Where There Is No Vision The People Perish

As the People’s National Party wraps up it’s 77th annu­al con­fer­ence yes­ter­day there appeared to be no change in the excite­ment and fer­vor in the vot­ers as they glee­ful­ly attend­ed the con­fer­ence decked out in par­ty colors.
I spoke to a pub­lic sec­tor work­er recent­ly who is a sup­port­er of the Opposition Jamaica Labor Party (JLP) he resigned­ly pre­dict­ed that the PNP will be returned to pow­er when­ev­er the Prime Minister decides to call National Elections. Ahast I asked him how he arrived at that opin­ion with the present state of affairs in the country?
He told me with calm detach that despite all the neg­a­tives in the coun­try there is no outrage.

Nation Arena overflows at the PNP's 77th annual General conference
Nation Arena over­flows at the PNP’s 77th annu­al General conference

Jamaica has had some tur­bu­lent upheavals dur­ing times of hard­ship and uncer­tain­ty. During the sev­en­ties peo­ple ran in droves from the coun­try tak­ing their wealth , their busi­ness­es and their exper­tise at the urg­ing of left­ist Prime Minister Michael man­ley. Even though it was counter intu­itive many peo­ple to this day still see the lat­er apolo­getic Michael Manley as a great leader of epic pro­por­tions. Never mind that after the colos­sal screwup of the Island’s econ­o­my Manley tak­ing a hia­tus of sorts, then came back and apol­o­gized . Many saw noth­ing wrong with the irrepara­ble harm Manley did to the country.
Additionally, some Caribbean polit­i­cal relics for­mer cahoots of Manley who were more con­cerned with ide­o­log­i­cal social engi­neer­ing than the wel­fare of the peo­ple, still believe he was a great leader.

Which brings us to present day and the fright­en­ing decline in every mea­sur­able met­ric of the stan­dard of liv­ing of Jamaicans. My friend argues that no mat­ter how expen­sive food and oth­er basic neces­si­ties are the peo­ple are con­tent. Which caused me to won­der are the peo­ple con­tent , or are they (1) resigned to their fate, or (2) do not know they deserve better?
If for noth­ing else would­n’t the malaise. cor­rup­tion, crime, deval­u­a­tion, infla­tion and gen­er­al sense of dys­func­tion cause peo­ple to want change?

Michael Manley
Michael Manley

Between 1972 and 1980 things got bad in Jamaica , real­ly bad. Then

Edward Seaga
Edward Seaga

Leader of the Opposition Edward Seaga launched his cam­paign on the theme (DELIVERANCE IS NEAR) to retake the coun­try from the rav­ages of the so called demo­c­ra­t­ic Socialism a social exper­i­ment gone bad.
Today the very same ves­tiges of Democratic Socialism which cre­at­ed the largest brain drain of any small nation are still in place yet the peo­ple like Sheep to the slaugh­ter march duti­ful­ly to the beat of the same drums which destroyed the nation’s econ­o­my between 1972 and 1980.

Patterson One of the chief architects of the nation's decline still pulls the strings from behind the scenes..
P J Patterson
One of the chief archi­tects of the nation’s decline still pulls the strings from behind the scenes..
despite failure by every metric the people are jubilant in support at the 77th annual general conference
Despite fail­ure by every met­ric the peo­ple are jubi­lant in sup­port at the 77th annu­al gen­er­al conference