Where Are The Fathers Of These Little Black Girls As These Nazi Monsters Brutalize Their Daughters?

This is fuck­ing outrageous.
If this does­n’t stop, there will be seri­ous con­se­quences; there is no way that this kind of crazi­ness can con­tin­ue with­out seri­ous blowback.
It is get­ting from bad to worse in America but don’t just take my word for it, view this video for your­self, and then decide.
Remember that nei­ther the young lady nor her moth­er com­mit­ted a crime.


So as a father, I am won­der­ing if my daugh­ter was walk­ing down the road and some cop pulls up, grabs her, then throws her on the ground, and com­mences to choke her with his full weight on top of her in the swel­ter­ing heat, am I sup­posed to stand there until he kills her?
Before you answer the ques­tion, let me first say that even if she had com­mit­ted a crime, this would have been out­ra­geous as there are myr­i­ad ways that a real police offi­cer, not a race sol­dier, can deal with a sit­u­a­tion that does not include throw­ing some­one to the ground and lay­ing on top of them.

https://​www​.face​book​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​/​?​r​e​f​=​s​e​a​r​c​h​&​v​=​1​7​7​6​4​7​4​9​4​4​3​0​0​6​5​&​e​x​t​e​r​n​a​l​_​l​o​g​_​i​d​=​0​8​3​d​6​f​d​5​-​4​f​e​7​-​4​3​f​f​-​8​885 – 8519a169b75f&q=black%20filter%20with%20ana%20kasparin%20black%20teen%20wrongfully%20arrested%20and%20restrained

Now remem­ber that she com­mit­ted no crime, broke no ordi­nance, so as a father, what would you do if your daugh­ter was being treat­ed that way? Would you stand by and allow some thug piece of garbage to mur­der your child with­out tak­ing action?
Where is the out­rage while all of this mad­ness is going on? Where are the fathers that need to step up and make an exam­ple out of these mur­der­ers and ensure that before they pon­der com­mit­ting these atroc­i­ties, they think long and hard about doing so?

The facts are as fol­lows as report­ed by Newsweek​.com; Someone alleged­ly con­tact­ed the Kaufman County, Texas sher­if­f’s depart­ment to report that 18-year-old Nekia Trigg was jump­ing in front of cars in traf­fic. Trigg is a res­i­dent of Forney, TexasWhen the sev­en-minute video begins, an offi­cer, iden­ti­fied as Kaufman County Deputy Conner Martin, is lay­ing on top of Trigg as women around them scream. Trigg’s moth­er, 41-year-old Antanique Ray, tells Martin, “You don’t have to ever hit her, okay? She will stay down.
Martin tells Ray, “You need to back up. You need to back up.” As Ray light­ly touch­es Martin’s hand, grip­ping her daugh­ter’s wrist, Martin starts scream­ing, “Do not touch me! Back up! Back up!”
Ray responds, “Just calm down,” as the offi­cer lays back down on top of Trigg. Ray then begins hold­ing Trigg’s hand as Martin con­tin­ues pin­ning Trigg’s wrist to the ground.
One girl says Trigg’s name and keeps telling her, “Just calm down.” Another per­son exclaims, “It’s 102 degrees out here.“Trigg, still pinned under Martin, then says, “I can’t breathe.” At some point, she vom­its as Martin con­tin­ues hold­ing her down. The cam­era zooms in to find a stream of watery vom­it coat­ing her right cheek as she heaves with labored breath.

Martin and anoth­er offi­cer then instruct Trigg to roll over. They roll her over and hand­cuff her as she cries. Ray then screams at Martin, “I need your f*cking badge num­ber and your name.” She then notices Martin’s body cam­era dan­gling from his shirt. She asks him why his cam­era was­n’t on his shirt cor­rect­ly while he was pin­ning her daughter.
As the offi­cers walk Trigg towards a patrol car, the cam­era view gets blocked by the offi­cers’ bod­ies. Then, Martin yells, “Let go of her!” twice before tack­ling Ray to the ground in the mid­dle of the street.
An offi­cer with a Taser then threat­ens bystanders to get back as Ray is arrest­ed. The afore­men­tioned sec­ond Black girl begins repeat­ed­ly scream­ing, “Put your hands up!” as the offi­cer points his less-lethal weapon at them.
Now lay­ing on her front in the mid­dle of the road while hand­cuffed, Ray says, “All I did was ask you to loosen the hand­cuffs on her.” Ray tells the offi­cers that she did­n’t touch them at all.

Near the end of the video, the girl record­ing it says, “You got sev­en police out here, for three lit­tle Black girls.”
“Nekia was sim­ply walk­ing home and some­body called the police & said she was try­ing to jump in front of cars,” the woman who post­ed the video on Instagram wrote in the video’s caption.
Ray’s cousin, Teronica Williams, told the afore­men­tioned news out­let of Trigg, “Me and our oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers are hurt this hap­pened to her because we know what type of per­son she is.”
“It takes one per­son to watch this video and deval­ue both her and Kia’s char­ac­ter and have the world think­ing they deserve this and that — and that’s not fair,” Williams continued.
Williams attests that police arrest­ed Trigg for no rea­son as there’s not much traf­fic to inter­fere with­in the neigh­bor­hood where Trigg was arrested.
“Kids are lit­er­al­ly always out­side in the street rid­ing bikes, play­ing bas­ket­ball, etc,” she said.
Ray has alleged police bru­tal­i­ty on the part of the offi­cers. The Kaufman Sheriff’s Office said on Facebook that peo­ple should stop call­ing their office about the inci­dent because the num­ber of calls has become “unman­age­able.”