Where Is The Precedent For Training Cops In Regular Colleges?

After decades of mis­man­age­ment and med­dling in law enforce­ment, there is now an epi­dem­ic of crime fac­ing the Island.
Both Political par­ties bear respon­si­bil­i­ty for politi­ciz­ing the process of law enforce­ment, both par­ties bear respon­si­bil­i­ty for the law­less­ness in the country.

Yet decades after repeat­ed instances of state-sanc­tioned law­less­ness like the 1963 Coral Gardens Rasta upris­ing which result­ed in the deaths of Police Officers, through to the events which neces­si­tat­ed the secu­ri­ty forces incur­sion into Tivoli Gardens not much has been learned.

The unde­ni­able fact is that the Police depart­ment is more learned than at any oth­er time in the 185-year his­to­ry of the Constabulary.
At the same time, the depart­ment has nev­er been more inept at car­ry­ing out the most basic func­tions which police are required to do dai­ly and as a mat­ter of course.

Truthfully the Police can be let off the hook for some of its inad­e­qua­cies, as a mat­ter of fact, no police force is required to work with such sec­ond-guess­ing and crit­i­cisms from lawyers and experts some trained at the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to and oth­ers sim­ply by the ghetto.

The con­stant crit­i­cism and sec­ond-guess­ing cou­pled with the specter of prison hang­ing over them has made offi­cers ten­ta­tive, unsure, and afraid to make even the sim­plest arrests.
The down­side to this is that those who would break the laws are expo­nen­tial­ly embold­ened and are made increas­ing­ly aggres­sive, not just in the lev­el of bru­tal­i­ty they unleash on their vic­tims but in their aggres­sive atti­tude against those who enforce the laws.

The lax, lib­er­al atti­tude of the courts in what can only be con­strued as adver­sar­i­al pos­tur­ing against the peo­ple’s busi­ness in case after case, has only giv­en the forces of law­less­ness ammu­ni­tion in its war against the rule of law.

Most of all, every Tom, Dick, and Harry who has nev­er served in any­thing much less risked their lives a sin­gle day has grandiose opin­ions and have writ­ten the­ses on what needs to be done to return the coun­try to a state of normalcy.

So now the University of the West Indies (Intellectual ghet­to à la the late Wilmott Mutty Perkins) has offered to help train and in the process house police recruits. Other insti­tu­tions of high­er learn­ing have also stepped for­ward to offer their ser­vices to train police officers.

The lat­est being the Montego Bay Community College in St James.
For the record, there is noth­ing wrong with hav­ing edu­cat­ed cops, in fact, the times demand that we have smarter cops.

However, at this present time out­sourc­ing police train­ing to peo­ple who are not police offi­cers, peo­ple have no expe­ri­ence in law enforce­ment or law enforce­ment prac­tices and pro­ce­dures is stu­pid, ridicu­lous and will have dis­as­trous con­se­quences for the nation in the future.
Remember that the JCF is more edu­cat­ed now that it has ever been in its his­to­ry, yet crime is at the high­est it has ever been in our history.
So clear­ly hav­ing police offi­cers with Assc, Bachelors, Masters and PhD’s is not going to solve the Island’s crime problem.

What the nation needs are police offi­cers who know how to do the job of polic­ing effec­tive­ly and a polit­i­cal class which rec­og­nizes that it must get its grub­by lit­tle fin­gers out of law enforcement.
The crime prob­lem the nation faces now will be dwarfed going for­ward if law enforce­ment can­not get it’s col­lec­tive act together.

Mass shoot­ings, acts of ter­ror­ism and oth­er transna­tion­al crimes have already shown their ugly heads on the Island, they will not go away because we wish them away.
Jamaica needs a com­pe­tent police force trained by police offi­cers who know policing.
That’s it!

Jamaica’s non­sen­si­cal pos­ture which has been pro­mul­gat­ed by the nit-wit elites who make pol­i­cy have always been that sim­ple solu­tions should be dis­card­ed and replaced with hifa­lutin alien con­cepts they read about hap­pen­ing in oth­er parts of the world.
In many cas­es, those con­cepts and prac­tices are as fake and unwork­able as their fake upper Saint Andrew Accents.

There is an expan­sive cam­pus out there in Twickenham Park which is quite enough to train the Island’s police offi­cers effi­cient­ly and effectively.
What is in short­age is a lack of qual­i­ty can­di­dates, mod­ern police train­ing tech­niques and the sup­port nec­es­sary for those young recruits to do the job they are asked to do.

More and more cops are announc­ing they have earned degrees, com­mend­able indeed, yet despite these per­son­al advance­ments crime con­tin­ue to increase.

The nation is not being served in this regard, let’s be real if this was ever going to be solved by advanced degrees we would have hit that plateau with the ele­va­tion of Dr. Carl Williams to the rank of Commissioner of Police.
Those in pow­er con­tin­ue to apply fix­es to prob­lems which do not exist rather than apply the fix­es nec­es­sary to alle­vi­ate those prob­lems which do exist.