White Car Salesman Makes Video Of Him Urinating On A Black Woman’s Driver’s License She Left Behind After A Test Drive

A video has gone viral across social media that shows a car sales­man uri­nat­ing on a Black woman’s driver’s license. “I feel so vio­lat­ed,” Leah Jefferson wrote in a Facebook post. “I’m lit­er­al­ly shak­ing, scared and sick to my stom­ach.” The Milwaukee native con­tin­ued to explain her out­rage in her post. On Feb. 26, Jefferson vis­it­ed NH Auto Sales LLC in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to view a 2004 Honda Civic. In the post, Jefferson men­tioned she decid­ed to test dri­ve the car. The 19-year-old claimed she spoke with the car sales­man, Ryan Slaven, before com­ing to the lot. Jefferson recalled giv­ing her driver’s license to Slaven in the lengthy post. “Upon get­ting the keys I had to trade my ID in which I did in front of my friends mom and a ran­dom lady,” she wrote.

After a 30-minute test dri­ve, Jefferson attempt­ed to nego­ti­ate the price with the sales­man but ulti­mate­ly decid­ed against the vehi­cle. After leav­ing the deal­er­ship, she real­ized she had left her ID behind and con­tact­ed Slaven, offer­ing him a $5 Cash App trans­ac­tion to return her iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Unfortunately, the car sales­man stat­ed he didn’t have her ID and “wouldn’t return to the office until Monday.” The post White Car Salesman Makes Video Of Him Urinating On A Black Woman’s Driver’s License She Left Behind After A Test Drive appeared first on Blavity. Jefferson admit­ted she was a lit­tle upset but under­stood. She end­ed the sto­ry by reveal­ing she received a shock­ing video through Instagram lat­er that evening. “My LICENSE, my state ID that is my prop­er­ty that I need. The guy in the bub­ble vest is his asso­ciate or boss; they sell cars togeth­er. STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!! I feel so vio­lat­ed dawg, my fam­i­ly address is list­ed in big prints where they lay and sleep and night. DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO WITH THIS ONE,” she wrote. Jefferson shared screen­shots of Slaven’s Facebook pro­file, the car lot infor­ma­tion and the video a Snapchat user sent her.

The appalling video shows a man hold­ing Jefferson’s license say­ing, “This is what hap­pens … when you say stu­pid s**t to us.” While the men’s iden­ti­ties in the video are uncon­firmed, Jefferson believed Slaven and a cowork­er were hold­ing the license and record­ing the inci­dent. Another voice is heard in the back­ground, direct­ing the man to place the license on the bumper. The man places the ID on the back bumper of a beige-col­ored pick­up truck with a Wisconsin license plate that reads SG3539. Once the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion card is on the bumper, he uri­nates on it. The video clos­es with an image of a Trump Hotel door­mat. The Kenosha Police Department announced it is inves­ti­gat­ing the inci­dent on its Facebook page. The state­ment began: “KPD is aware of a dis­gust­ing act of dis­re­spect towards a person’s prop­er­ty, a video of which is being wide­ly shared on social media. We have been in con­tact with the vic­tim and are work­ing with that per­son on the inves­ti­ga­tion.” The state­ment con­tin­ued: “KPD is also aware that this video has been viewed, a lot! We are aware of the threats being made to the imma­ture cul­prits and their busi­ness. While we can under­stand that view­ing this video caus­es emo­tion­al reac­tions, we can­not and will not tol­er­ate any acts of vio­lence towards those respon­si­ble or asso­ci­at­ed with the busi­ness or the busi­ness itself.” There have been no reports of arrests made since the video became pub­lic. On Thursday, KPD issued anoth­er Facebook state­ment announc­ing it had referred mis­de­meanor charges to the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office for “two adult men asso­ci­at­ed with the video” for crim­i­nal dam­age to prop­er­ty, dis­or­der­ly con­duct, theft, and unlaw­ful use of com­put­er­ized com­mu­ni­ca­tions sys­tems. However, author­i­ties said they would not “name the sus­pects until they are for­mal­ly charged.”(Yahoonews.com)