White Minority Rule And The Colossal Carnage Of Children As Collateral Damage…

Thoughts and prayers are all you will get from Republicans if you are white or of any oth­er race; if you are Black, you won’t even get that; it’s stone-cold silence.
The inci­dents of mass shoot­ings are so fre­quent these days that fam­i­lies of the last mas­sacre haven’t even buried their dead before there is anoth­er. The nation is so numb that the lat­est shoot­ing gar­ners noth­ing more than a pass­ing glance and a cur­so­ry mention.
The sad real­i­ty is that racism is so deeply entrenched into the coun­try’s fiber that they are blind­ed by the destruc­tion it is wreak­ing on the nation.
Republicans do not care that Black peo­ple are gunned down mer­ci­less­ly as they shop for food in Buffalo, New York, but a ris­ing tide rais­es all boats, so there will always be white col­lat­er­al dam­age, sad­ly whites died as well.

Whether it’s Robb Elementary School, Santa Fe High School, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, or Sandy Hook Elementary School, it is not Black or Brown chil­dren being slaugh­tered- American chil­dren are dying.
Yet, there are fifty Republican United States Senators in Washington DC head­ed by Kentucky’s Mitch McConnell and two Democrats, Kirsten Sinnema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who do not care about the chil­dren dying dai­ly in what should be sacred spaces,.…… their schools.
Never for one moment would I expect them to give a shit about a group of Black peo­ple mas­sa­cred as they went about their dai­ly lives in Buffalo, New York, but the cal­lous dis­re­gard they show toward the lives of their won lit­tle white babies is most telling about those monsters.
Mitch McConnell did not only break the United States Senate; he broke America. Texas has two of those US sen­a­tors, John Cornyn and Raphael Cruz, and the gov­er­nor of the state, Gregg Abbot, who are all part of the prob­lem. However, to the extent that either of the three may be up for reelec­tion, the ‘bril­liant’ Texas vot­ers will cast votes to reelect all three.
I will not say those vot­ers are stu­pid; I will leave the name-call­ing to oth­ers, suf­fic­ing to say that in most cas­es, those sin­gle-issue vot­ers are not above sac­ri­fic­ing their chil­dren on the altar of the sec­ond amendment.
As I said in the arti­cle linked above own­ing the guns and mak­ing the sec­ond amend­ment to the con­sti­tu­tion an absolute right are about stock­pil­ing weapons for a war of sur­vival, they con­coct in their heads.

Mitch McConnell

What’s hap­pen­ing in America is like stand­ing par­a­lyzed on the tracks with a fast-mov­ing freight train bar­rel­ing toward you. The Republican par­ty is hell-bent on destroy­ing the nation if they can­not con­trol pow­er. They are unable to win elec­tions so they cheat. Even when they cheat they do not have the votes to win nation­al elec­tions so they foment a coup d’é­tat. At the state lev­el, they pass all kinds of laws that hin­der the abil­i­ty of seg­ments of the pop­u­la­tion to vote.
If the major­i­ty of the coun­try is opposed to your ideas I believe it is time you take stock of what you are sell­ing. The major­i­ty of the American peo­ple are stuck in a night­mare sce­nario in which they vote for Democrats but the racist elec­toral col­lege gives their win to Republicans.
Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii, says that dis­par­i­ty is grow­ing. “The way this is start­ing to work is that elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives who col­lec­tive­ly have gath­ered 10 mil­lion, maybe 12 mil­lion, maybe by the year 2030 30 mil­lion few­er votes are going to stack the judi­cia­ry and entrench minor­i­ty rule,” Schatz, a Democrat, said dur­ing last year’s debate about con­firm­ing Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. “And so some­thing has to give.
Senator Schatz is off by almost a decade minor­i­ty rule has already over­tak­en the American democracy.
The vast major­i­ty of the pop­u­la­tion liv­ing in the most pop­u­lat­ed states like California, New York, and Chicago have had their votes nul­li­fied by the two US Senators per state across the board.

So South Dakota with a pop­u­la­tion of eight hun­dred and sev­en­ty-nine thou­sand, three hun­dred and thir­ty-six cit­i­zens (879,336) gets the same two sen­a­tors as California with its forty mil­lion cit­i­zens (40,000,00).

In the 2000 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, Al Gore won the pop­u­lar vote, and George Bush was made pres­i­dent of the United States. In 2016 Hillary Rodham-Clinton won the pop­u­lar vote and we all know how that turned out, don­ald trump was made pres­i­dent of the United States. The stench of both those pres­i­den­cies will con­tin­ue to linger for a very long time to come.
Technically, the Senate fil­i­buster that Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinnema refused to end has brought America to a stand­still. The coun­try is now a minor­i­ty-ruled nation.
An NPR report cit­ed data that shows that right now, the Senate is split even­ly in half, but the 50 Democratic sen­a­tors rep­re­sent 41.5 mil­lion more peo­ple than the 50 Republican sen­a­tors
By 2040, if pop­u­la­tion trends con­tin­ue, 70% of Americans will be rep­re­sent­ed by just 30 sen­a­tors, and 30% of Americans by 70 sen­a­tors. This inequity affects every sec­tor of American life, includ­ing the Supreme Court which is now set to over­turn Roe V Wade which has been the law of the land for 49 years. that court evis­cer­at­ed 51 years of prece­dent when it destroyed the 1965 Voting Rights act to favor Republicans in elections.
Since then Republicans have passed a raft of anti-vot­ing laws across states they con­trol that sur­gi­cal­ly tar­get Black voter’s abil­i­ty to vote.
In 2021 writ­ing for the Atlantic Adam Jentleson said the next two years may be America’s last chance to pro­tect the basic demo­c­ra­t­ic prin­ci­ple of major­i­ty rule.
The stag­na­tion includ­ing the mas­sacres of inno­cent chil­dren is a clear man­i­fes­ta­tion of minor­i­ty rule. When the votes of the major­i­ty are cast aside for a white agen­da this is the result. That win­dow may be open only until the last votes are cast in 2022.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, a free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.