White Women Continue To Glorify In The Destruction Of Black Bodies…

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Throughout the dark, despi­ca­ble peri­od of slav­ery, Jim Crowe, to the present, an often over­looked group, has been instru­men­tal in its grue­some­ness; white women. The stink of their sins will for­ev­er leave a stench and a scar­let let­ter on them and their descen­dants into perpetuity.
They can try all they want to ‘white­wash’ his­to­ry to relieve their guilt, but both are sure to fail. They can try to sup­press America’s mur­der­ous his­to­ry against black peo­ple, but word will get out. And they cer­tain­ly will not ease their con­science from the tor­ment of those crimes.
This writer has con­sis­tent­ly point­ed to inci­dent after inci­dent where white women steeped in the knowl­edge that their weak mon­strous, sub-human male coun­ter­parts would com­mit any crime, includ­ing mur­der, to pro­tect their faux fragili­ty have lever­aged that weak mon­stros­i­ty to the per­il of count­less black peo­ple from the begin­ning of this exper­i­ment called America.
Many enslaved men and women have been tor­tured beyond imag­i­na­tion and even­tu­al­ly mur­dered because a despi­ca­ble lying white woman decid­ed to lever­age that weapon with dev­as­tat­ing consequences.
Entire towns have been burned to the ground, and their inhab­i­tants slaugh­tered like dis­eased cat­tle on the lies of lying white women. The white liar who had Emmit Till slaugh­tered by the equal­ly sub­hu­man horde remains alive and unpros­e­cut­ed for her crimes. This alone should give one a good per­spec­tive of jus­tice in the United States.

Beyond act­ing as agi­ta­tors and fus­es to the flames of vio­lence and hatred indued in their male con­tem­po­raries, they act as ter­mites, con­sis­tent­ly eat­ing away at the wood­work of racial harmony.
So it was no sur­prise that a group of those hate­mon­gers, Republicans as you may have already guessed, gath­ered at a Greek restau­rant in Bowling Green, Kentucky, to hear Jonathan Mattingly, a for­mer cop with the Louisville Metro Police Department who was among the team who per­formed a botched raid that killed 26-year-old Breonna Taylor while she was in her apart­ment in 2020.
Patrons of the Restaurant could hear the sounds of gun­shots and unset­tling police footage from an upstairs event held by the local Republican group of white women .…..
Restaurant patron Cayce Johnson told The Courier-Journal that audio from the event could be heard through­out the restau­rant and that Mattingly, now a con­ser­v­a­tive pun­dit (big sur­prise there), was intro­duced to “rau­cous applause.” It is impor­tant to remem­ber Mattingly was the first cop to enter Ms. Taylor’s apart­ment on 13 March 2020, as police exe­cut­ed a search war­rant and used a bat­ter­ing ram to break down her door.
The search war­rant was obtained from a judge on lies and fab­ri­cat­ed state­ments by mem­bers of the Louisville Metro Police Department.
Though Mattingly has not been charged with a crime, detec­tive Brett Hankison was charged with civ­il rights vio­la­tions, alleg­ing that the now-for­mer cop “will­ful­ly used uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly exces­sive force, while act­ing in his offi­cial capac­i­ty as an offi­cer, when he fired his ser­vice weapon into Taylor’s apart­ment through a cov­ered win­dow and cov­ered glass door.”
Last year, the US Department of Justice indict­ed three oth­er cops involved in the scheme– Kelly Goodlett, Joshua Jaynes and Kyle Meany – on charges of con­spir­a­cy, obstruc­tion of jus­tice and civ­il rights vio­la­tions for alleged­ly con­spir­ing to mis­lead the judge who approved the search war­rant on Ms. Taylor’s home.
Another restau­rant patron, Katelyn Jones, told CNN that she could not see what was hap­pen­ing upstairs but heard the sounds of sirens and gun­shots that drowned out their din­ner con­ver­sa­tion. 
“Towards the end of our meal, the lights shut off, and we heard police radio chat­ter and sirens on a record­ing. We heard the gun­shots, too, and it was so loud and chaot­ic. It was real­ly loud.

Creative direc­tor at the Grio​.com Toure’ in ref­er­ence to the inci­dent, yes­ter­day wrote, ‘Mattingly has told his sto­ry many times — in the book and in var­i­ous inter­views — but for some rea­son, this Republican group need­ed him to come to its event and tell his sto­ry again. This is part of the right’s bizarre fetish of lion­iz­ing peo­ple who kill Black peo­ple.’ You see the way they have made Kyle Rittenhouse into a hero because he killed peo­ple at a BLM rally.
Toure’ went on
It also reminds me of the way white peo­ple in this coun­try would take pho­tographs of lynch­ing and turn them into post­cards as a way of cel­e­brat­ing the destruc­tion of a Black body and the per­pet­u­a­tion of white power.
Can some­one shout “Amen”?
This is not just pre­pos­ter­ous or shock­ing any­more; at some point in time, we must rec­og­nize them for what they are, not who they are. A vile sub­hu­man species that flour­ish and rev­els in the car­nal­i­ty and gore of black slaughter…



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.