mat­ter is, when­ev­er things fall apart they allow a black guy to have a go at it, ask David Dinkins about that. The pro­grams he start­ed were all cred­it­ed to the ego­ma­ni­a­cal Rudolph Giuliani. Yet most if not all of those ini­tia­tives were start­ed by David Dinkins. Yet they have effec­tive­ly scrubbed the Dinkins may­oral­ty from the annals of New York City dia­logue as if it nev­er happened.

To his dis­cred­it nei­ther Dinkins nor the lily liv­er­ied democ­rats have stood up to the pompous lit­tle ego­ma­ni­ac Rudolph Giuliani, they allowed them to use revi­sion­ist his­to­ry to dis­tort and destroy his legacy.

They will attempt to do the same to Obama, as they have done repeat­ed­ly to President Jimmy Carter. Over and over again they have ridiculed President Carter as an abject fail­ure, the every­thing that was wrong with demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­dents, weak feck­less, inde­ci­sive. The truth is they wont men­tion the fail­ures they have had, from Hoover all the way down to bush 43rd.

Democrats have allowed repub­li­cans to use the mil­i­tary to launch ille­gal and unau­tho­rised wars all over the globe to sat­is­fy large cor­po­ra­tions, and they sign on as lambs to the slaugh­ter, afraid of being labeled weak. President Carter’s pres­i­den­cy was defined by the débâ­cle in the Arabian desert, had it suc­ceed­ed his pres­i­den­cy would have been seen in a dif­fer­ent light. Never mind that the same prin­ci­ple applied to Obama’s deci­sion to go after Bin Laden the way he did. Had he failed his pres­i­den­cy would have been over, the sim­i­lar­i­ties are uncanny.

Yet despite the mon­u­men­tal risk Obama took to neu­tral­ize Bin Laden, enter­ing a sov­er­eign nation(Pakistan) with­out autho­riza­tion, (as he said he would as can­di­date Obama) it did not stop Donald Rumsfeld from say­ing it was an easy deci­sion to make, a deci­sion which required no more than 15 min­utes, 12 of which should have been spent on cof­fee break.

Donald Rumsfeld for­mer Defense sec­re­tary was even­tu­al­ly fired by pres­i­dent Bush, an abject failure.

People on the left do not have real fight­ers look­ing out for their inter­est. Democrats are feck­less cow­ards. Republicans set the agen­da , dis­tort the facts and cam­paign and gov­ern by lies. Democrats do noth­ing about it.

If pres­i­dent Obama los­es this elec­tion his par­ty will be respon­si­ble, not republicans.

Republicans do what they do, they do not care about any­thing but pow­er and the cause of the filthy rich. they do not hide that, they allowed the coun­try’s AAA cred­it rat­ing to be down­grad­ed over a pro­ce­dur­al mea­sure,( rais­ing the cred­it lim­it). They refuse to pass a bill which would put work­ers back to work, pol­i­tics at it’s worse.

If a par­ty can risk the eco­nom­ic via­bil­i­ty of the coun­try to fur­ther polit­i­cal ends ‚there is no telling what else they will do to gain power.

Democrats will lose if they once again fail to com­mu­ni­cate this to the electorate.