While DeSantis Is Busy Trying To Obliterate Black History They Are Teaching Kids In Ohio How To Be Good Little Nazis

While Florida’s El Duce is busy trying to stifle black studies in that state that would inform all races about what really happened to blacks in America there is real trouble in Ohio where they are actively indoctrinating small children into becoming Nazis.

The Department of Education in Ohio is inves­ti­gat­ing the open­ly anti­se­mit­ic and racist Nazi home­school­ing group with thou­sands of mem­bers being oper­at­ed by a cou­ple from Upper Sandusky, Ohio, an offi­cial at the depart­ment told VICE News. On Sunday, VICE News and the Huffington Post report­ed that Logan and Katja Lawrence were the oper­a­tors of the neo-Nazi Dissident Homeschool group which now boasts over 2,500 mem­bers on its Telegram chan­nel, based on the research from anti-fas­cist researchers at the Anonymous Comrades Collective. The group open­ly advo­cates white suprema­cist ide­olo­gies with the aim to make sure the chil­dren they teach 
“become won­der­ful Nazis.”

The Lawrences share their class­room sched­ules, home­work assign­ments, and les­son plans with oth­er par­ents in the group, the vast major­i­ty of which are infused with Nazi ide­ol­o­gy or open praise for Adolf Hitler.

Katja Lawrence, 37, also shares exam­ples of how her fam­i­ly embraces Nazi ide­ol­o­gy, includ­ing bak­ing a Führer cake for Hitler’s birth­day and shar­ing a record­ing of her chil­dren shout­ing “sieg heil.”

I am out­raged and sad­dened,” Stephanie Siddens, the inter­im super­in­ten­dent of pub­lic instruc­tion at the Department of Education told VICE News. “There is absolute­ly no place for hate-filled, divi­sive and hurt­ful instruc­tion in Ohio’s schools, includ­ing our state’s home-school­ing com­mu­ni­ty. I emphat­i­cal­ly and cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly denounce the racist, anti­se­mit­ic and fas­cist ide­ol­o­gy and mate­ri­als being circulated.”

Under Ohio state laws, the Lawrences sim­ply have to inform the local super­in­ten­dent that they want to home­school their chil­dren and agree to abide by cer­tain broad con­di­tions in order to legal­ly keep their chil­dren out of pub­lic schools.

The Ohio Department of Education is now active­ly review­ing com­pli­ance with statu­to­ry and reg­u­la­to­ry require­ments as a result of the media reports, a spokesper­son for the depart­ment told VICE News.

If require­ments are met, the dis­trict super­in­ten­dent releas­es the stu­dent from required com­pul­so­ry school atten­dance,” The Ohio Department of Education states on its web­site. “This excus­es the stu­dent and fam­i­ly from school atten­dance require­ments in state law.”
Read the full sto­ry here https://​www​.vice​.com/​e​n​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​x​g​y​b​4​k​/​o​h​i​o​-​n​a​z​i​-​d​i​s​s​i​d​e​n​t​-​h​o​m​e​s​c​h​ool