Where Is The Fraud Republicans Claimed Would Engulf New York If Undocumented Are Allowed Drivers Licenses?

It was­n’t long ago that Republicans in the New York State were up in arms about the dan­gers inher­ent in allow­ing undoc­u­ment­ed peo­ple to apply for dri­ver’s licens­es. I know some of you won’t pre­tend that you for­get already; the law took effect on December 14 of 2020. Even some skin folk were mak­ing a big issue about it just for the sake of join­ing the bandwagon.
Me, I would be for it as long as Republicans are against it, sim­ply because they are for noth­ing good, so the idea must have been a good idea? New York became the 13th state to pass the green­light law, an idea whose time was long overdue.
Ok, you don’t need to answer that rhetor­i­cal ques­tion; of course, it was a great idea!
Republicans in Erie, Monroe, and Rensselaer coun­ties tried to block the law from going ahead, a sign of just how wicked those peo­ple can be when they are allowed near power.
The hate­ful Republicans bitched against the law. Some clerks said they (will not) issue licens­es to undoc­u­ment­ed immi­grants, say­ing their offices are not equipped to deter­mine the verac­i­ty of doc­u­ments that can soon be sub­mit­ted to obtain a license.

Oh, I want to sync up with some friends, one young so-called Democrat who have polit­i­cal aspi­ra­tions told men­he vot­ed for the local Republican Mayor in my city City, a for­mer cop, instead of the young African-American man who ran on the Democratic tick­et to defeat him.
He told me he was dis­sat­is­fied with his answer so he vot­ed for the Republican because the Democratic can­di­date’s answer to his ques­tion, “what he intends to do for the city”, was unsat­is­fac­to­ry to him. It will be a cold day in hades when a Republican votes for a Democrat.
I asked him what the Republican Mayor has done for the city since he has been in office? I’m still await­ing a response.
I had pre­vi­ous­ly told him that I would sup­port his can­di­da­cy in what­ev­er way I could if he ever decides to run for office; I am glad we had our lit­tle con­ver­sa­tion that may be out the door.
As the so-called “Greenlight” mea­sure picked up steam last year, the lying Republican hate­mon­gers all upstate whites, issued this statement.

This ses­sion, Democrats have yield­ed to law­break­ers over and over again.” “We must put the brakes on this unfair pro­pos­al which ignores the over­whelm­ing oppo­si­tion of our cit­i­zens to grant this priv­i­lege to ille­gal immi­grants. We must Red Light the Green Light bill that sim­ply opens up our sys­tem to fraud and places a bur­den on County Clerks and DMV employ­ees to ver­i­fy the authen­tic­i­ty of for­eign doc­u­ments as proof of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion,” said Senate Republican Leader John J. Flanagan.

The neigh­bor­ing state of Connecticut passed the green light law before New York; accord­ing to the web­site democ​ratand​pol​i​cy​.com, the Migrant Policy Institute, a nation­al think tank on immi­gra­tion issues, esti­mat­ed there were 882,000 New Yorkers over the age of 16 with­out a legal pres­ence in the U.S. Four years after neigh­bor­ing Connecticut passed a sim­i­lar law, the DMV there said it had a reduc­tion in hit-and-run crash­es and a decline in unli­censed dri­ving tickets.
I was hit on a snowy day years ago by a bunch of Mexican guys in a car; through no fault of their own, they sim­ply slid into my stopped vehi­cle at a traf­fic light. Fearing I would call the police, they all exit­ed their vehi­cle and ran, leav­ing theirs.
But to under­stand the Republicans, you must under­stand that they do not care about data or facts. So the data from Connecticut, which bears out that there are few­er hit and runs, and a decline in unli­censed dri­ving tick­ets is exact­ly the oppo­site of what they crave. They crave con­fronta­tions with police and puni­tive out­comes from those encounters.
They do not care to have few­er unli­censed dri­ving sum­mons­es; they want the rev­enue; they do not care about the even greater rev­enue stream that comes from hav­ing all dri­vers licensed and the gen­er­al pub­lic safer when all dri­vers are insured.
We are still lis­ten­ing for the evi­dence of fraud that was so bla­tant­ly pre­dict­ed by New York’s upstate white Republicans.
Word of cau­tion to you Black and Brown vot­ers, there is no such thing as a good Republican, that ship has long sailed.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.