White South Africans Show Why They Do Not Deserve The Grace They Received From Black Leadership

This sto­ry appeared else­where; I decid­ed to bring it to my read­ers for no rea­son oth­er than to show that sep­a­rat­ing from these peo­ple is the only solu­tion. I am not racist; I am a prag­ma­tist. It makes per­fect sense to me to remove one­self from any­one who con­sis­tent­ly plots to kill and cause harm to you. In the case of the nation of South Africa, tens of thou­sands of peo­ple gave their lives in the strug­gle to end white minor­i­ty rule. Nelson Mandela spent over 27 years on Robin Island in a small jail cell before the strug­gle forced his cap­tors to release him into greatness.
In the mean­time, Winnie Mandela and count­less oth­er unsung heroes car­ried on the fight. But that was only a small part of the sto­ry. Across the African con­ti­nent, the strug­gle was waged. All the way into the Caribbean, in our own small Jamaica, our lead­ers stood up to the great satan­ic pow­ers that pow­ered, main­tained, and nur­tured the demon­ic insti­tu­tion of apartheid in South Africa, Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe), and all across the great African continent.
Today, South Africa is ruled by a demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­ern­ment cho­sen by the people.
What did South African lead­ers do after Mandela? They embarked on cor­rup­tion, graft, and theft of pub­lic resources rather than build a great nation of Black rule.

Black lead­ers in that coun­try had not done to the white minor­i­ty pop­u­la­tion what they did to the major­i­ty Black com­mu­ni­ty when they had pow­er; that grace shows that we are bet­ter than them.
They had not con­fis­cat­ed the lands that were stolen (as they should have) when the Edomites land­ed on the con­ti­nent and decid­ed to claim what was [not] theirs.
They did not hold war crimes tri­bunals, [as they should have], when they took pow­er and mete out ‘jus­tice’ to the lead­ers of the white Afrikaans: Nasionale Party, NP for their crimes.
The Black lead­er­ship in South Africa sim­ply took office and allowed the white usurpers to con­tin­ue on as if they had done noth­ing wrong.
They were allowed to keep the mon­ey, the land, and even the prime liv­ing spaces. They are allowed to main­tain still, a de fac­to apartheid sys­tem by virtue of their wealth.
Despite these acts of grace and stu­pid­i­ty, they still plot the mass extinc­tion of Black peo­ple in their own god­dam land. If and when they final­ly pull off an act of insur­rec­tion against the coun­try, the Black lead­er­ship in South Africa will have no one to blame but their own damn stupidity.

Reclaim South Africa’: Pastor Found Guilty of Planning to Launch an Insurrection to Restore Country to All-White Leadership By Poisoning Water Supply

A South African pas­tor has been con­vict­ed of plot­ting to over­throw the gov­ern­ment. In addi­tion to his plans to invoke and nation­al insur­rec­tion, the cler­gy­man devised a scheme of geno­cide, hop­ing to kill thou­sands of Black people.On Monday, June 6, Rev. Harry Johannes Knoesen, who serves as the head of the National Christian Resistance Movement, was found guilty by the Middelburg High Court sit­ting in the Middleburg Magistrate’s court of five charges relat­ed to con­spir­ing to com­mit trea­son and take over the gov­ern­ment The courts not­ed he used his plat­form as a reli­gious leader to recruit and incite oth­ers to com­mit vio­lent attacks, The Associated Press reports. The offi­cial charge for the 64-year-old pas­tor was a con­tra­ven­tion of the Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorism and Related Matters Act (POCDATARA).
Prosecutors say one of the acts his right-wing orga­ni­za­tion, also called the “Crusaders,” explored imple­ment­ing to take over the coun­try was a bio­log­i­cal weapon to infect and kill Black peo­ple. Officials suc­cess­ful­ly argued, Knoesen’s group planned to poi­son the water reser­voirs that were accessed by and sup­plied to Black com­mu­ni­ties. The court also found the preach­er, who rep­re­sent­ed him­self, guilty of unlaw­ful pos­ses­sion of firearms after weapons and ammu­ni­tion were found in the place in Middelburg, a small town in the east­ern Mpumalanga province, where he was stay­ing when offi­cers arrest­ed him.
News 24 stat­ed Knoesen was one of five oth­er indi­vid­u­als sus­pect­ed of plan­ning a nation­al insur­rec­tion. Their alleged moti­va­tion was to replace the sec­u­lar gov­ern­ment with mem­bers of the Christian orga­ni­za­tion. To make their impact they planned imple­men­ta­tions tar­get­ing nation­al key points, malls, and infor­mal set­tle­ments on Nov. 28, 2019.

Prosecutors alleged that Knoesen’s mis­sion was moti­vat­ed by his “high­ly racial views” and a desire to “reclaim South Africa for white peo­ple.” It is alleged he would use social media to insti­gate racial ten­sion between white and Black cit­i­zens in South Africa. He even admit­ted to shar­ing “recipes” on Facebook to man­u­fac­ture explo­sives with his fol­low­ers, the Middelburg Observer report­ed. “To fur­ther this end, he planned to attack gov­ern­ment insti­tu­tions and more specif­i­cal­ly police and mil­i­tary insti­tu­tions,” Monica Nyuswa, a spokes­woman for the National Prosecuting Authority. Police spokesper­son Colonel Katlego Mogale said about the Crusaders’ ter­ror­ist threat, “This objec­tive would be achieved by car­ry­ing out attacks on mil­i­tary and police instal­la­tions as well as on infor­mal set­tle­ments occu­pied by African per­sons.” “We are sat­is­fied with the judg­ment,” The National Head for the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, Lieutenant-General Godfrey Lebeya said. “It once again shows that excel­lent intel­li­gence gath­er­ing and ded­i­cat­ed inves­ti­ga­tion pre­vent­ed a blood­bath in the coun­try. If the planned attack was not pre­vent­ed and dis­rupt­ed, it would have led to a racial war in South Africa.”

Knoesen’s sen­tenc­ing has been post­poned to Friday, June 10. However, his co-defen­dants Donald Abrahams, 57, and Erroll Abrahams, 52, both pled guilty in December 2020, have already been sen­tenced to 15 years for their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the crimes. Since their sen­tenc­ing, sev­en years of their pun­ish­ment have been suspended.The broth­ers also were hit with five-year sen­tences for financ­ing ter­ror­ism, unlaw­ful pos­ses­sion of a pro­hib­it­ed firearm, unlaw­ful pos­ses­sion of a firearm and unlaw­ful pos­ses­sion of ammu­ni­tion, and unlaw­ful pos­ses­sion of more than 200 car­tridges. The colonel said, “Effectively each accused will serve eight years in prison. All oth­er sen­tences will run con­cur­rent with the sen­tence on prepar­ing and plan­ning to car­ry out ter­ror­ist attacks.” Authorities will keep the preach­er in cus­tody until his sen­tenc­ing pro­ceed­ings on Friday, accord­ing to the inter­na­tion­al pub­li­ca­tion IOL News. Mogale states, “He will present the sen­tenc­ing reports as he is rep­re­sent­ing himself.”
(This sto­ry orig­i­nal­ly appeared @Atlntablackstar)