Where Is The Church On End Time Theology?

downloadIt was nev­er God’s inten­tion that his Church should con­form to the ways of the World. It is the World which should con­form to Gods ways through the images (2)teach­ings of the Church.

God’s way is not hard, in fact it is pret­ty easy once you real­ize that a lot of what we have been made to believe, (some from the church itself)had noth­ing to do with what God said.

As a child I was led to believe that we were not allowed to make a sin­gle mis­take or we would be con­demned to Eternal damna­tion. Certain vers­es of scrip­ture were used to fright­en us kids. I believe they also had the unin­tend­ed con­se­quences of caus­ing many to feel they could nev­er make it to Heaven, so some did­n’t even both­er to try.

One such scrip­ture verse was  Matthew 19:24 Again I tell you, it is eas­i­er for a camel to go through the eye of a nee­dle than for some­one who is rich to enter the king­dom of God.”

Jesus made those com­ments to his Disciples after a rich young man asked him what should he do to have life eter­nal. Jesus told him to keep the com­mand­ments to which the man replied all these things have I kept from my youth , what lack I yet?

To which Jesus replied , sell all that thou has and give the pro­ceeds to the poor, then come fol­low me. When the young man heard that he went away sor­row­ful. He was a man of much wealth. Matthew 19:22.images (3)

You see it is not impos­si­ble to make it to Heaven , Jesus said this because he saw the reluc­tance of this rich man to let go of his earth­ly pos­ses­sions. It’s not dif­fi­cult to get to Heaven . In fact when Jesus’ Disciples remind­ed him that they had giv­en up the life they had to fol­low him, he assured them thus. Matthew 19:29. And every­one who has left hous­es or broth­ers or sis­ters or father or moth­er or chil­dren or farms for My name’s sake, will receive many times as much, and will inher­it eter­nal life. 

The Church of Jesus Christ should not try to fit in to the World, the word of God is the same yes­ter­day , today and for all time henceforth.

♦Why then is the Church preach­ing get along Gospel?

♦Why is the Church silent on end time prophesies?

♦Why is the Church silent on the Books of Daniel and the Revelations?

♦Why is the Church silent on Homosexuality?

♦Why is the Church caus­ing peo­ple to believe they can come as they are and remain as they are ?

♦Why is the Church so a part of the World that some­times it is dif­fi­cult to dif­fer­en­ti­ate what stops where?

download (1)The Church is a Hospital for sick souls, it is not a Hospice where souls go to die. It is high time that the lead­ers of the Church of Jesus Christ speak truth to pow­er irre­spec­tive of con­se­quences. Christians can­not be afraid of per­se­cu­tion. We can­not be afraid of being ostra­cized by the demon­ic forces of this world. We must stand on the prin­ci­ples of our Christian faith and say to the World < Thus sayeth the Lord!

We can only do so how­ev­er, if we are liv­ing a life that is not in con­for­mi­ty with the world. Otherwise we are noth­ing more than mere hypocrites.

We may come to the Lord bat­tered , bruised, and bro­ken. We may come to the Lord irre­spec­tive of our cir­cum­stance. We may come to the Lord with our mal­adies , we just can­not remain in sin and claim to be a child of God.

1. Do not wor­ship oth­er gods.

2. Do not wor­ship idols.

3. Do not mis­use God’s name.

4. Keep the Sabbath holy.

5. Honor your father & moth­er.

6. Do not mur­der.

7. Do not com­mit adul­tery.

8. Do not steal.

9. Do not lie.

10. Do not covet.

If we Loved one anoth­er as Jesus com­mand­ed before he left this earth , then we would keep his Commandments. Think about it ‚the key to all the com­mand­ments is Love. It real­ly is not impos­si­ble to have life eter­nal my broth­ers and sisters.