White Trump Supporter Who Shoots At Police Arrested Without Being Killed…

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I recent­ly explained that when Police gun down Black men almost dai­ly, it is not out of neces­si­ty; it is out of racial spite. They are killing our peo­ple, and pros­e­cu­tors and the courts are legit­imiz­ing it. In the pod­cast above, I point­ed out the pow­ers police have to use lethal force when that force should stop and that the over­whelm­ing amount of bul­lets being fired at Black men, killing them, are unlaw­ful acts of racial murder.
I also explained that, con­trar­i­ly white mass killers are arrest­ed with­out inci­dent while police sum­mar­i­ly mur­der black men, and the sys­tem jus­ti­fies their murder.
In the sto­ry below, you will see anoth­er exam­ple of police exer­cis­ing patience and care in deal­ing with a white male who is a for­mer con­vinced felon who was also want­ed for sev­er­al mis­de­meanors asso­ci­at­ed with his actions on January 6th, 2021, at the US Capitol.
A white male, they claimed, fired at them repeat­ed­ly on two sep­a­rate occa­sions, yet they were able to wait and even­tu­al­ly arrest him peacefully.
Yet they tell the Black com­mu­ni­ty that when they mur­der unarmed Black men in a hail of police bul­lets, it is jus­ti­fied. In most instances, they twist them­selves into pret­zels in the lies they tell. Irrational, sub­jec­tive lies about cross-draw motions, plant­i­ng of feet, and con­ta­gious fir­ing, all con­coct­ed bull­shit they create,d which is ampli­fied by the main­stream media.

Jan. 6 Defendant Opened Fire On Texas Police During Welfare Check: FBI

A Texas man fac­ing mul­ti­ple charges for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol now faces a felony after he alleged­ly opened fire on police who came to check on him before his sched­uled sur­ren­der. Nathan Pelham, 40, was charged on April 11 with four mis­de­meanors for alleged­ly enter­ing the Capitol dur­ing the Jan. 6 riot. The next day, Pelham told an FBI agent he would self-sur­ren­der the fol­low­ing Monday to face the charges.

That night, the Hunt County Sheriff’s Office ini­ti­at­ed a wel­fare check at Pelham’s home in Greenville after a rel­a­tive told author­i­ties Pelham had a gun, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas said on Thursday.

When local police arrived, the house was dark, and deputies turned on their emer­gency lights. Pelham’s daugh­ter exit­ed the home and was placed in a patrol car. Police could then hear gun­shots com­ing from inside the house and took cov­er. More from the Northern District of Texas:

About an hour lat­er, at approx­i­mate­ly 9:38 p.m., Mr. Pelham – a pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed felon – walked onto the porch and alleged­ly fired towards sev­er­al deputies, who could be heard on body-worn cam­era video not­ing bul­lets “whiz” by them. A deputy instruct­ed Mr. Pelham to put his gun down, but he con­tin­ued to wave it until re-enter­ing his home. At 10:46 p.m., Mr. Pelham again exit­ed the res­i­dence and fired mul­ti­ple rounds.

Authorities were final­ly able to detain Pelham just after mid­night. There were no injuries.

A search of Pelham’s home turned up a Smith & Wesson 9mm pis­tol and four box­es of ammu­ni­tion. Police also found “sev­er­al 9mm sized holes in the walls,” accord­ing to the U.S. Attorney’s statement.

Pelham, a pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed felon, was first inves­ti­gat­ed for his role in the Capitol attack when he attempt­ed to enter Canada in March. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) offi­cers searched Pelham’s phone and found “pho­tos and video of Pelham near a door to the U.S. Capitol,” accord­ing to a crim­i­nal complaint.

Authorities not­ed that in at least one pho­to from the day of the attack, Pelham could be seen wear­ing a hat with a logo asso­ci­at­ed with the right-wing extrem­ist gang the Proud Boys. 

Pelham now faces a felony gun charge for fir­ing at offi­cers and up to 15 years in prison.

In text mes­sages the day after the Capitol attack obtained by the FBI, Pelham reas­sured his wife he wouldn’t get caught.

If you have a video of being inside, don’t post it,” his wife texted Pelham.

I know,” Pelham respond­ed, “I am smart, honey.”