White Greensboro Apartment Manager Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting Black Children

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Kimberly Jennings of Greensboro has been charged with two counts of sim­ple assault on a child under 12. Police say Jennings, 62, assault­ed two Black chil­dren at the Sedgefield Gardens Apartments. She has been arrest­ed and tak­en to Guilford County Jail.
According to the vic­tim, 11-year-old Jace Eury, he and his sis­ter Jayla were play­ing in the complex’s pool last week when Jennings hit her. Residents have iden­ti­fied Jennings as the prop­er­ty man­ag­er. Jace stood up for his sis­ter and splashed Jennings with water.

Photo:  Guiliford County Sheriff’s Office
Photo: Guiliford County Sheriff’s Office

Kimberly Jennings of Greensboro has been charged with two counts of sim­ple assault on a child under 12. Police say Jennings, 62, assault­ed two Black chil­dren at the Sedgefield Gardens Apartments. She has been arrest­ed and tak­en to Guilford County Jail.

According to the vic­tim, 11-year-old Jace Eury, he and his sis­ter Jayla were play­ing in the complex’s pool last week when Jennings hit her. Residents have iden­ti­fied Jennings as the prop­er­ty man­ag­er. Jace stood up for his sis­ter and splashed Jennings with water.

When I was walk­ing up the stairs to get to the gate, they were ask­ing if I hit her because she had hit my sis­ter first. So I hit her after she hit my sis­ter,” Jace explained. “Then she poured Coke on me and hit me with the bot­tle twice.” Per a Greensboro police news release, offi­cers respond­ed the very next day.

Warrants were obtained and just a few hours lat­er, Jennings was arrest­ed. The footage of the inci­dent has been cir­cu­lat­ing online, which gal­va­nized a gen­er­ous out­pour­ing of pub­lic sup­port. The moth­er of the sib­lings, Jae Eury, is grate­ful but still wants jus­tice for her children.

What she did to him, if I put one fin­ger on her, I am the one that’s going to be in trou­ble. And that’s just not cool. You hit my child; you hit both of my chil­dren. You’ve been harass­ing my chil­dren all sum­mer long, and all they want­ed to do was just swim in the heat. Just swim, and enjoy them­selves as chil­dren should,” Eury said.

The out­pour­ing is great, and it makes you feel good that peo­ple are behind you but it’s kind of mak­ing me angri­er like I’m angry,” she con­tin­ued. The fam­i­ly wants Jennings fired and is plan­ning on fil­ing a law­suit against Jennings as well as the prop­er­ty man­age­ment company.