Where Is The Love ?

An Ohio shopper shot 16-year-old Jawaad Jabbar dead Tuesday when the teen tried to steal the man's newly purchased, limited-edition Nike Air Jordans, cops said
An Ohio shop­per shot 16-year-old Jawaad Jabbar dead Tuesday when the teen tried to steal the man’s new­ly pur­chased, lim­it­ed-edi­tion Nike Air Jordans, cops said
Ohio shopper shoots teen dead outside mall for trying to steal newly bought Nike Air Jordans: cops. An Ohio shopper shot and killed a 16-year-old outside of a mall when the teen tried to steal his newly bought, limited-edition Nike Air Jordans. Jawaad Jabbar died Tuesday from a gunshot wound to his torso, police said.

An Ohio shop­per shot and killed a 16-year-old out­side of a mall when the teen tried to steal his new­ly bought, lim­it­ed-edi­tion Nike Air Jordans. Jawaad Jabbar died Tuesday from a gun­shot wound to his tor­so, police said. Miami Township police said two groups — three teens and two men — strug­gled on a side­walk out­side the Dayton Mall before the shoot­ing. All five peo­ple went to the mall on a mis­sion to buy the $200 Nikes, which quick­ly sold out.

The three teens left emp­ty-hand­ed, but at least one of the men got a pair. In front of the mall, the youths spot­ted the men with the shoes and con­front­ed them, police said. Jabbar pulled out a gun and demand­ed the men give them the sneak­ers. That’s when one of the men pulled out his own con­cealed weapon and shot the Middletown High School student.[NYdailynews.com]

Antonio Martin, 18, was shot and killed by a white police officer two miles west of Ferguson Tuesday.
Antonio Martin, 18, was shot and killed by a white police offi­cer two miles west of Ferguson Tuesday.

Antonio Martin, 18, was shot and killed by a white police offi­cer two miles west of Ferguson Tuesday.

Martin, who lived in Berkeley, was with an uniden­ti­fied man in the park­ing lot of a Mobil gas sta­tion when the cop pulled in about 11:15 p.m. to inves­ti­gate a shoplift­ing report. The cop got out of the car and ques­tioned them. The offi­cer talked to the duo briefly. Then, accord­ing to at least three sur­veil­lance videos tak­en from dif­fer­ent angles and released by police, Martin moved clos­er to the cop and raised his arm in an appar­ent effort to aim his gun at the offi­cer. Martin, armed with a loaded 9‑mm hand­gun, did not fire, but the offi­cer, who has six years on the force, squeezed off three rounds while run­ning back­wards, said St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar. Martin was hit once. He died at the scene.

A distraught woman is comforted outside the food court entrance to the Oakwood Center in the New Orleans suburb of Gretna, La., on Wednesday.
A dis­traught woman is com­fort­ed out­side the food court entrance to the Oakwood Center in the New Orleans sub­urb of Gretna, La., on Wednesday.

A Christmas Eve shoot­ing left one per­son dead at the mall in sub­ur­ban New Orleans. Cops say it hap­pened about 4:21 p.m. Wednesday, less than two hours before the mall in Gretna was sched­uled to close for the holiday.

GRETNA, La. — A man who was shop­ping at a sub­ur­ban New Orleans mall on Christmas Eve was shot to death at close range and a sus­pect was in cus­tody, police said. The inci­dent hap­pened around 4:20 p.m. Wednesday, less than two hours before the Oakwood Center mall in Gretna was sched­uled to close for the hol­i­day, said Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand. The vic­tim had just pur­chased some­thing from Foot Locker and had turned from the cash reg­is­ter when a man walked with­in 3 or 4 feet of him and began shoot­ing, Normand said. No one else was injured.