Who Pressured The Minister To Change His Mind, And Why?



Peter Bunting

But in a sub­mis­sion dis­trib­uted dur­ing the com­mit­tee meet­ing, human rights group Jamaicans For Justice (JFJ) sug­gest­ed that Parliament should go even fur­ther and intro­duce a “three strikes you are out of the force” pol­i­cy for bel­liger­ent mem­bers of the police force.The pro­pos­als includ­ed the intro­duc­tion of a Police Reform Act that would reform police dis­ci­pli­nary pro­ce­dure, includ­ing a ‘three strikes you are out of the force’ pol­i­cy; the fail­ure of police offi­cers to par­tic­i­pate in INDECOM inves­ti­ga­tions to be deemed a breach of their employ­ment con­tract with the Government; removal of the need for INDECOM to prove “mis­con­duct” before get­ting the author­i­ty to inves­ti­gate “inci­dents” and to include “pos­si­ble abuse of pow­ers” in the issues; and to give INDECOM a statu­to­ry duty to play a role in dis­ci­plin­ing errant police, as well as in observ­ing and par­tic­i­pat­ing in inter­nal dis­ci­pli­nary pro­ce­dures for secu­ri­ty offi­cers who abuse cit­i­zens’ human rights or whose actions/​omissions lead to loss to the State or cit­i­zens.Read more: http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​B​u​n​t​i​n​g​-​w​e​l​c​o​m​e​s​-​I​N​D​E​C​O​M​-​j​u​d​g​e​m​ent – JFJ-wants-more_14795775#ixzz2ajIPPUIZ.

Here’s what’s impor­tant, Peter Bunting just days ago, thought that INDECOM had too much pow­er, in fact his exact words were “this agency is too pow­er­ful”. We com­ment­ed on that in Blog post titled >Revamp,re-do, re-autho­rize INDECOM !

Bunting’s premise for the posi­tion he took regard­ing INDECOM was that the Act, as con­sti­tut­ed had “huge con­se­quences for nation­al secu­ri­ty and pub­lic inter­est”. At time the Minister made those ratio­nal state­ments, we agreed with him that the police force need­ed over­sight, but putting anoth­er agency over the police and mil­i­tary, staffed with peo­ple who have no train­ing or expe­ri­ence in Military of Police pro­ce­dures was gross­ly mis­guid­ed. When that is jux­ta­posed with the nar­cis­sis­tic behav­ior of the head of INDECOM Terrence Williams, it leads ratio­nal thinkers to be very wor­ried for Jamaica.

We would like to know what pres­sure was brought to bear on the min­is­ter of National Security, between the time he thought INDECOM had too much pow­er and yes­ter­day, and by whom? Our coun­try’s National Security pol­i­cy can­not be dic­tat­ed by a too-bit crim­i­nal lob­by with an agenda!

No one denies the need for police reform, in fact police offi­cers makes it nec­es­sary that there is over­sight of their actions. The hier­ar­chy of the police force has failed mis­er­ably to effec­tive­ly recruit, train and super­vise prop­er can­di­dates to the Jamaica Constabulary force, the result of that is ‚woe­ful­ly flawed can­di­dates which has brought the once proud agency to its knees. However a strong dis­ci­plined com­pe­tent police force is in every­one’s inter­est, unless of course you are a crim­i­nal or a group which ben­e­fits from tear­ing down the police force for per­son­al gains. Like vul­tures, smelling blood, this crim­i­nal lob­by JFJ is not con­tent with the rul­ings of the courts in the inter­est of the peo­ple. Through the lead­er­ship of Carolyn Gomes, the incom­pe­tent Government has allowed her to sin­gle-hand­ed­ly dis­man­tle and the demor­al­ize the police agency, to sat­is­fy her per­son­al prejudices.

Carolyn Gomes has got­ten over­ly pow­er­ful in Jamaica, it has become clear that she feels she can have the Government do what­ev­er she wants. She has pow­er­ful back­ers in International cir­cles with mon­ey to burn. Many of these monied inter­est wants Jamaica mired in pover­ty and crime. That’s how small nations are kept sub­servient. It is time to put an end to this mad­ness. This woman is a plant, none of the back­ers of Carolyn Gomes can influ­ence the rule of law, the admin­is­tra­tion of rights and jus­tice, nor the leg­is­la­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of law enforce­ment pol­i­cy in their respec­tive countries.

Police offi­cers must have lat­i­tude to do their job, it can­not be that those we ask to pro­tect us are afraid to act, even when their own lives are in jeop­ardy. I sug­gest Jamaican cops show up to work, do the min­i­mum, col­lect their pay­checks and go home to their fam­i­lies. Allow the Government, Gomes and those on the Constitutional Court to fig­ure it out. Follow this sug­ges­tion and many will be tak­ing one of the many flights out, the exo­dus has already started.

6 thoughts on “Who Pressured The Minister To Change His Mind, And Why?

  1. Growing up as a boy in Central Kingston and Rockforth my sur­round­ings was lit­tered with the worst soci­ety had to offer and they were sup­port­ers of both polit­i­cal par­ties more so the PNP there was no work so polit­i­cans let off a ting and these men became loy­al to them ‚hence the polit­i­cans has to pro­tect them when they com­mit crimes they are rep­re­sent­ed by well known lawyers .The Communist PNP par­ty do not like police and they do every thing in their pow­er to wres­tle away pow­er from police so their mem­bers will have a easy time after com­mit­ting crimes ‚all the orig­i­na­tion that fight the police has been born out of the com­mu­nist par­ty the PNP ‚i remem­ber in the sev­en­ties when a PNP sup­port­er was alleged­ly to have burn down the poor house noth­ing came of it he was rep­re­sent­ed by high pro­file lawyers that was a sight for sure eye just because they say the poor house peo­ple vote for labour .this is what i want the police to do pro­tect their fam­i­ly and them­selves when a crime is report­ed col­lect the state­ment and file it do noth­ing out the ordi­nary i am sick and tired of the com­mu­nist PNP party

    • As a young cop the Workers Party (WPJ) had my face cen­ter stage on the front of the par­ty pub­li­ca­tion (The Struggle), I was a young offi­cer sta­tioned at the Mobile Reserve ‚and attached to the Ranger Squad, as I have writ­ten in a book yet to be pub­lished and in these blogs,my only crime was stand­ing firm (no pun intended)and pre­vent­ing them from invad­ing the grounds of Jamaica House to attack the Prime Minister Edward Seaga who hap­pened to have been in office at the time. It is noth­ing new I also ran into Portia Simpson Miller who came up to White Hall Avenue when her brig­ands were not allowed to steal bal­lot box­es from the polling sta­tion @ the White Hall avenue school. She rolled in the streets and bawled that we were harass­ing her sup­port­ers. Never mind that her con­stituen­cy of south west st Andrew is miles away from St Andrew North.She apol­o­gized when a cer­tain well-know strong ‑man arrived from anoth­er PNP enclave. Trevor Monroe , also apol­o­gized to me after a fam­i­ly mem­ber of his inter­vened and showed him the error of his ways. I have also had my share of run-ins with the oth­er par­ty as well.

  2. Mike , first­ly we must not loose sight of the fact that Bunting is a politi­cian and like most crea­tures of his kind changes to the tune of his par­ties posi­tion and the mass­es of the elec­torate when its expe­di­ent and if it enhances his posi­tion and rais­es his pro­file . I was not at all sur­prise at the present change in posi­tion of Bunting, he has not been impres­sive in his port­fo­lio as Minister as far as I am con­cern . It was not­ed too in the news report you post­ed on his posi­tion on the INDECOM issue, pri­or to the courts rul­ing , that he was giv­ing his per­son­al opin­ion and not as the Minister of Security. The ques­tion is , when he made the last pro­nounce­ment , did he have on the hat of the Minister or giv­ing his per­son­al opin­ion. I agree with most of the point you made as to the need for an over­sight body for the Force, which as far I am con­cern is cru­cial and indeed crit­i­cal for trans­paren­cy , the prob­lem is grant­i­ng pow­er to an overzeal­ous Terrence Williams IDECOM’S present boss ‚could lead to chaos with­in the Force . On the Other hand Carolyn Gomes can ask for all she wants ‚as far as what she and her organ­i­sa­tion is seek­ing , I don’t think a Government as ours will be jump­ing to the tune of Jamaican’s for Justice songs any time soon espe­cial­ly if they , pri­ma faci , are absurd, unre­al­is­tic and oppres­sive and that could lead to lack­lus­ter per­for­mance of the force , lets see how this unravels .

    • Interesting per­spec­tive Mac. we shall see, My prob­lem is not with over­sight, in fact hav­ing spo­ken to many offi­cers from top to bot­tom they wel­come over­sight, or what they call(pressure groups)not sure why , when no oth­er work­ers have to risk their lives to earn a liv­ing, much less wit so called pres­sure groups mon­day morn­ing quar­ter back­ing every­thing they do.What they are con­cerned about is the nar­cis­sis­tic ego­ma­nia of Terrence Williams.Don’t for­get his meet­ing with Gomes, it was improp­er and he should have been fired then.

      • Mike , I nev­er got the impres­sion that you were against the struc­ture of INDECOM , I new your con­cern was with its boss , Terrence Williams . the rea­son for the offi­cers, with whom you spoke , will­ing­ness to acqui­esce to the estab­lish­ment of an insti­tu­tion such as INDECOM , is that they want to ensure that there is trans­paren­cy and that rogue cops are held in check . Having cops inves­ti­gat­ing them­selves have been prob­lem­at­ic and seen as a con­flict of inter­est and also rais­es the per­cep­tion that there was no equi­ty in such an arrange­ment . Personally , I think we should not be wor­ry­ing too much about Mr. William’s nar­cis­sis­tic dis­po­si­tion , that shine will soon loos­es its lus­tre , he thinks he is oper­at­ing in a ster­ile envi­ron­ment , but already he is encoun­ter­ing chal­lenges . His uni­lat­er­al engage­ment with­out coöper­a­tion of the force , will wear him down mak­ing him inef­fec­tive. I , like you, wants bal­ance in the sys­tem in oth­er words equi­ty . I echo the words of the peo­ple on the street ” we want justice ”

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