White People’s Opposition To Holding Criminal Cops Accountable Has Nothing To Do With Crime

There is a cor­nu­copia of rea­sons why American police open­ly and with­out care sum­mar­i­ly vio­late the rights of the peo­ple they are sup­posed to pro­tect, not the least of which is gov­ern­ment sup­port for their crimes. The fol­low­ing sto­ry lays bare the cor­rup­tion, racism, and crim­i­nal­i­ty that exist in one police depart­ment where senior police offi­cers use their posi­tions of pow­er and author­i­ty in racist ways to bru­tal­ize and crim­i­nal­ize inno­cent peo­ple of col­or they hate. Not only are they pathet­ic racist clowns they are patho­log­i­cal liars, who com­mit crimes but are too cow­ard­ly to man up to their own actions. Of course, they are not wor­ried because even in the face of damn­ing evi­dence of bla­tant crimes they are not pros­e­cut­ed. In extreme cir­cum­stances where the evi­dence is so over­whelm­ing that it can­not be cov­ered up or swept under the rug tax­pay­ers’ funds are used to offer a small mon­e­tary stipend to their vic­tims while they remain in the depart­ment col­lect­ing hefty salaries, pen­sions, and oth­er ben­e­fits but far worse for the tax­pay­ers these pathet­ic crea­tures are allowed to keep police pow­ers they should nev­er have in the first place.

This hap­pens because cor­rupt politi­cians, pros­e­cu­tors, and judges allow these crim­i­nals to hide while the very same aggriev­ed par­ties are paid with their own tax dol­lars appro­pri­at­ed from them.
Literally, every poll that will ever be com­mis­sioned in the United States on the sub­ject of whether or not the police should be defund­ed will come back with a major­i­ty think­ing defund­ing the police is a bad idea.
Of course, many are too stu­pid to under­stand log­ic, or it is their own polit­i­cal inter­est to kiss the ass of pro-police inter­est groups. That goes for Democrats like Joe Biden and a raft of others.
What the polls will nev­er reveal is that sup­port for police in America and their Nazi tac­tics began around slav­ery, and grad­u­at­ed from slave-catch­ers to some­thing we now call the police.
In terms of their atti­tudes, noth­ing has changed.
In terms of them serv­ing the white pop­u­la­tion to the detri­ment and cha­grin of Blacks, noth­ing has changed either. It is there­fore imper­a­tive to under­stand that whites will nev­er agree to defang an enti­ty that has served their inter­est to the per­il of Blacks.
Their oppo­si­tion to hold­ing police account­able for their crimes has noth­ing to do with crime.

Minneapolis to Pay Army Vet Who Was Beaten to a Pulp After Returning Fire At Officers In Unmarked Vehicles $1.5M; Terms Include No Admission of Guilt…

Jaleel Stallings (Mugshot/​Personal Photo)

The city of Minneapolis has set­tled a case for over $1 mil­lion with an Army vet­er­an who filed a law­suit against the munic­i­pal­i­ty and its employ­ees after his civ­il rights were vio­lat­ed. He sued the city after he was acquit­ted of shoot­ing at law enforce­ment on the grounds of self-defense, and says the law­suit was nev­er about “a check,” but “jus­tice and accountability.”On Tuesday, May 17, Jaleel Stallings was offered and accept­ed a $1.5 mil­lion-plus costs and attor­ney fees set­tle­ment from the city of Minneapolis. The law­suit, accused offi­cers in the Minneapolis Police Department of lying about the May 30, 2020 inci­dent, includ­ing their instruc­tions to police to “delib­er­ate­ly con­ceal their appear­ance so that they could hunt civil­ians by sneak­ing up and shoot­ing them with 40mm rounds.”
An inves­ti­ga­tion con­firmed that offi­cers fal­si­fied reports about the evening, includ­ing the fact a cop shot him first with­out iden­ti­fy­ing him­self as law enforce­ment or pre­sent­ing just cause, a swarm of cops beat him for up to 30 sec­onds and oth­er badges failed to inter­vene when they saw their col­league using exces­sive force. 

Initial reports claimed Stallings vio­lat­ed a man­dat­ed cur­few and shot at the offi­cer dur­ing the chaot­ic protests days after George Floyd’s death. Bodycam of the event was released by Stallings’ lawyer, Eric Rice, show­ing his client was shot with plas­tic bul­lets from an unnamed source from an unmarked car, and only then did he fire his pistol.
A fed­er­al court deci­sion agreed that the mil­i­tary man, who was law­ful­ly allowed to car­ry his weapon and pro­tect him­self, oper­at­ed in self-defense on that Saturday night and acquit­ted him of the charges against him by the offi­cers. The Star Tribute reports the attor­ney for the city offered a set­tle­ment to stop the case from going to tri­al. Court records show Stallings accept­ed the terms that say the city and offi­cer will not admit lia­bil­i­ty, and “express­ly deny the valid­i­ty of [Stallings] claims.” Stallings said, “It’s dis­ap­point­ing because the goal of the civ­il suit was not a check.” “It was get­ting jus­tice and account­abil­i­ty,” he con­tin­ued. “And I don’t feel like I’ve received that. I don’t feel like any­thing has been done to hold the offi­cers account­able or change the cul­ture of polic­ing that leads to these inci­dents” Stallings said. When dis­cussing the process, he said he was glad the footage came out, show­ing the behind-the-scenes belief sys­tems some offi­cers hold about their patrolling duties and the peo­ple they are hired to serve.

I’m grate­ful that we had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to release that body­cam footage to the pub­lic so they could see and come to their own opin­ions and con­clu­sions about what hap­pened that night, how police were using force through­out those riots,” said Stallings. One rank­ing offi­cer, Lt. Johnny Mercil is heard on the footage pro­fil­ing pro­test­ers, say­ing they must be white “because there’s no loot­ing.” Another rank­ing offi­cer Cmdr. Bruce Folkens was cap­tured on cam­era brag­ging he was “hunt­ing peo­ple.” Public out­rage from these com­ments fur­ther stressed the rela­tion­ships between civil­ians and Minneapolis law enforcement.

Deputy Minneapolis City Attorney Erik Nilsson said his office con­sult­ed with the City Council and agreed to the settlement.“The City Attorney’s Office, after con­sul­ta­tion with the City Council, served on the Plaintiff, in this case, a Federal Rule 68 Offer of Judgment in the amount of $1.5 mil­lion,” reads a state­ment from Nilsson. “The plain­tiff accept­ed this judgment.
“The city hopes that an ear­ly res­o­lu­tion to this mat­ter will allow all of the par­ties to move for­ward,” Nilsson said. Stallings is but one of three set­tle­ments the city has made over the last two months relat­ed to the protest. In April, the City Council sanc­tioned $1.8 mil­lion to be giv­en to two women who allege they were shot in the face with pro­jec­tiles by offi­cers dur­ing the protest, and in March, Soren Stevenson received $2.4 mil­lion, after los­ing his left eye from the blunt impact of pro­jec­tile from a 40mm firearm used by offi­cers in an attempt to dis­perse a group of protesters.