White Florida Man Repeatedly Punches Black Woman In The Face, Still Not Arrested…

Where is this attack­er, why is he not arrest­ed? If a black man had done that to a white woman he would either be in jail or killed by police.

A Florida man was caught on cam­era bru­tal­ly attack­ing a woman in a gas sta­tion. Seemingly unpro­voked, the white male is accused of using racist lan­guage before assault­ing the woman — mak­ing the crime appear to be a hate crime. Civil rights activists have called for the man to be arrested.

On Sunday, May 15, Rayme McCoy, 23, was punched in the face repeat­ed­ly by an unknown man in a green shirt and mus­tache in the BP gas sta­tion locat­ed at 3551 University Boulevard in Arlington neigh­bor­hood of Jacksonville, Florida.

She alleges the man was already upset from an ear­li­er alter­ca­tion out­side of the estab­lish­ment and upon com­ing in shift­ed his atten­tion to the Black woman, who was already at the counter. The man was “rant­i­ng and rav­ing” in the gas station’s con­ve­nience store. From a short dis­tance, she could hear him using racial epi­thets with­out regard for oth­ers around. She told First Coast News, “I went in BP to get gas and I was walk­ing in … there was a guy argu­ing with an Indian guy, and when I walked around him to go inside, he came in after me and was basi­cal­ly yelling y’all kind, you need to go back where you came from.” McCoy says the man came up to the counter and stood too close to her. When she asked him to step back, he threat­ened her by say­ing he had a firearm in his car — as he would use it on her. “So, at that point, I felt threat­ened,” the woman said. “He put his beers on the counter in front of my stuff and I slid them over and at that point, that’s when he start­ed punch­ing me in the face.”
The store video shows him punch­ing her 10 times.

The woman says she was “lit­er­al­ly shocked” at the encounter, say­ing, “After the first hit, you can see my mouth drop. After actu­al­ly see­ing the video, it’s just shock­ing to see there was oth­er peo­ple there and nobody did any­thing.” The attack left McCoy feel­ing dizzy. She was tak­en to a local hos­pi­tal after the assault and she was treat­ed for cuts and bruis­es on her face that left her so puffed up she has refused to appear on cam­era for interviews.
The man’s license plate report­ed­ly was cap­tured by the store clerk, who lat­er gave it to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. According to a police report of the inci­dent, the crime is list­ed as “bat­tery.” At least two wit­ness­es saw the attack. McCoy shared with the police the man was dri­ving an orange Chevrolet Sonic hatch­back when he left the scene of the crime.
Despite the video evi­dence, license plate (and the infor­ma­tion it pro­vides), and bystander tes­ti­mo­ny, no arrest has been made, even though the JSO says there is prob­a­ble cause for an arrest. The report fur­ther stat­ed if the arrest­ing offi­cer can­not make con­tact with the man, then the office will issue a war­rant for his arrest.

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McCoy said, “I just hope that they actu­al­ly find him and that they actu­al­ly do some­thing about it.”
On Thursday, May 19, the Jacksonville Branch NAACP released a state­ment express­ing their out­rage. Isiah Rumlin, pres­i­dent of the NAACP, wrote, “The actions of the sus­pect in this video is com­plete­ly unac­cept­able and appears to be racial­ly moti­vat­ed, there is absolute­ly no excuse for his behav­iors.” “We must move with all delib­er­ate speed to stem the ris­ing tide of hate crimes,” not­ed the Northside Coalition, anoth­er social jus­tice orga­ni­za­tion, about the inci­dent. “There are too many inci­dents and reports of ver­bal harass­ment and phys­i­cal attacks against aver­age cit­i­zens, stu­dents, and teachers.”
Ben Frazier, pres­i­dent of the Northside Coalition, asked at a news con­fer­ence on Friday, May 20, set up to talk about this inci­dent, “Why hasn’t this man been arrest­ed?” Activists are call­ing for the BP to be shut down because no one did any­thing to help McCoy. Dignity Power exec­u­tive direc­tor Tray Johns told News4, “That BP needs to be shut down!”
“It needs to be cir­cled with Black peo­ple all day until there is no busi­ness and no gas being pumped there,” he con­tin­ued. “Regardless, we need to pro­tect our own.” The sheriff’s office is lead­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion and has not labeled this as a hate crime, even though he alleged­ly used the big­ot­ed and racist lan­guage before strik­ing the woman. “I want real charges to be brought, not just some­thing sim­ple,” the vic­tim said. “Like this is an actu­al hate crime based on every­thing he was say­ing and like scream­ing out, I just feel like it should be, you know, a big­ger charge giv­en to him.”