Where Will The Leadership Come From?

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This can­not be all we are capa­ble of , we are bet­ter than this>

Jamaica’s great­est asset is not to be found in the earth, it is not Bauxite,or Alumina, it cer­tain­ly isn’t oil as some believe. Jamaica’s future is in it’s peo­ple, it’s human resource. In order to tap into that resource the coun­try needs lead­er­ship. Visionary lead­er­ship free from cor­rup­tion and vice. Ask your­selves does the coun­try have that lead­er­ship present­ly? The Nation of 2.8 mil­lion peo­ple needs to be reori­ent­ed toward nation build­ing, the peo­ple must eschew vio­lence, embrace God, fam­i­ly and coun­try over self. Jamaicans are bright cre­ative peo­ple who only want a chance.

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Opposition leader Andrew Holness.

The coun­try trains peo­ple in many dis­ci­plines, as soon as train­ing ends these young peo­ple, armed with degrees and cer­tifi­cates are look­ing for a way out. They look for a way out, not because they are ungrate­ful or unpa­tri­ot­ic they do so because they need jobs. It is impos­si­ble for the best and bright­est of our peo­ple to emi­grate and our coun­try remain viable.

Jamaica los­es two-fold, it los­es the tax dol­lars invest­ed in train­ing stu­dents and it los­es the indi­vid­u­als who take their skills to oth­er shores. How will we become a devel­oped coun­try this way? build­ing bridges and high­ways is good, they do not make a coun­try a first world coun­try. We must start devel­op­ing and keep­ing our young people.

The high lev­els of crim­i­nal­i­ty and the com­plex­i­ty of some crim­i­nal acts, are tes­ta­ment to the inge­nu­ity of the peo­ple, these actions are an indict­ment on the present lead­er­ship which has been woe­ful­ly inept at every­thing except sub­ject­ing the coun­try to greater poverty.The future of the coun­try can­not be one which embraces hand-outs.

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Vale Royal the Prime Minister’s residence.

No coun­try may progress which encour­ages it’s peo­ple to depend on Government for hand­outs. In fact Government should not be in the busi­ness of cre­at­ing depen­den­cy. The Jamaican peo­ple were nev­er a peo­ple who depend­ed on oth­ers. This Government has cre­at­ed a nation of beg­gars. Building a coun­try on depen­den­cy and free­ness is tak­ing from one and giv­ing to anoth­er. Soon no one will have any­thing, our coun­try is very close to that point.

One thought on “Where Will The Leadership Come From?

  1. Mike , cor­rup­tion has been Jamaica’s “Achilles heel” from ever since the coun­try was grant­ed inde­pen­dence . Corruption in this con­text is not restrict­ed to gold­en hand shakes and kick backs , it goes far beyond that, it includes the manip­u­la­tion of the sys­tem of gov­er­nance for polit­i­cal expe­di­ence , often to the detri­ment of the coun­try . We don’t have to go too far to high­light this the recent appoint­ment of Colin Campbell, a past Cabinet Minister , who was embroiled in the Trafigura affair is a per­fect exam­ple . This man has absolute­ly no expe­ri­ence in man­ag­ing a major estab­lish­ment or exper­tise in logis­tics , yet he was appoint­ed to head the JUTC , a com­pa­ny that’s haem­or­rhag­ing . Waist of our coun­try’s resources has deep­ened the coun­try’s debt, caus­ing mil­lions which could be used to devel­op this coun­try, to be divert­ed instead to repay debt, all because of the self­ish acts of our politi­cians . Industries can­not sur­vive in such a cli­mate , cap­i­tal flight becomes a real­i­ty , no job avail­able for our youths and brain drain becomes an inevitabil­i­ty . Indeed what we need are incor­rupt­ible politi­cians , who are vision­ar­ies ( a utopi­an thought I must add) but prob­a­ble . We might have crit­i­cised Michael Manley for not being a real­ist , he was at least say­ing some­thing and had ideas and was a vision­ary in his own right , despite the con­cerns of his con­fronta­tion­al styled pol­i­tics . It is this sta­tus quo , which cre­at­ed the depen­den­cy syn­drome for which these very politi­cians are pay­ing dear­ly , for as it now stands it is unsus­tain­able. We need to fix this, by hav­ing a new breed of politi­cians . I like Holness , but it seems he is fight­ing an up hill task , I hope he suc­ceeds , he is one of the neo- politi­cians that can make a dif­fer­ence . Lets see , I wish him all the best .

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