Where Is The Warrior Spirit Of American Blacks?


Speaking about events unfold­ing at the University of Missouri in an expan­sive and vivid­ly artic­u­late Article writ­ten for the Huffington Post on instances of racism, Matt Ferner said the fol­low­ing.Headshot of Matt Ferner ( National Reporter, The Huffington Post

The first response from many has been to ques­tion and reject the verac­i­ty of each episode, as if the idea of a black per­son fac­ing oppres­sion or aggres­sion because of their race is so unbe­liev­able in today’s America that it must be made-up. Apparently it’s eas­i­er for some peo­ple to accuse the black com­mu­ni­ty of con­coct­ing an elab­o­rate racial con­spir­a­cy than it is to con­front the dif­fi­cult real­i­ty of racism in America”

In as much as I applaud the strength and integri­ty of mis­ter Ferner to speak exten­sive­ly and con­cise­ly on the issue of race in Missouri and the wider America, I respect­ful­ly dis­agree in part with his assertion.
Quote ;“Apparently it’s eas­i­er for some peo­ple to accuse the black com­mu­ni­ty of con­coct­ing an elab­o­rate racial con­spir­a­cy than it is to con­front the dif­fi­cult real­i­ty of racism in America”.
I take great pains not to reduce the entire­ty of mis­ter Ferner’s bril­liant Article into a sin­gle sen­tence so he will for­give me if I sim­ply speak to the asser­tion that America believes the black com­mu­ni­ty is con­coct­ing racial con­spir­a­cies because they do not want to face the real­i­ties of racism in America.
As I have per­son­al­ly writ­ten for years hav­ing seen the lack of sup­port, desire or con­cern in whites in the face of the most egre­gious aggres­sion against their black coun­try­men, the prob­lem is deep­er than denial.
When they sit in the con­fines of their ivory tow­ers and tele­vi­sion stu­dios and dis­re­spect black peo­ple demon­strat­ing in 2015 because police thugs are killing their chil­dren and fathers and moth­ers it is not that they are in denial it is exact­ly because of hatred. It is imprac­ti­cal to expect those who ben­e­fit from spe­cial priv­i­leges which oth­ers are denied to empathize with the fact that his neigh­bor is denied those very privileges.
When they berate and demo­nize black pro­test­ers demand­ing that “they give it up and move on” it’s not about denial.
What they want is a return to the social order which places them in posi­tions of pow­er and con­trol. They do not care a rat’s ass about the injus­tice blacks are fac­ing, what they want is the sta­tus quo of the social order.
Their social order!!!
On that basis blacks have to decide whether they are con­tent with white social order mean­ing the boots of the police on their necks. The first order of busi­ness for black America despite not being of white numer­i­cal strength is to take own­er­ship of their coun­try. The self described nativists are no more native than Christopher Columbus fac­tu­al­ly dis­cov­ered these lands. When they talk about their coun­try with a straight face, where is the push-back from blacks that this is their country?
Where is the stead­fast in their face do not step to me asser­tion “this land was built on the blood and tears of my ancestors”?
White Supremacists have stri­dent­ly tak­en pos­ses­sion of this coun­try , not just phys­i­cal­ly but men­tal­ly they claim it as theirs. They decide who live where.
Native Indians rel­e­gat­ed to Reservations.
Native Blacks rel­e­gat­ed to hous­ing projects(reser­va­tions of a dif­fer­ent name) . Never mind that both races of peo­ple were here thou­sands and hun­dreds of years before the first white man acci­den­tal­ly hap­pened upon these shores by acci­dent intend­ing to find a route to India.
Where is the Black pride in coun­try ? Where is the own­er­ship? Why are blacks still walk­ing around unable to look his white oppres­sor full in the eyes?
I recent­ly saw a video of a white cop telling a black motorist that he pulled him over because when he drove past him he made eye con­tact with him.
Will some­one please tell me what the hell that is ?
Made eye contact?
Who the hell is this dirt bag that anoth­er human being should not make eye con­tact with him?
That how­ev­er is the resid­ual belief sys­tem which came out of Jim Crow, nev­er look a white per­son in the face, step aside so that the white man can pass. On what Planet?
Try as I might I can­not fig­ure out a sit­u­a­tion in which that could apply to me so I will sim­ply leave that right there.
A Maroon Warrior..
A Maroon Warrior..
Then again that may be the Jamaican spir­it of my war­rior Ancestors who were the Ibos the Coromantees and the Ashanti peo­ple who nev­er bowed to slav­ery or any oth­er form of subjugation.
Because no man was cre­at­ed supe­ri­or to us and none was cre­at­ed infe­ri­or either.
Owing to their mil­i­taris­tic back­ground and com­mon Akan lan­guage, Coromantins(Coromantee) orga­nized dozens of slave rebel­lions in Jamaica and else­where in the Caribbean. Their fierce, rebel­lious nature became so noto­ri­ous among white plan­ta­tion own­ers in the 18th cen­tu­ry that an Act was pro­posed to ban the impor­ta­tion of peo­ple from the Gold Coast despite their rep­u­ta­tion as strong workers.wikipedia.
The Ashanti had the sin­gle largest African cul­tur­al influ­ence on Jamaica, includ­ing Jamaican Maroons whose cul­ture and lan­guage was seen as a deriva­tion of Asante.wikipedia.
Racial oppres­sion con­tin­ue to thrive because blacks fail to orga­nize, fail to sup­port each oth­er, fail to coa­lesce around a com­mon cause, in fact even fail to iden­ti­fy a com­mon cause.
Conversely blacks who believe they made it large­ly decide they will adopt the ways of their oppres­sors. Many demean those who haven’t made it . Others demean and berate the very process which was instru­men­tal to their upward mobility .
“Everything is great just look at me, those col­lege stu­dents are just trou­ble­mak­ers, their protests are infan­tile”. These are they whom are of the order of the house slave. The more things change the more they remain the same.
Those who set up and exe­cute the prin­ci­ples of white suprema­cy need these Uncle Toms, they use them to make the case against oth­er blacks while they stay in the back­ground and say “good boy”, only prob­lem is that these sell outs does­n’t even under­stand that at best they are being pat­ted and mas­saged pejoratively.
Those racial sell outs are prob­a­bly more destruc­tive for the black race than the right wing racist whites who we know hate us and want to see us dead.
They sit on the high­est court in the coun­try they run for pres­i­dent and in are all over pub­lic life. Give them a seat at the table with Massa and they will press the destroy but­ton for their own race gladly.
The deci­sion to stand up and speak out against dis­re­spect in their Universities and in their very com­mu­ni­ties speaks vol­umes about the stu­dents of Mizzou, so much more that detrac­tors like Ben Carson the lat­est uncle tom to grace the nation­al stage. It speaks vol­umes about their char­ac­ters than the heights that Clarence Thomas and oth­ers have attained .
Their demand for change though not the first for stu­dents remind all of us of the brav­ery of stu­dents across the Globe for decades. From Tienanmen square where stu­dents braved tanks and guns to UCLA young peo­ple have demon­strat­ed that they were not going to be rel­e­gat­ed to servitude.
So on this Saturday after­noon I salute the stu­dents of Mizzou who dared to stand up on their col­lege Campus, in their state, in their coun­try and push back against racist aggres­sion, whether Ben Carson or his mas­ter Donald Trump approves or not.

One thought on “Where Is The Warrior Spirit Of American Blacks?

  1. Well writ­ten! It was the same thing I was talk­ing about today!Some will quick­ly dis­miss it. The attack in France speak vol­umes about the mind­set of black peo­ple in this coun­try. It is Interesting how that one pic­ture says the blacks will put up a flag of a coun­try that black peo­ple have to pay repa­ra­tion for their free­dom. When these black peo­ple did­n’t asked to be tak­en from their homes in Africa and brought to the Carbbean to a coun­try lack name Haiti. People are so lost and when you try to enlight­en them they think you are crazy.

    I’m not sur­prised that Ben Carson, the “Boasie slave” on the block always ready to put down their own race. Being a black man I’d expe­ri­ence this first hand in the United States Navy, when I was called a “Monkey twice ” by a white sailor and I had him cor­nered, with his own words against his own words. I report­ed him to the top brass of the mil­i­tary and in front of a black offi­cer, the white super­vi­sor told me “that noth­ing is wrong for a white sailor to call me a mon­key!” Then the black offi­cer inter­ject­ed and start to edu­cate the white sub­or­di­nate that he was wrong. They apol­o­gizes­but I told them that I did­n’t accept their apolo­gies because I know that they hat­ed me.

    Later that month, a 3 star Admiral came to our base at 32nd Street, San Diego, California. The Admiral spoke at length and when was through he asked if we have any ques­tions or prob­lems at the com­mand. I raised my right hand and he gave me per­mis­sion to speak. When I start­ed to talk about what hap­pened to me, if you drop a pin inside the audi­to­ri­um, you would hear it. 

    Cut a long sto­ry short. I made a report against them. The inves­ti­ga­tor came at me with the Calvary: it was a black man against the white estab­lish­ment and they are going to do every­thing in their pow­ers to destroy me and every wit­ness­es to the white sailors behavior. 

    The white inves­ti­ga­tor threat­ened two of the wit­ness, one of them white and called­him a trai­tor for hav­ing a lit­tle decen­cy in him. 

    Anyways, one of the wit­ness a black guy was charged with “Fraud” by the Navy and at the time they tried to coerced, intim­i­date, and bul­lied me to lie on the man who was good enough to stand up for the truth. In the end they tried to bribe me by promis­ing to restore my ben­e­fits retroac­tive­ly­which was about $60,000.00.

    The inves­ti­ga­tion was con­clud­ed and the Captain, was a black man who was going to do jus­tice. The “boasie slave” was there try­ing to con­vince me how the white super­vi­sor and the white sailor would take a bul­let for me. I told the “boasie slave ” that they would put a bul­let in my head. In the end, noth­ing hap­pens to them and the wheels of jus­tice fell off because a black man was will­ing to do what he was told to do by his white super­vi­sors at Washington DC .

    To date, I am try­ing to get jus­tice from the sys­tem and hope­ful­ly before I die.

    Whether want to believe it, this coun­try and its sys­tem is built off lies, pro­pa­gan­da, dem­a­goguery, dis­dain, and hatred towards black people.

    As you have elo­quent­ly states, they have always find one of our peo­ple as their mouth piece to beat the drum against their own peo­ple. Remember, Bill Cosby was one of their best counter to black peo­ple’s cries for jus­tice. Now, that the whites have aban­doned him, he’s on his own.

    I know that every­thing that the black chil­dren are speak­ing out against are true and only a fool would dis­be­lieve them. Throughout ourlives write have seen these peo­ple at their best and they love a “boasie slave ” who’s will­ing to play their role as the buffer against white dom­i­na­tion, wicked­ness, and hatred towards black people…

    As for me they can kill me because they have been try­ing for cen­turies to extinct all black peo­ple off the earth and we keep sur­viv­ing their onslaught of attack­ing us in every way. 

    My first encounter of racism was with my late white English grandmother!

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