When Told By The Police To Move , You Move Your Ass…

Police offi­cers in the process of effect­ing an arrest have a right to expect a cer­tain degree of safe­ty not just their own but for that of the offend­er being arrest­ed.
As such the laws give offi­cers the right and pow­er to tell onlook­ers to step back and give them a wide berth to do their jobs.
When an offi­cer is so engaged in the law­ful pur­suits of his/​her duty and so orders onlook­ers to move on or move away the par­ty so ordered must move.
If they refuse to move the police may use as much force as is nec­es­sary to move the onlook­er who may and usu­al­ly is arrest­ed for fail­ing to move on.

No one, Press or oth­er­wise has a right to tell offi­cers they are not going to move away, it mat­ters not who you are.
A press ID is not a license to dis­re­spect or dis­obey a law­ful order giv­en by a law enforce­ment offi­cer in the law­ful exe­cu­tion of his/​her duties.
I plead with Jamaican offi­cers to be a lot more force­ful and decid­ed when effect­ing arrests as long as the offend­er being arrest­ed decides to resist.
Whether the per­son being arrest­ed is Andrew Holness, Peter Phillips or any­one else once you tell the offend­er they are under arrest and they are ordered to turn around and place their hands behind their backs and they refuse, imme­di­ate­ly apply the nec­es­sary force to effect the arrest.

That includes tak­ing the offend­er to the ground and plac­ing him/​her in hand­cuffs and remov­ing the offend­er from the scene immediately.
Any per­son who inter­feres must also be arrest­ed and placed in custody.
We can­not have a coun­try where any per­son believes they are above being respect­ful of our law enforce­ment officers.
No one is above the damn laws, I love the female offi­cer not just a flower in uniform.
What the lap­dog incom­pe­tent high com­mand should do is tell the Press Association to go to hell and stay there but they won’t they are too shit scared to under­stand the pow­ers the laws give them. There are far too many igno­rant, law­less, opin­ion­at­ed peo­ple liv­ing on this lit­tle swath of land and then there are oth­ers with over­in­flat­ed sens­es of self.