Where Was The Security For Senator Harris?

What can we say about Karine Jean-Pierre, MoveOn’s chief pub­lic affairs offi­cer who jumped up imme­di­ate­ly to con­front the man who invad­ed the stage and grabbed the Microphone from Senator Kamala Harri’s hand?

While Senator Kamala Harris was speak­ing on a MoveOn pan­el, an audi­ence mem­ber came on stage and stole the micro­phone from the 2020 pres­i­den­tial can­di­date. Shortly after, the man was tak­en off the stage and the sen­a­tor rejoined the panel. 

The guy who took Kamala Harris’ mic, Aidan Cook, 24 of Oakland, said he’s try­ing to bring more atten­tion to the mass extinc­tion of ani­mals. He is not being charged with a crime, he said, adding that the MoveOn secu­ri­ty crew was “cool about it.”