White Terror: Millions Of Americans Say They’d Support Violence To Restore Trump To Power

Justice for J6” was a flop — but the Jan. 6 insurrection has fueled growing support for white extremist violence

By Chauncey Devega.Two week­ends ago, Trump loy­al­ists gath­ered in Washington for the “Justice for J6” ral­ly, a sup­posed show of sol­i­dar­i­ty with the “polit­i­cal pris­on­ers” arrest­ed for their alleged (or con­fessed) par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

Trump’s Republican-fas­cists and their pro­pa­gan­dists have ele­vat­ed these hooli­gans, van­dals and (in many cas­es) ter­ror­ists to the sta­tus of mar­tyrs and patri­ots as a way of legit­imiz­ing their anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic move­ment, cre­at­ing sym­pa­thy among Trump’s faith­ful that can be exploit­ed for fundrais­ing and, of course, recruit­ing and encour­ag­ing more extrem­ists to the cause.

Despite warn­ings from the Capitol Police, DHS and oth­er author­i­ties that more vio­lence was pos­si­ble, the ral­ly on Sept. 18 was a tame and peace­ful affair. No more than a few hun­dred Trump cultists attend­ed, great­ly out­num­bered by law enforce­ment and the news media. This low turnout was wide­ly mocked among the chat­ter­ing class, lib­er­als and pro­gres­sives of the “resis­tance” and oth­ers who oppose Trump and his movement.

As I have argued before, such reac­tions are short­sight­ed and ill-advised — anoth­er exam­ple among many of the way America’s polit­i­cal class, news media and the pub­lic at large still does not under­stand the nature of the threat they face from the Republican-fas­cist move­ment and the larg­er white right.